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148 results found

  1. Weekly calendar view to be reinstated in React app

    Since moving to React we have had some feedback from our end users that the removal of the weekly view is a serious step back to the product, with one response saying the update has destroyed the calendar.

    Would it be possible to reinstate an optional week view in React as this seemingly was very popular with our students and the feedback we are now getting is not good.

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  2. Analytics on role-based segmentation

    In the Analytics section it would be very useful to have the following tabs:
    user registrations
    active users
    on role-based segmentation

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  3. Support special characters in RSS CDATA

    Instead of displaying an umlaut over the "u" in "Bilingue" for an event in Events & Activities, the app displayed the word as "Bilingüe" The umlaut is displayed correctly in the college's event feed; it is not correctly displayed in the app. Please consider this enhancement request.

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  4. Export to Calendar

    The ability for app users to export calendar items to their own calendar in the React app, which was previously available in the Legacy app and is no longer an option. If users could sync their calendar to their own calendar instead of adding each event to the calendar, this would be well received.

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  5. Hide the external link in Events under specific text

    Hide the external link in Events under specific text as is done with Location and Location url

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  6. Search Term Analytics

    We would like to be able to extract a monthly report of the search terms entered by users in the built-in search feature.

    This would help support platform development, allowing us to ensure that the key things being searched for are more immediately available/visible to users, improving their experience and ease of access to information/features.

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  7. Home Page Banners - Timeframe

    At the moment, Home Page Banners have to be manually removed in App Manager at the end of their 'life' to take them off-show front-end. This is done either via full deletion or removal of Roles.

    It would be useful if configuration was available when adding a Home Page Banner to set a timeframe/window for its lifetime (in a similar way to Quick Polls).

    The addition of an End Date/Time, at which point the Home Page Banner auto-deleted or the assigned Roles were removed, would remove the need for users to diarise manual removal at the appropriate time and ensure…

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  8. Digital accessibility

    It would be of great benefit to our University students if the CampusM website were to incorporate digital accessibility features.

    By digital accessibility, we mean implementing tools that would allow students to view digital content:
    - in black and white mode,
    - with high contrast,
    - negative contrast,
    - light background,
    - the ability to change fonts to bold,
    - increase or decrease text size.

    As a good example, we can refer to the website of the Latvian Student Union:

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  9. Display updated content without requiring user to force refresh or relogin

    In the ex libris guidance

    How to Publish Content - Ex Libris Knowledge Center ( suggests it would “Most changes you make in campusM will be seen by the end-user if they log out and back in to the app, or switch profiles. You can force these changes to appear immediately by publishing the app.”

    However, if you update content in creative studio or content pages and use the publish mechanisms when changed and saved via App Settings >Content > Content then published via App Settings > Publishing > Publish or via edit and Save and Publish in Creative Studio…

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  10. Home Page Banners - Configurable Limit

    It would be very useful if there were App Manager configuration available for Home Page Banners, to allow us to set a limit for the amount of banners that can be added overall or assigned to a role (or combination of roles) at any one time.

    This would help support appropriate usage of the feature (that is not always achieved on a 'trust' basis with admin users), ensuring that not too many banners were on show at the same time (that could overwhelm students) and maintaining the visibility of those active in the time the user remains on the Home…

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  11. Nested Smart Tile - Improvements

    Review the development of the Nested Smart Tile to deliver a simpler, more usable feature with the following abilities:

    • It should display as a normal single tile (with the same styling properties available/parent config inheritance) but enable other tiles to be ‘assigned’ to it. On clicking the single tile (or the Sidebar instance), it should open up another view within the Home Page, where the assigned ‘sub-tiles’ can then be seen. This is the expected nature of a ‘grouped’ tile.

    • It should have the ability to react to Role allocation, so that only Users with Roles assigned to…

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  12. Notifications data into analytics

    It would be very beneficial to us as admin staff to more easily report on the analytics of notifications. We could then tie in this data with other analytical aspects for better information

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  13. Maps links

    A new field within 'positions' that allows us to enter a link to a specific map (the link would be a specific Mazemaps link)
    The overall ability to make the default wayfinding tool to be our chosen provider (Mazemaps for us at Bristol)

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  14. Tile config 'OnClick' action functionality for mobile

    We've received user feedback indicating that it's difficult to tell if a Tile has been clicked in the mobile app, especially when the linked content takes a long time to load. In these cases, users may think that their click was not registered.

    We propose adding a feature to the CampusM App Builder that allows for dynamic tile design changes upon user clicks. Similar to the existing 'Hover Border Color' option in the 'Tile Config' section, but this would function on a 'click' action within the mobile app.

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  15. Android notification icons

    The current app notifications on android are not ideal. They are either a blank square or a square in a circle. It would be great if we were able to edit what icon the app uses when displaying notifications.

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  16. Warning when using campuM web from a mobile device

    When you access CampusM with the web version of the application from a mobile device, a message may appear indicating that you can use the mobile app for a better experience.

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  17. Enable institutions to optionally configure active lists as the count

    The Leganto product integration returns a count of all lists. For educators this list would be very high, for students it could also get to 36 or so in their last semester.
    In both cases users in the mobile app are more interested in looking at their active lists.

    Institutions should be able to configure the integration to choose which count to use, and if the user clicks/touches to view the lists then institutions should be able to configure if a list filtered to active lists only is presented.

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  18. Integration with ALMA open hours API

    I would like to suggest an enhancement in CampusM/Library Mobile regarding Product Integrations.
    We would like an integration with the ALMA open hours API:

    GET /almaws/v1/conf/libraries/{libraryCode}/open-hours

    in order to create a "Library open hours" tile.

    The main advantage for the user is to dynamically consult library open hours.
    Furthermore, it would be useful for the library not to have to maintain a static page indicating library opening hours.

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  19. 'My Profile' colour theme change

    Currently when users select a tag from the 'my profile' section it is a bright blue colour that signifies selection. Our University colour is red and therefore having the configurability to change this selection colour would be very beneficial to our users.

    This update would improve the UI for all roles who sit behind OAUTH and therefore have a 'My Profile' section.

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  20. Allow us to change the Page Title for each individual page

    Right now, all pages show the same name in a browser's tab, which can make navigation confusing if you have more than one page open in a browser.

    It would be nice to be able to update the page title for each individual page so that the name in the tab is different for every page.

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