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27 results found

  1. Export to Calendar

    The ability for app users to export calendar items to their own calendar in the React app, which was previously available in the Legacy app and is no longer an option. If users could sync their calendar to their own calendar instead of adding each event to the calendar, this would be well received.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. MyAdvisor - Add Additional Fields

    I am conscious of the two fields that can be populated (i.e. the 'name' and 'email' fields via RESTful API Vendor). However, is it in some way possible to incorporate an additional field? We would like to provide students the ability to click through to a bookings link for their tutor. CampusM provides this functionality in the Task Board Product Integration (see image attached) where you can specify additional fields and whether or not they are a link - replicating this functionality would be ideal if possible!

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  4. Add push notification to outlook integration

    Outlook integration have a push notification feature to IOS and android users of Campus M app.

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  5. Hide the external link in Events under specific text

    Hide the external link in Events under specific text as is done with Location and Location url

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  6. Bus tracking

    The bus tracking integration looks like it could really benefit our users but just being limited to one provider is limiting. If the module could be opened up to a RESTFul API - this would mean we could then use the module but with different providers.

    Sort of linked to the now closed ticket of #17667385

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  7. Grades Product integration

    Oracle PeopleSoft Grades Product Integration:
    We request that the Grades PI for Oracle PeopleSoft is enhanced as follows:
    1. In App Manager > Product Integrations > Grades Instance configuration page, under API Configuration:
    - Below the URL to retrieve the information field, add two additional fields for the entering the two query names (allowing institutions to apply their standard naming conventions for their two queries) and then use/declare these institutional query names as variables in the solution code to replace the default names.
    2. Provide an additional Test API Connection facility, or extend the existing test facility, to enable us…

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  8. Support CDATA sections (as used by SharePoint and Drupal) in Events PI RSS

    The RSS for the Events PI often contains HTML characters in the <description> that have to be escaped somehow to be considered valid XML. The Events PI has a toggle switch to indicate whether it should expect HTML in the description element.

    Either individual HTML characters can be replaced with entity references e.g. < replaced by & lt ; and > replaced by & gt ; or alternatively you can enclose the HTML in a CDATA section e.g. <![CDATA[ <b>Our event!</b> ]]>.

    Both SharePoint and Drupal use CDATA sections to enclose HTML in the RSS views they generate by default,…

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  9. Enable institutions to optionally configure active lists as the count

    The Leganto product integration returns a count of all lists. For educators this list would be very high, for students it could also get to 36 or so in their last semester.
    In both cases users in the mobile app are more interested in looking at their active lists.

    Institutions should be able to configure the integration to choose which count to use, and if the user clicks/touches to view the lists then institutions should be able to configure if a list filtered to active lists only is presented.

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  10. Separation of functionality within the Retrieve Attendees PI

    The 'retrieve attendees' PI allows lecturers to check-in students and also to view history of check-ins. We are asking for this functionality to be separated so that you can have one or both enabled rather than having to have both enabled.

    We have made a strategic decision to not ask lecturers to spend any time on check-ins therefore putting all of the emphasis on students themselves. This decision was made due to both the original request form staff to not have to spend time checking students in and also because of students potentially not bothering with the App and checking…

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  11. Integration with ALMA open hours API

    I would like to suggest an enhancement in CampusM/Library Mobile regarding Product Integrations.
    We would like an integration with the ALMA open hours API:

    GET /almaws/v1/conf/libraries/{libraryCode}/open-hours

    in order to create a "Library open hours" tile.

    The main advantage for the user is to dynamically consult library open hours.
    Furthermore, it would be useful for the library not to have to maintain a static page indicating library opening hours.

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  12. Use CMAuth token in Product Integrations that hit Microsoft

    Timetable, Directory Search, and Roles require duplicating the same OAuth profile already in use.

    Please allow these to function like the Outlook product integration which references the integration profile as pictured in the screenshot.

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  13. Include the original check in status in the attendance record usage report

    The current attendance usage report only includes the most recent check in status. It includes fields for modified date and by whom, but not what it was modified from.

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  14. ISIC

    To integrate with ISIC (International Student Identity Card) to search for benefits and discounts worldwide, check out a list and map-view of nearby ISIC benefits and discounts and plot a route to the ISIC benefit location

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  15. 'Add To Calendar' feature in Events PI

    We have received feedback from Library Mobile users that regret they cannot export events to their own calendar. An 'Add To Calendar' option would be useful to users.

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  16. Add an optional 'copy to clipboard' button to ID Card PI

    One of the best features to come out of Outlook was the inclusion of the 'copy to clipboard' icon next to fields in the address cards. No more fiddly selecting the address and accidentally picking up text either side. Since many of the fields in the ID Card PI are numbers and details that students want to use in other apps, why not make it really easy to grab them? This wouldn't make sense for every field, so perhaps make it optional if administrators wanted to include it? Thanks :)

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  17. Add NFC support to ID Card, Wallet

    Our student ID cards have RFID chips in them so that users can tap into door locks, turnstiles, dining, etc.

    Can you explore NFC capabilities in the mobile app, similar to how hotels are doing keyless checkin with their apps?

    Ideally, an iOS user could open the Student ID PI, see the Apple "Add To Wallet" icon, and use the NFC to tap into places.

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  18. Additional Customizations for Lists PI

    The live tile view for Lists should allow favorites to be displayed in the rotation. Right now, we use the API response to automatically filter favorites to the top, but it requires refreshing the page to see and isn't obvious to the user without needing an explanation.

    The live tile view needs a configurable header like other *** have.
    Right now you have to use the category title in the API in order to set a text header, which detracts from the ability to actually title what the list is.

    The live tile needs to respect font size properties, or…

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  19. Add voice search

    To help people with disabilities

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  20. 1 vote

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