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624 results found
Upload Electronic Holdings (Autoload holding list) – the reports do not listed out the deleted titles
We use the autoload feature to update electronic holdings for specific vendors such as ScienceDirect and Ovid.
After autoload, we find that the job will list out the no. of portfolios “added”, “updated”, and “deleted” but without the deleted titles listed out at the job report. Whenever a portfolio is deleted, we need to check if the deleted titles are removed correctly? Do we have perpetual access right for the deleted titles and do we need to claim for the access right with the new publisher.
We use the load portfolios tool in the Electronic service to add/update/delete portfolios for…
70 votesNow in Alma. the Upload Electronic Holdings job reports are improved.
For more information, see Monitoring the Upload Electronic Holdings Job.
Make documentation more gender inclusive
Can we please increase inclusivity by changing to gender-non-specific language in both documentation and descriptions in coding tables?
The Primo and Alma documentation uses very gendered terms, particularly his / him. End users and library staff are mostly referred to as he / his / him, despite libraries being an overwhelmingly female workforce. We also need to recognise the increasing numbers of non-binary users within our institution.
I propose the following changes:
Him or her -> them
His or hers -> theirs
She or he -> theyAs one example, a search on Alma documentation shows 3324 results for he,…
9 votes -
Ensure sample xml is available at the same time new Alma letters are released
When new Alma letters are released it would be super helpful if:
• The sample xml file is added to the zip file here to coincide with the Sandbox release
• Release notes include a link to the post on the developers network
Even better would be if the sample could be downloaded from within Alma letters configuration
LettersDefault.xml which is currently downloadable in Alma is a generic xml which cannot be used for customisation. Some letters require a scheduled job to be run (these are disabled on Sandbox by default) making it inconvenient to generate a letter…
91 votesAs of of Alma May Release when configuring letters, users can make use of out-of-the-box XML examples. These examples were now enriched to provide more detail that can help uses to customize the letters.
For more information please see Release Notes:
Deleting requests older then a certain date
Would it be possible to have a way of deleting physical item requests older then a certain date? Now it's only possible to delete all requests on a title, but that's not very useful.
Highly requested titles on a courses reading list is often not relevant after a certain date, when the course has ended. We sometimes see that old requests, that we haven't been able to fulfill, are causing unnecessary delay in fulfilling requests that are still relevant for the new, active course.
When we had to close the library in spring 2020, we also could see that a…
292 votesHi,
The new Delete Old Requests cloud app deletes old requests based on a CSV file. You can create a report in Analytics, for example by create date, export to a CSV file, and then use the app to delete.
Add “next year” as an option in serials subscription date range drop down menu for invoice lines.
Many of the invoices we process are for serials subscriptions for the following calendar year. Having “next year” as an option, for invoice line subscription ranges would be quite helpful.
257 votesNow, in Alma, date fields that support future dates, now have the 'Next Year' option.
Allow users to enter an address for home delivery
Users should be able to enter an alternate address when requesting home delivery as most students put in a parent address when they enroll and then never update the info again. If students do want to update their address, they need to go into the campus system and wait another day for it to be loaded to Alma. At our institution, faculty and staff never have personal addresses loaded into Alma. In addition, that address entered at time of request should be pushed to the personal delivery notification letter.
10 votes -
ALMA Cloud apps; can we enable this feature role-based
with lots of interest we have followed the Igelu presentations about ALMA Cloud Apps.
For now we have not enabled this feature though we would like to use it.
We do not want all our ALMA users to be able to use all these apps.
It looks as now the only choice is 'enable or disable'.Is it possible to add Alma Cloud apps role based?
For example for our users who have a General Administrator role or to the meta data experts in our library?Kind regards, Hiltje
Leiden University Library, The Netherlands51 votesNow, in Alma, there are two new configuration options available for the cloud apps:
1. Institutions can now configure that cloud apps will be available for activation, only for users with the proper roles to operate it.
2. Institutions can now configure that cloud apps will be available only for users that were given the new role "Cloud App Operator".
For more information see Alma online help:
Enable customer-defined order of locations in the Get It menu
Currently, the locations in the Alma resolver (Get It menu) are not sorted in a consistent, meaningful manner. There is a "use IP best locations ordering" option, but this option is insufficient for many institutions. For instance, in many cases, users are off site or not in a library building, and many institutions do not reserve IP addresses for specific buildings. There is also an alphabetical option but often the size or significance of locations doesn't fit well into an alphabetical listing (for example a small branch starting with A or B might sort ahead of a large Central Library).
13 votesNow customers can define a list of libraries and list of locations within a library in a prioritized order, and have this order reflected in Primo or Primo VE search results. This enables more meaningful sorting of locations in the Get It menu.
For more information please see Alma December Release Notes: -
In addition to LCSH, LSNAF, MeSH, GND and VIAF, Wikidata is at least an another good source to enrich the bibliographic information.
ALMA currently adds URIs of 5 authoriities sources to enrich related bibliographic records. It is a good way for patrons to "crawl from one data description to another" if we push the information to Primo. Those 5 sources are good. However, information coming from Wikidata or Wikipedia seems nowadays to be more accessible and acceptable by the users. We suggest ALMA should add URIs of Wikidata (or the like) , so the users can retrieve more information on related entities.
24 votesDear community,
As part of the linked data initiative, Alma supports info cards and contributor pages for name authorities displaying information from Wikidata. This feature has been implemented in the Metadata Editor in May 2024, and part of the linked data functionalities of the All Titles search which was released this December.
Allow Personal Delivery to be fulfilled from any library circ desk
Scenario: When an item belonging to another library that has an active home delivery request is returned or scanned in at another library's circulation desk, the item is put in transit to the owning library for the request to be fulfilled. The home delivery request should be fulfilled from any loans desk regardless of which library the item belong to.
