Better Summon display for serial publications
In Summon, series titles and volume numbers are not being displayed for publications from monographic series with content type such as ebook, book, and Government Document. To display the series title and volume number, users have to click on the Preview link.
Users often identify or search series publications by the title and number of the series and not necessarily by the title of the monograph publication within that series. This is particularly true with grey literature or when a publication is being published annually or periodically under the same or very similar title. By not showing this information on the result page, we are not providing adequate access to these publications thereby inadvertently misleading our users.
We would like to see the series title (Series field) and the volume number (Volume field) displayed on the result page beside and before the year of publication (Date field) when the publication belongs to a series.
Virginia Dearborn commented
Here are a few examples:
Brill’s studies in intellectual history (has some inconsistent/incomplete volume display)!/search?ho=t&include.ft.matches=f&l=en&searchscope=All&q=(PublicationSeriesTitle:(%22Brill%E2%80%99s%20studies%20in%20intellectual%20history%22)) -
Charlotte McAdam commented
The series title is now displayed as the result of another "Idea" that was implemented which is great! However the volume number is still not evident so hoping that this can happen as well.