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624 results found

  1. Add the ability to add notes to POLs en masse

    During some projects, it is necessary to append the same note to a group of POLs (cancellation projects, for instance).

    Being able to add a note to a group of POLs en masse (versus adding the note to each POL one by one) would be helpful.

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  2. JSON reports for zero usage are not including a usage data line

    Ex Libris have advised that the current behaviour is by design. When Alma loads an empty file that does not contain any usage data, the log will show "Failed" with no reason or description for the failure. Alma reports should include a message to indicate that there was zero usage, so that users know Alma has conducted a successful harvest.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of May release Alma knows to handle 3060 error messages coming from vendors which have difficulties analyzing the standard R5 date format. in these cases Alma will re attempt to send the request with a different date format for the vendor to process.

    Additional handling was done to files which were “Fully processed” but did not contain any usage data. In the past the “data description” column was empty.
    In cases where the harvest was successful and there was no data in the file, the status of the harvest will be “Completed – No valid report items found in the file”

    In case a single harvest brought a file with usage for multiple months, and some months had usage while others don’t the status of the harvest will be “Completed”.

    Vendors which Alma can now better communicate with are:
    Sage Journals
    Duke Press
    MIT Press
    American Society of Civil…

  3. Add "Can't edit restricted users" and "Disable all login restrictions" field options to user analytics or staff login report

    In order to improve security of our Alma institutions, and better manage named users or staff users, we need to be able to generate a user report that displays permissions related to security such as "Can't edit restricted users" on relevant roles, and "Disable all login restrictions."

    Being able to identify which named users have IP restricted login disabled, and which named users have access to editing restricted user groups helps us to be sure that only designated named users have broad access to Alma--we shouldn't have to check this manually, user by user. We should be able to run…

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    0 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The following fields were added to Users > User Details:
    Can’t edit restricted users – indicates if the user can edit restricted user groups
    Disable All Login Restrictions – indicates if the user has IP login restrictions disabled

  4. Cancellation notices should be sent to requesting staff via email when a temporary move or work order request is cancelled.

    Currently, if a temporary move request or work order request is cancelled for any reason, the staff member who initiated the request does not receive a cancellation notice. The user who cancels the request will see the option to notify the requester, but this is extremely misleading because the notification doesn't go anywhere and isn't viewable in the record of a cancelled item. Example: a reserves staff member places a temporary move request for course reserve on an item in another location. The staff member at the other location cannot find the item, and cancels the request with a reason…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    Alma now sends cancelation notices to requesting staff via email when a move or work order request is canceled. Cancelling any non-patron request (such as work orders or move requests) with the ‘Notify User’ checkbox enabled will send the cancelation letter to the request creator, such as the operator who placed it.
    For more information please see Alma June Release Notes

  5. Add Expiry Date as optional field to display in Profile Role list

    We depend on Profiles (Config > User Management > Profiles) to assign multiple roles to many new student hires each semester. We set all student roles to expire at the end of each semester and renew roles each semester for returning workers. We started adding Expiry Dates to roles in frequently-used student Profiles to gain efficiency. We must update the Expiry Dates in each role in a profile in advance of the next round of student staff onboarding. Profiles that are applied less frequently do not get this Role-Expiry Date treatment.

    The problem is that the Profile Roles list display…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    “Expiry Date” has been added as new column to User Profile’s Roles page.
    As of July Release

  6. Physical Item Editor Templates

    It would be great if we could use templates for adding new items.
    At the moment, whenever we add an item, for each single one of them we have to manually fill in the same values in "Material type" and "Item call number type". The "inventory date" has to be chosen manually as well.
    It would be extremely useful if we could load the physical item editor form with some values already filled in, and with the date fields automatically filled with the current day's date.

    If this idea has already been posted or it the option already exists, please…

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  7. Add 'Test access' button to New Portfolio editor

    When adding a new local portfolio in an electronic collection we will always test access before the task is completed.
    Currently we have to click 'Save and done', search for the portfolio and then test access. If the link is incorrect, we have to edit, save, and test again.

    Please add the 'Test access' button in the New Portfolio editor as in the Electronic Portfolio Editor to save us time and extra clicks.

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  8. Add ability to load split coverage dates with portfolio loader & export split coverage dates from Alma using standard export methods

    This feature would add the ability to load and export split coverage date ranges for Alma portfolios. Currently, the portfolio loader only allows uploading continuous coverage date ranges. However, in some cases, a journal has split coverage dates. For example, we might have access to a journal from:


    Currently, there is no way to upload this using the portfolio loader; the portfolio loader will only load one of the date ranges. This means we must do extra manual work to enter these date ranges in the portfolio editor.

    Also, the standard portfolio export features in Alma, in cases…

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  9. Allow network zone e-collections to be made available to inventory management groups within an institution using different proxies

    When providing access to electronic resources from the NZ, resources are made "available for" member institutions and if applicable a proxy is set, meaning the institution's default proxy. However, these institutions may themselves be providing distributed access to e-resources via network inventory groups using different proxy integration profiles (such as different colleges using a single Alma institution, with inventory management groups mapped to campuses). In this case it is not possible for the member institution to use NZ e-resources since the proxy might not work for one or another campus, or one campus in the institution might have access and…

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  10. Make "Manage Users" table sortable by all headings.

