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624 results found

  1. PO line description should represent current bibliographical data

    Alma provides insufficient data in PO lines for the task of pulling a list of subscriptions a library has of a specific publisher's titles:

    1. The PO line description contains only bibliographical data from the bib record as it was at the time the PO line was created. Subsequent changes in the publisher data are not updated in the related PO lines.

    2. Even in newly created PO lines, Alma introduces the content of MARC field 264 _1 instead of 264 31 if such a field exists, i.e. it copies the first, not the current publisher’s name into the PO line description.

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  2. Claims

    Would it be possible to add the option to assign in the list of order lines with claim? When there are several purchasing operators working on claims, it would be very useful if each one could assign certain claims.

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  3. Opening General message from Resource Sharing record should automatically put the cursor in the text field.

    Opening General message from Resource Sharing record should automatically put the cursor in the text field.

    Currently, it just opens a pop up, whether from the Edit > General Message button or the three dots (...) > General Message option -- these have different UIs but neither put the cursor in the text field, which is the intuitive action.

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  4. Make all PNX elements referable in Template URLs (of General E-Services) and Dynamic URLs

    In the Template URL of a General E-Service and in the Dynamic URL of a given collection of e-resources you can currently refer to any piece of metadata that Alma has included in the Context Object ("CTO"). The attributes of the Context Object are based on the OpenURL 1.0 standard but while this standard provides slots to convey any kind of locally scoped metadata (e.g. local identifiers) as well as globally scoped metadata (e.g. ISBN, ISSN, OCN, DOI) and descriptive metadata (e.g. author name, book title, journal title, article title) there is currently no way to let Alma include locally…

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  5. Allow Repeatable Fields in Add Representation Form in Alma

    Allow repeatable fields in Add Representation Form in Alma. An article often contain two or more authors. This feature will allow staff who do not know MARC to input contributors into the form.

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  6. 59 votes

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  7. Add User Statistical Categories as a Parameter in Fulfillment Units Rules

    We would like the ability to add user statistical categories as input parameters when configuring Fulfillment Units. This will allow us to apply additional terms of use (TOUs) to certain subsets of User Groups.

    Right now, we are able to configure Fulfillment Unit rules based on User Groups (i.e. Student, Staff, Community Member, etc.). However, there are certain subsets of users within these groups (for example, a student that is part of a scholarship program, learning community, or major) that we would like to apply different TOUs to. We can identify these users with Statistical Categories and if we could…

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  8. Set default payment type for circulation desk

    We would like the ability to set default payment options for our circulation desks. We currently use the cash option for our student campus payment system since we do not have the ability to add custom payment types and we do not actually accept cash anymore so we use that but cash is showing as the "default" option from the payment area and most of our payments are credit card so we would like to set credit card as the default payment option.

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  9. Enable Alma collections items linked to logical sets to be updated as the set changes

    Currently it seems that Alma Collections can only be updated by manually adding individual items or adding items from sets. If the set is a logical set, as new items that fulfill the set search criteria are added, could they also automatically update the Alma Collection. This would save having to manually maintain Alma Collections to some degree.

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    It is now possible to define a logical collection based on a logical set of titles. The collection will be updated daily based on the changes in the set. Ad-hoc updates to the collection are also possible if required.

  10. ORCID

    More and more government agencies require researchers/scientists to have ORCID iD when they apply for government sponsored research. But ORCID iD is for real world object. Please use $1 real world object for ORCID iD for Alma search indexes for MARC21 100, 600, 700 fields. The current Alma search indexes incorrectly support $0 for ORCID iD in MARC21 100, 600, and 700. This error needs to be corrected.

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  11. MARC21 to OAI Dublin Core crosswalk

    we would like to have the possibility to customize the OAI DC output, making several changes in the mapping that makes the transformation from MARC21 to OAI Dublin Core.

    For example being able to add some fields or exclude others. we attached an example of our customization.

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  12. Show / Hide Email Type and Address Type values (e.g. Alternative etc.) from Register New User menu

    It would be useful if we could show or hide some Email Type and Address Type values (e.g. Alternative etc.) from the Register New User menu.
    Actually those values sometimes generate problems in our API connecting Alma with our Human Resources system. But in general making them disappear could help in making the form for registering a new user more customizable and, if needed, simpler.

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    It is now possible to configure the fields that appear in the Patron Registration and the Edit User Info (from the Manage Patron Services page) forms in Alma.

    The new option makes it possible to configure a form that is fine-tuned to the library's needs and manages only the information the library wants to manage.

    For more information see August Release Notes

  13. Make MMS ID into a clickable link in brief PO line display

    It would be great if the MMS ID in the brief PO line display is clickable so that we can click on it and navigate directly from the PO line to the bibliographic (bib) record.

    Currently, the MMS ID is viewable in the brief PO line display but is not clickable. In contrast, the number in the Orders field within the brief bib and inventory display is clickable and we can thereby navigate directly from the brief display to the PO line(s).

    In the attached document, please find an example.

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  14. Add ability to save checkbox "Update Net Price according to item quantity" to PO line templates

    The February 2022 Alma release brought an improvement in correspondence between the number of items ordered and quantity for pricing ( > Enhancements to the PO Line Pricing Section).

    We are happy, that the enabled checkbox updates the quantity for pricing amount automatically and that the checkbox is enabled by default and can be disabled in the configuration menu.

    However, we would very much appreciate the ability to save the checkbox-setting in the PO line templates. This way, if the checkbox is enabled for the whole IZ, it can still be used disabled by individual libraries by saving it…

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  15. Exclude cancelled or closed POLs from the search results

    When you are searching for POLs, you are able to select one facet pertaining to the POL status to narrow down your results. What would be more helpful is if we could EXCLUDE search results based on a selected facet. For example, selecting a facet to remove all "Cancelled" POLs.

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  16. MODS metadata profile: add forms for deposit

    Currently the MODS metadata profile does not include a "forms" tab on which to design a patron deposit form. Without this tab, we assume that patron deposits are limited to Dublin Core or MARC. This request is submitted both to get feedback on the viability of such a change (would it be a relatively small or large effort for Ex Libris), and to gauge the degree of demand for this feature among other libraries.

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  17. DKIM for institutional domain

    Allowing DKIM creation for institutional domains. Currently, ExL cannot generate DKIM keys for those institutional domains and allowing us that option will better serve our patrons.

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    4 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  18. Display “Created by” field for all Notes tab notes

    When we use the APIs to update a record, the “Updated On”, and “Updated By” fields on the Notes tab are overwritten with today’s date and “API, Ex Libris”. (This behaviour occurs regardless of the record type.) While we love the ability to use the API to update fields in our Alma records, we feel it’s misleading for these fields to show as having been updated when no update actually occurred.

    Per Ex Libris, this is the expected behavior: when we have a list of something, the PUT API replaces them all by deleting them and then recreating them according…

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  19. Display all related records instead of 500

    When looking for related records (Brief results list > Other > Related records), only 500 titles are displayed.
    Especially when working with series/journals with many issues, monographs, or analytical records, having all related records would simplify the daily work.

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  20. Allow same-day booking with "days" booking resolution.

    We are testing the use of "days" booking resolution, as opposed to minutes. We notice that when patrons try to place a same-day request, they get the error: "Date must be in the future." This probably makes sense for some institutions, especially without a "lead-time" setting to provide buffer time. However, we have a collection of AV equipment that students can book same-day.

    This already works fine when staff make a same-day booking request in Alma using "day" resolution; the error only occurs when patrons try to do the same in Primo. I'm not sure if the necessary change would…

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