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148 results found

  1. Call to Action button at the bottom of 'Personal Details'

    I think that it can be confusing for students where to find how they can go about amending their personal details in the central system. With this in mind - it would be great to add an additional configurable button that could sit at the bottom of personal details. This way, when a student log into the App and views their personal details, if they spot mistakes, they will know how to action their detail changes. This button would link off to the specific information/URL/Call to action that is required by each University in order for a student to mend…

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  2. Hide the external link in Events under specific text

    Hide the external link in Events under specific text as is done with Location and Location url

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  3. 'Add To Calendar' feature in Events PI

    We have received feedback from Library Mobile users that regret they cannot export events to their own calendar. An 'Add To Calendar' option would be useful to users.

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  4. Notifications data into analytics

    It would be very beneficial to us as admin staff to more easily report on the analytics of notifications. We could then tie in this data with other analytical aspects for better information

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  5. Sync timetable events to native and Office 365 calendars

    The most frequent request we receive from students is to sync timetable events to their native and Office 365 calendars.

    Whilst this falls outside of the scope of the campusM platform, it is clearly a complementary service which will be of commercial benefit to Ex Libris and will ensure customers maximise ROI on their campusM investment.

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  6. 'Pop-up' notifications when a user selects a tile

    It would be great if we could utilise 'pop up' notifications when a user selects a specified module/tile. These messages could appear and act as a prompt for users. They can act as a prompt, and advertising tool, or even just a temporary messaging service. Please see the screen recording of a different app that utilises it and how well it can work. The software company that I have worked with (from the screen recording) also allows the functionality whereby you can chose to allow the pop up to be visible either for a set period of time and/or for…

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  7. Allow unvalidated students a second chance to check-in

    If a student does an attendance check-in but it is marked as unvalidated then allow them a second chance to check-in.

    This would allow students who have accidentally attempted to check-in whilst still walking to the class room another opportunity to have a valid check-in as well as possibly overcoming local issues with a room which might prevent a successful check-in

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  8. Progress bar colour changes for 'Lists'

    It would be great if we could configure a colour scheme for the progress bar that sits within 'Lists'. Like a traffic light system. For example if we had a list of 10 items and between 0% and 30% complete - the bar were to be coloured red, between 30% and 90% complete - the bar were to be coloured amber, and for 100% complete - the bar were to be coloured green - I think this would be really beneficial for the user to see instantly how they are getting on. Thanks

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  9. 'My Profile' colour theme change

    Currently when users select a tag from the 'my profile' section it is a bright blue colour that signifies selection. Our University colour is red and therefore having the configurability to change this selection colour would be very beneficial to our users.

    This update would improve the UI for all roles who sit behind OAUTH and therefore have a 'My Profile' section.

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  10. Separation of functionality within the Retrieve Attendees PI

    The 'retrieve attendees' PI allows lecturers to check-in students and also to view history of check-ins. We are asking for this functionality to be separated so that you can have one or both enabled rather than having to have both enabled.

    We have made a strategic decision to not ask lecturers to spend any time on check-ins therefore putting all of the emphasis on students themselves. This decision was made due to both the original request form staff to not have to spend time checking students in and also because of students potentially not bothering with the App and checking…

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  11. Ability to create a Video widget(s) on home screen.

    User is able to set URL for a video in widget configuration (Admin) . Widget loads on home screen (as live tile) and Video is “autoplay” on the live tile –“when in tile is in focus” (without requiring to go into AEK) …very similar what Facebook videos do on home page!

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  12. Notifications icon (counter) on start screen: hide when zero

    See screenshtos:

    The coloured dot for notifications should be hidden for all tiles with zero notifications.

    The dot is for attracting the users' attention – the way it is at the moment is bad UX.

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  13. "intro to app" for web page

    Currently users on both the ios and android native app has the ability to "view intro to app" but we would like this functionality to be extended to those that use desktop computer (ie: access campusm thru web browser)

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  14. Nested/Smart tile colour change

    This idea would be for all users' benefits when using the App. Currently the nested smart tile doesn't allow us to amend the colour schemes. Either for individual nested tiles or the grouping. Before considering using these types of tiles we would need these to match our internal branding (colour schemes) so that these tiles match the rest of our App.

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  15. Custom CampusM links in the portal

    To create a custom link in the portal for tiles (e.g., so that users could be easily transferred to a specific tile's content within the portal.

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  16. Search Term Analytics

    We would like to be able to extract a monthly report of the search terms entered by users in the built-in search feature.

    This would help support platform development, allowing us to ensure that the key things being searched for are more immediately available/visible to users, improving their experience and ease of access to information/features.

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  17. Display updated content without requiring user to force refresh or relogin

    In the ex libris guidance

    How to Publish Content - Ex Libris Knowledge Center ( suggests it would “Most changes you make in campusM will be seen by the end-user if they log out and back in to the app, or switch profiles. You can force these changes to appear immediately by publishing the app.”

    However, if you update content in creative studio or content pages and use the publish mechanisms when changed and saved via App Settings >Content > Content then published via App Settings > Publishing > Publish or via edit and Save and Publish in Creative Studio…

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  18. Ensure your colours match obligatory accessibility requirements (darker text, more contrast in colours)

    As a university, our digital platforms (from websites to apps) must meet The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to at least level AA. One aspect of accessibility is colour contrast and legibility.

    Instead of applying coloured text to a tinted colour background the text should always stay a dark charcoal grey even when colour applied.

    Currently most ‘lights’ and ‘brights’ in our
    colour palette couldn’t be used (and it remain accessible). This is limiting our (and other clients) choice and flexibility for using colour to style the app.

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  19. Please allow us the ability to disable the initial tile flip animation

    Please allow us the ability to disable the initial tile flip animation that happens when you first visit CampusM via App or Browser. We've received reports that it triggers migraines

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  20. Enable Banner Tile Ordering

    Banners cannot be ordered, new ones can only be added last in the order.

    Would be great to define the order when adding eg 1st, 2nd etc or even better, drag up and down in order.

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