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616 results found

  1. Add "Delete or replace URL's SUFFIX" to Job "Change Electronic portfolio information"

    Sometimes it is necassary to change or delete the URL in portfolio information for a set of portfolios. It is possible to delete or replace URL's prefix in Electronic Portfolio information, but it is not yet possible to delete or repclace url's suffix .
    For us it would be very useful to have both opportunities.

    100 votes
  2. Add IdRef for Linked data Enrichment

    Bibliographic information is currently enriched with URIs from several sources, mainly English language files (LCSH, LCNAMES, MeSH...See : ).
    Libraries who work with other authorities can't get benefit from these linked data enrichments. In order to improve cataloging support and to avoid local developments for discovery usage, it would be great to add the French authority file IdRef ( URIs to the list of enrichment possibilities. IdRef is the authority file used by academic and research institutions in France, Switzerland, and Belgium, and is integrated in Alma CZ in both Marc21 (originating system IdRef) and Unimarc (originating…

    254 votes
    2 comments  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →

    The Linked Data enrichment process for bibliographic records that are linked to IdRef authorities now also generates URIs to the IdRef authority records, so that libraries that work with IdRef authorities can benefit from their Linked Open Data capabilities.

  3. Reprint the slip for physically received copies

    In "Fulfilment > Resource Sharing > Borrowing Requests > Physically received by library" the option to reprint the slip for physically received copies (e.g. because the printout did not work) is missing. In the submenu there is no option to reprint the slip. In "Fulfilment > Resource Sharing > Lending Requests > Shipped physically", however, there is an analogous option for reprinting the slip. This is exactly what we would like to see in Borrowing Requests.

    71 votes
  4. Add "General Notes" at the collection, service, and portfolio levels as indexable/searchable fields

    Unfortunately, we have received the following case response: "Notes fields are not indexed for search as this is not within the current design/intended use for these fields."
    So we hope to get support for our proposal in the Alma community.

    Our colleagues in the e-resources department use the "General notes" field at the collection, service, and portfolio levels.
    However, it is not possible to search for theses notes:

    (1) In Alma itself you can search for:
    Electronic Collection:
    - Authentication note (Electronic Collection)
    - Public note (Electronic Collection)
    - Service Authentication note
    Electronic Portfolio:
    - Authentication note (Electronic Porfolio)

    104 votes
  5. Develop Alma Digital viewer to support ePub files

    We are using Alma Digital to build a repository of accessible texts, available only to students with a "print disability" under UK law. Access is tightly controlled to a specific collection.

    We are hosting both PDFs and ePub files on Alma Digital for our users to access. ePub files offer improved user experience for these users with text reflow.

    Currently the Alma Digital viewer does not support ePub files.

    Please develop the viewer so that users can read ePub files, with all their functionalities; without the user having to download the file and open it in another application.

    48 votes
  6. Add library code to Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter

    With Rapido, our smaller libraries are receiving more courier requests from all over the country, and they don't have all of these library codes memorized. The library codes are not available on the Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter, but are used by our courier service provider as an identifier for shipping to correctly route the documents. Currently, the code must be looked up by hand if you do not know it. Therefore, we would like to print the library codes on the Resource Sharing Shipping Slip Letter. However, this field is not included in the letter data (XML/XSL). We ask…

    81 votes
  7. Add vendor to Upload Electronic Holdings workflow

    We found out that vendor regularly moves metadata in Alma CZ to different e-collections. We think it might be more efficient to implement an integration profile Upload Electronic Holdings for Preselect. This would eliminate a lot of manual work.

    One of our libraries was in contact with Preselect about the moved metadata and suggested to them the implementation of the integration profile. They thought it was a good idea and are already in contact with Ex Libris.

    Could Ex Libris inform the community about the progress of this integration through this post?

    Many thanks!

    27 votes
  8. Enable Alma collections items linked to logical sets to be updated as the set changes

    Currently it seems that Alma Collections can only be updated by manually adding individual items or adding items from sets. If the set is a logical set, as new items that fulfill the set search criteria are added, could they also automatically update the Alma Collection. This would save having to manually maintain Alma Collections to some degree.

    567 votes

    It is now possible to define a logical collection based on a logical set of titles. The collection will be updated daily based on the changes in the set. Ad-hoc updates to the collection are also possible if required.

  9. Make reports in the ACTL of a network environment comprehensive

    Working at an institution that is part of a network environment with one Network Zone and various Institution Zones, the Authority Control Task List, in its current form, is a tool that is of very limited use.

    NZ-BIB-records are processed by the various jobs on the NZ level, while IZ-BIB-records are processed on the IZ level. On the IZ level, one is currently notified about IZ records, along with records linked to CZ - even if the latter are obviously not processed on the IZ level, but on the CZ level.

    Records linked to NZ (which, in the framework mentioned…

    74 votes

    Now in Alma, the Consortia Authority Control Task List (ACTL) includes a new filter for NZ-linked records to be used by the Consortia members. This allows to filter out changes reported in the institution's Authority Control Task List and only view NZ-linked records. 