We are multi campus institution with libraries 100s of kms apart. We require the personal delivery requests to be fulfilled from any of our libraries, instead having to return the items to the owning library.
A Salesforce was raised (SF…16 votesA new configuration on the library will allow other libraries to handle personal delivery for that library’s items. This will take into account the scan-in library’s ability to handle personal delivery (having a primary circulation desk that supports personal delivery).
For more information please see Alma November Release Notes -
New Metadata editor- add holding from the Add inventory menu
Hello to eveybody,
yesterday watching the webinar "The Alma New Metadata Editor - Webinar Sept. 08, 2020" we found out the in the add inventory there isn't the possibility to add an holding.
This is not useful for libraries that don't do the order in Alma, but simply add an holding after cataloguing a book.
The possibility of adding an holding from the menu View inventory should be present.
The Add inventory should have the default holding template included in the menu.
If the operator wants a specific template it is clear that the operator must choose the right holding…255 votesAs part of Alma March Release
The ability to add new holdings was added under the Add Inventory menu (in addition to the existing ability to add them under the New menu
For more information please see: -
Allow starting Course Load jobs via API
We'd like to be able to kick off course loads via the API. The machinery needed to do that seems to be in place but customers are prevented from using it and are forced to schedule the job using the Alma UI.
3 votesThe API has been expanded to allow starting Course Load jobs.
For more information please see Alma December Release Notes -
Remove copyright symbol from Alma representation public notes in Primo
Remove the copyright symbol from the beginning of the public note of an Alma representation displaying in Primo.
The copyright symbol appears when the representations access right has a copyright notice.
This doesn't make sense as public notes may not concern copyright, irrespective of access right.
Alternatively provide the option to turn off the copyright symbol.
15 votes -
comment/note field for configurations
A comment or note field for configurations would be incredibly helpful in general, but the current pandemic has highlighted the need for a way to easily track the reasons behind changes. This would keep the notes in the places where they'd be seen by the people working on the configurations, rather than us having to track things in a separate place.
All of the fulfillment configuration menu would benefit from this ability when short-term or emergency changes are being made. But it would also be good in places like: Letters; DARA recommendations; and all Other Settings areas. These are places…
334 votesAlma now incorporates a comment/note field to the code table configurations, including Mapping tables and Rules pages.
For more information please see Alma November Release Notes
Enable 1 Alma Print Daemon to Serve Multiple Printers
I am thankful that the Alma Printouts Queue and Print Daemon exists. The free email service bundled with our printers has proven to be unreliable at times.
However it is unfortunate that 1 PC can only run 1 instance of the Print Daemon software. So to map multiple Alma printers to multiple local printers requires running the Daemon on multiple servers.
The enhancement I am requesting is for this software to be able to map multiple Alma printers each to their own separate local printer. For example
- Alma Printer Main Circ Desk -> Local Printer BLDGAFLR2-7
- Alma Printer Rare Book…
16 votes -
Pop-up message when scanning in an item with a request note
We refer to the Alma March release notes: Pop-up Messages in the Scan In Interface. Various pop-up messages can be configured in Alma configuration – Fulfillment – Physical fulfillment - Scan In Messages Configuration. It would also be very useful to be able to configure a pop-up when the borrower has filled in the comment field on a request in Primo/Oria, e.g. that they want the book sent to another library. This is otherwise easily overlooked.
The request comment enters Alma as a Request note, and is visible in the Pickup from shelf list. But we would also like a…
435 votesA new ‘Requester Note’ message has been added to the Scan In Messages Configuration screen. By default, this message is enabled and will appear as a ‘Pop-Up’. The message will be displayed when an item that is scanned in has a ‘Requester Note’ associated to it.
For More information please see Alma May Release Notes: -
Rename Review and Approve functions in Acquisitons menu of new Alma Layout
The Acquisitions Menu has some items with exactly the same name in the different sub-menus. When these show as Quick Links, it is impossible to tell which general function it will work with,
Please rename Review and Approve to
Review POL (or Purchase Order Line)
Review PO (or Purchase Order)
Review Invoice
Approve PO (or Purchase Order)
Approve Invoice26 votesAlma – Acquisitions menu link names were modified in order to assist users using these links in as part of the ‘Quick Links’ menu.
Support MODS for remote digital repository
While Alma itself supports MODS as a metadata scheme, MODS is not supported as metadata import format for remote repositories.
We need to see this support before we can add remote digital content to Alma collections, as the current option of importing DC is too poor.14 votesAs of February 2024, Alma supports OAI-PMH harvest of MODS repositories.
Add Counter5 - IR_A1 - Journal Article Requests to Alma/Analytics
We suggest to add a support to the report Counter5 - IR_A1 - Journal Article Requests.
We want to be able to harvest it via Sushi and also to be able to build reports in Analytics based on it.17 votesIn December 2020, Alma introduced support for SUSHI harvesting of multimedia reports, IR_A1 included.
Alma product management team.
New Alma Layout and New Metadata Editor: Same Icons for Different Functions
In the New Alma Layout the ‘Recent Pages’ and ‘Recent Entities’ share the same icon although they serve different content (cf. attached screen clipping).
In the new Alma layout, the icon for Advanced Search displayed left of the persistent search slot is essentially the same as the icon in the new Metadata Editor's left pane, which serves to filter the list of records (cf. attached screen clipping).
We believe that using one icon for two different functions is confusing to the users and suggest replacing the icon for one of the two for both cases.
2 votesThank you for your feedback. We have changed the advance search icon to a different icon than the filtering option in the new metadata editor.
We have checked the other idea of changing the icon for Recent Pages and the icon for Recent Entities and come to the conclusion it is the common semantic users are used to.
- Don't see your idea?