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86 results found

  1. Add a custom JS/CSS field to simplify UI customization

    If you want to apply custom CSS currently, you need to use the Summon 2.0 External Script URL field in the Admin Consol, then call the CSS from that script. The files then need to be hosted somewhere. A better solution for us would be to incorporate a custom JS/CSS field in the Summon Admin Console to allow you to directly enter your script or CSS; or a file upload facility like the Springshare products (see attached screenshot from the LibGuides admin area). This would speed up our ability to fix issues and make usability changes.

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  2. Better Summon display for serial publications

    In Summon, series titles and volume numbers are not being displayed for publications from monographic series with content type such as ebook, book, and Government Document. To display the series title and volume number, users have to click on the Preview link.

    Users often identify or search series publications by the title and number of the series and not necessarily by the title of the monograph publication within that series. This is particularly true with grey literature or when a publication is being published annually or periodically under the same or very similar title. By not showing this information on…

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  3. Abilty to customise default search screen

    The default search screen is currently empty other than the search box and our logo. We would like to add some custom content to the screen - e.g. info boxes suggesting some resources to try that are not discoverable in summon or some help guides. also to flag up new resources or future training events (e.g. on how to search summon and ebooks. When we set up Summon last year we were told that it wasn't possible to put any of this info on the default search screen.

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  4. Better Branding Options

    Current option to add a logo is a recommended 312x53 size for the large logo. This seems like an odd size, but it also limits a library's ability to brand their Summon instances. It would be nice to offer a more flexible option so we can better brand our Summon instance so its clear to the user what they are searching and make our admin happy because we can use our official library/campus logo.

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  5. Customising LibGuides integration so they only appear in the right-hand column and not in the results

    We are just looking into integrating our LibGuides with Summon, but we would like to just have the librarian and guide link appearing in the right-hand panel and not at the top of the search results. It doesn't appear to be possible to have one without the other at present. Although we would like to promote our guides, we don't want to distract the students from their results by making them the top result. Please vote if you would find this useful too!

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  6. Display all 300 subfields as the default for all media

    Make display of all subfields from the 300 physical description field the default in Summon for all types of materials, in the catalog detail screen, results screens, and elsewhere. Currently, Summon only displays 300 MARC physical description information for books in search results and catalog detail pages; and even for books, only subfield “a” (pagination) is included. This means that patrons can’t see information like: number of DVDs or CDs in a set; whether movies are in black-and-white or color; playing time of DVDs or CDs; any accompanying materials like booklets with DVDs or CDs in book-and-CD sets; types and…

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  7. Giving some Ahead of Print citations in Summon a status of Citation Online

    To date there is no way to give "Ahead of Print" citations in Summon a status of Citation Online for institutions that do not subscribe to the journal via the publisher's website. For instance, the following citation is listed in Summon:

    Sizing Up Skaters: An Interrogation of Body Discourses in Elite Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby
    by Draft, Amanda
    Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 02/2017
    Permanent Link:!/search?bookMark=ePnHCXMw42LgTQStzc4rAe_hSmGAHKcDLCD1y4F5JAu0mspUF5SWmMDzvcA-jKkFMEdxAvsmxsCOjJkhB3yFhompBSdDYnBmFbAUVwgtUAjOTgQdOWml4JinAB4wK8pPB7tfIT9NwSk_pVLBJbM4OR-8-kEhM0_BFbSNVwF8FeSjhpnFCm45iSUKwDogOVsBdOR1apGCC9DtwMaYvptriLOHLqxiii-AnPQQD24hGxnHg10eD3I5-CxNY9J1AAAFqlTS

    From Duke University, this links to a "Your initial search query did not yield any results" message in EBSCOhost. This occurs because this article is Ahead of Print content on…

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  8. Support the use of French boolean operators

    Searching using the French boolean operators - et/ou/sauf -- is not currently fully supported in Summon. This would be a useful addition to those libraries who provide a French interface to their instance of Summon.