  10. Make ACTL reports dynamic

    In a network environment usually the majority of Institution-Zone-BIB-records are linked to the Network Zone. Currently the ACTL reports are not comprehensive – see Ideas Exchange “Make reports in the ACTL of a network environment comprehensive”.

    Once the IZ-ACTL comprehensively reports on the records representing all the resources available in a particular library, it would be of great help if the reports within a NZ environment were dynamic. Meaning that if one of the staff users of any of the Institution Zones has already corrected a NZ record it is linked to, and subsequently has deleted the item in their…

    71 votes
  11. Create a new an authorities search index “Matching Information” (or the like) for field 885

    As Alma GND User Group we represent staff users that are tasked with data management in the Integrated Authority File (GND), the most widely used authority file in the German speaking library community.
    We would like Ex Libris to introduce an authorities search index that makes the content of MARC 21 Format for Authority Data field 885 available for search purposes.
    As a QA measure several different algorithms are applied to the content of GND to find potential duplicate records and mark these candidates in field 885. In cases where the confidence value does not reach a certain threshold, the…

    106 votes
  12. Allow resource sharing request labels to be deleted

    When you're adding a request label to a resource sharing request in the new Alma resource sharing reqeust list interface, you see a list of all the labels you have previously added to requests. Unfortunately, it's not possible to remove labels from this list, so you always see every label you've ever created, including labels with typos and labels that were created by mistake. We would like to be able to remove specific labels from this label list.

    87 votes
  13. Add Bibliographic Rank to Alma analytics

    We're finding the new Bibliographic Rank very useful and can find record with particular rankings via Alma advanced search but it would be better if we could query this score using Alma analytics.

    Are there any plans to add this area to analytics?

    13 votes
    Completed  ·  0 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
  14. Metadata editor: LDR form opens automatically

    With the November 2023 release, we noticed a change in the metadata editor.
    With the configuration "forced form editing" activated, whenever a record is pushed to the metadata editor, the LDR form is opened automatically and this is irritating, since cataloguers do not necessarily want to start working on the LDR, and the display of the form takes up a lot of screen space. Moreover, the LDR form opens again when saving the record.
    We would like to suggest the following adjustments:
    - the LDR form is not automatically opened when entering a record
    - the LDR form is not…

    6 votes
  15. Make all PNX elements referable in Template URLs (of General E-Services) and Dynamic URLs

    In the Template URL of a General E-Service and in the Dynamic URL of a given collection of e-resources you can currently refer to any piece of metadata that Alma has included in the Context Object ("CTO"). The attributes of the Context Object are based on the OpenURL 1.0 standard but while this standard provides slots to convey any kind of locally scoped metadata (e.g. local identifiers) as well as globally scoped metadata (e.g. ISBN, ISSN, OCN, DOI) and descriptive metadata (e.g. author name, book title, journal title, article title) there is currently no way to let Alma include locally…

    113 votes
    Completed  ·  0 comments  ·  Link Resolver  ·  Admin →
  16. Support multilingual caption files in Alma digital (i.e., allow upload of more than one caption file for a video)

    Allow library staff to upload multiple caption/subtitle files for a single video - and then allow users to choose which caption file they'd like to use.

    Our specific use case involves a video where the producer of
    a film we licensed provided us with a caption file in English and a subtitle file in Spanish, but we can only upload the English captions due to AlmaD's one-file limitation.

    3 votes
  17. Add patron due date to Resource Sharing information

    On the Borrowing screen for Resource Sharing requests it would be nice to see the patron's current due date in addition to the request due date for requests that are checked out to patrons. This could be an optional field to be added to the Resource Sharing Task List.

    3 votes
  18. Physical Item Editor Templates

    It would be great if we could use templates for adding new items.
    At the moment, whenever we add an item, for each single one of them we have to manually fill in the same values in "Material type" and "Item call number type". The "inventory date" has to be chosen manually as well.
    It would be extremely useful if we could load the physical item editor form with some values already filled in, and with the date fields automatically filled with the current day's date.

    If this idea has already been posted or it the option already exists, please…

    962 votes
  19. ORCID

    More and more government agencies require researchers/scientists to have ORCID iD when they apply for government sponsored research. But ORCID iD is for real world object. Please use $1 real world object for ORCID iD for Alma search indexes for MARC21 100, 600, 700 fields. The current Alma search indexes incorrectly support $0 for ORCID iD in MARC21 100, 600, and 700. This error needs to be corrected.

    44 votes
    1 comment  ·  Linked Data  ·  Admin →
  20. Add ability to save checkbox "Update Net Price according to item quantity" to PO line templates

    The February 2022 Alma release brought an improvement in correspondence between the number of items ordered and quantity for pricing ( > Enhancements to the PO Line Pricing Section).

    We are happy, that the enabled checkbox updates the quantity for pricing amount automatically and that the checkbox is enabled by default and can be disabled in the configuration menu.

    However, we would very much appreciate the ability to save the checkbox-setting in the PO line templates. This way, if the checkbox is enabled for the whole IZ, it can still be used disabled by individual libraries by saving it…

    44 votes
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