    The "Manage Users" table is sortable by a few columns but not by all. Add the ability to sort by the columns that aren't sortable yet:
    User Group
    Expiration Date

    This will make that table much more useful and easier to work with.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of Alma May Release:
    Alma enables the User List to be sorted by User Group, Purge Date and Expiration Date. When using the advanced search, a set can be created to include multiple user groups. These groups or the expiry/purge date can now be sorted. The purge date column is hidden by default and can be added to the displayed columns.
    For More information please see Alma May Release Notes:

  11. Make the Manage Sets table sortable

    Most institutions make heavy use of Sets functionality, but there are basic UI improvements that would save time and effort. One would be to make the "Manage Sets" table sortable by the column headings that are not currently sortable:
    Content Type
    Created By
    Creation Date

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    2 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  12. Add Patron Proxy data to Analytics

    It is seemingly impossible to query a list of current patron proxy relationships that have been established in Alma. This is a basic piece of reporting data that needs to be added to Analytics to help libraries keep their patron records up to date.

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    Completed  ·  3 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
  13. Remove Assigned To column from file exported from Manage Purchase Requests as not populated

    When exporting the purchase requests to Excel from Manage Purchase Requests, the Assigned To column is not populated in the output file. Ex Libris have confirmed that this is by design and Assigned To information is not exported.

    If this information is not included in the export, then the redundant 'Assigned To' column should be removed from the file, as this is misleading for staff.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    When exporting to excel a list of purchase requests, the assignee column is now populated.

  14. Convert to Resource Sharing Request - Needs to be able to work even if an item is in transit to the request.

    Currently we have set up a Scan and Send process. However, dependant on how many staff we have able to digitize items on a given day. We will convert some requests to Resource Sharing. However, it is not possible to do this if an item is already in transit to the request.

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  15. Make message that displays when resourcing sharing service not available a modifiable label

    Currently most fields on the resource sharing request form can be renamed via the labels interface. However, when a user cannot place a resource sharing request because of fulfillment policies (e.g. their user group or they have exceeded a limit) the message that displays cannot be modified either by ourselves or by support.

    Making it a modifiable label would be consistent with other fields and would allow libraries to edit this to, for example, indicate the most common reasons for being unable to access the service and to give contact details for getting support.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    In case of blocked Primo’s Blank ILL request, the error message “Resource sharing request service is not available” will be from now on a MashUp label which can be customized and translated.

  16. Enable digital rights statements to be assigned independently of access rights

    We really like the new options for digital rights statements (January 2021 release) so that we can have creative commons licences displayed/linked in the Alma viewer.

    However, in complex access scenarios having copyright statements in a 1:1 relationship with access rights will make this difficult to manage configuration, and for Alma users to filter through all the possible alternatives (likely with similar names) to choose the right one for the representation.

    Access rights are technical definitions of the circumstances under which a user will be given access to a representation (parameters like concurrent users, IP range, no restriction, embargo period,…

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  17. Please add Description field to all three tabs in Patron Services page: Loan tab, Return tab, and Request tab

    Currently, there is no Description field in Patron Services page. Library staffs are not able to immediately recognize which issue, volume, or number is loaned, returned, or requested by a patron at a glance in three tabs at this page.

    When circulation desk staff help patron to check or see their loans in Loan tab, Description field is not visible.
    Or, if a patron requests different issues under the same title at a time, when he/she comes to circulation desk and wants to pick up his/her requested items, library staff will need to spend more steps to check the Description…

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  18. Remove the gender field

    Entirely remove the gender field (from staff-facing patron data form) or allow us to grey it out so it is not collected. There is no need to collect gender information about library patrons. This is a matter of equity and inclusion.

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  19. Change physical items - New holding will keep call number type configured in the physical location

    On behalf of the Product management team we would like to understand the need and use cases of the following feature (which it's needed was raised by several customers) your feedback is most welcome.

    Conceptual solution:

    The field 852 indicators 1 will be taken from the physical location configuration when
    moving items.

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    A new configuration option was added in Alma. When holdings records are created by changing an item's location, if the location has a call number type configured, the call number type of the new holdings is updated to match that configured for the new location

    For more information see August Release Notes

  20. Maintain Receiving Status filter on Received Items List when managing/receiving items with predicted issues

    When receiving continuous orders that have prediction patterns the operator chooses Manage Items from the Receiving Workbench. The form that appears is the Received Items List. The filter for Receiving Status defaults to All. It would be helpful if that filter was sticky and/or customizable so that the filter could be set to Not Received.

    When the list displays all records issues that have been received show and the receiving operator must either change the filter or scroll down the list to find the issue that they need to receive. Sorting this list via ascending or descending will cause the…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of Alma May Release, Alma’s receiving workbench (Manage items screen) incorporates sticky filters. These sticky filters (Sort Routine, Receiving Status and Location) enable users to easily re-access these workspaces when either a user leaves the screen and returns after a short while or logs in again to Alma.
    For More information please see Alma May Release Notes:

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