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  9. Display parallel titles in Summon

    The correction in Summon to index parallel titles as titles (instead of as subtitles) was welcomed; however, the resulting elimination of parallel titles in search results displays was not. In the current iteration of Summon, which parallel title appears in the catalog is solely left to chance, and whichever appears first in a bibliographic record. However, if Summon can display all other title subfields and information in search results, including subfields B, N and P, it should include parallel title information as well. The lack of parallel titles is problematic for patron search and retrieval. For example, a patron searching…

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  10. Take "Language" field information from 546 and not 041

    Please take information for the “Language” field in Summon and the Alma Display Services page from the 546 language note bibliographic field, instead of the 041 language codes bibliographic field. The 546 language note contains more detailed information about the languages included in a resource than the 041, including whether they’re for subtitles, described video, summaries as opposed to full articles, translations, etc. The current information in the Language display is not helpful for patrons. Not only does it not give details about how the languages appear in a resource, the displayed languages aren’t consistent with the language of the…

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  11. No information on the necessity to use parentheses in complex queries on Summon Search Query Help

    Currently, there is no information about the necessity to use parentheses in case of more complex search queries in the Summon Search Query help (at least in our library and I was told that the help page is the same around the world). Users who often use Google Scholar as a rule of thumb do not use parentheses because Google works well even without them but in case of Summon, the use of parentheses in more complex queries is essential.
    Even on ExLibris Knowledge Center web (page Summon: Phrase, Field, Boolean, Wildcard and Proximity Searching - it is…

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  12. Facet search results by Custom Database Name

    As to Database Facet, it is recommended to facet search results by "Custom Database Name" field instead of default "Database Name" field.

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  13. Summon UI Language to Be Transferred to Catalog UI

    Could you please make it available to configure language condition to the link from Summon to Catalog?
    This request is from a Japanese university.
    For example, it is preferable that a record on Summon (UI: English) leads to Catalog page of English version. Currently it is led to the default Japanese Catalog page even though Summon UI language is English.

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  14. Enable Czech Wikipedia within the Czech interface

    The users of the Czech user interface would like to be presented with Czech topics from cs wikipedia ( when searches are done in Czech.

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  15. Springshare Chat Widgets in Summon Mobile Friendly

    We have noticed with the Springshare v2 chat widget (LibAnswers) found in our Summon search page, it completely disappears when accessing it in a mobile device. With most of the links found in the Summon interface (such as the "Advanced Search" and "Add results beyond your library's collection"), they automatically get pushed into the hamburger menu.

    Is it possible for the LibAnswer’s chat widget (link) to be automatically pushed there also?

    We feel like users using mobile devices should be able to access our Library chat just in case they come across a reference question or would like to report…

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  16. Video Game Enrichment with Syndetics

    Syndetics offers video game enrichment via UPC, which integrates with things like Primo. While other discovery platforms support UPC integration, Summon does not. Summon should offer a UPC integration with Syndetics for enrichment.

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  17. Request link on catalog details page should not display for electronic only material

    For libraries that have switched on the catalog details page, they have the option to configure a Request link.

    This button displays on all records from the catalog, even if they are not requestable - for example if they are online only, the button still appears.

    For example, this book is only available electronically (but the request link (Place hold button) is displaying then you get an error on the LMS side when you try to request it):

    The dragon and the elephant : China, India, and the new world order!/search/document?ho=t&l=en-AU&q=%22The%20dragon%20and%20the%20elephant%20:%20China,%20India,%20and%20the%20new%20world%20order%22&id=FETCHMERGED-griffith_catalog_b187154973

    This setting should be configurable to only display…

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  18. open the "search within a journal" results in a new tab or window

    Clicking on a journal title to use the "search within a journal" feature eliminates the original search. It would be helpful to have this open as a search in a new window or browser tab so that the original search is not lost.

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  19. Increase Facet Limit

    Summon facets are currently limited to only display 100 values for performance reasons. Would it be possible to increase this or ideally remove the limit without causing performance issues?

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  20. Topic explorer enable when advanced search.

    Using advanced search, topic explorer is not displayed now.
    I think it will be convinient if topic explorer is display when we using advanced search too.

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