View user request history
We would love to be able to view a user's request history in the Requests tab of their account. You can view Returns and Fines histories so why not Requests?
This would be very useful for students and staff! Thanks.

Hi all,
This is to update that we are planning to develop this option in the Primo Next Discovery Experience User Interface.
More details on the new interface planning can be found here -
Best regards,
Manu_Schwendener commented
Dear Yael, thank you for the update.
Same as for other features, if we should be able to use it in Europe, it will have to be
- deactivated by default
- the patrons must actively opt in in their accountsWe got there with the search history, but only after some avoidable detours.
Also take into account that some institutions anomynize their data after a certain amount of time.
Naomi commented
It would be very useful.!!
Allen Jones commented
What is the status of this idea? It has received a sizable number of votes for consideration.
Julio M. commented
Hi, is it usual for the review to last more than 2 years?
Peta Hopkins commented
Hi @Nili - is there an update on this? Just wondering given the amount of support for it, and that NERS submissions are open. I don't want to submit a NERS request if it is already in the pipeline.
Katherine O'Brien commented
This should be a basic core function. Users expect it.
Anonymous commented
A history of requests is a common function in other resource sharing platforms, such as ILLiad. This allows users to easily see what they have requested in the past to prevent duplicate requests. Also, for users who request significant numbers of articles (e.g. meta-analysis studies), a history would provide more clarity on current and filled requests. Because filled requests disappear from a user's account, there is often confusion on what they have requested in the past.
This Idea was originally submitted as NERS Request 7401. It was voted 31st in 2021 Round 1 ballot, receiving 436 votes.
Provide the ability to view historic requests including Alma Resource Sharing requests: • It is important for patrons to be able to see what they have already requested. If certain items are requested more than once copyright might be infringed. • Cancelled requests (by both the requester and the library) should be included • It should be possible to filter the list by request status and request type • Alma Resource Sharing requests should be included. Our patrons previously used the Relais ILL system which permitted them to peruse historic requests. • The option could be made accessible as for myLibrary LOANS Previous and historic loans
This idea is available for voting in the 2021 Primo NERS ballot as #7401: Provide the ability to view historic requests including Alma Resource Sharing requests
Rebecca Henson commented
This functionality is important for both library staff & users. We are particularly interested in resource sharing request history being available in My Library Account, but all request history would be good.
Hugh Rundle commented
This seems like a fairly core function - it's surprising to realise that it is absent.
Anonymous commented
This would be really useful when holds have expired and patrons still require them making it easier to trace the correct edition.
This would also be useful to keep track of ILL requests. -
Peta Hopkins commented
It would be helpful to direct them to this when they submit requests for things that we have already supplied to them.
Kirstie N commented
This functionality is heavily requested by users. We are particularly interested in resource sharing request history being available in My Library Account, but all request history would be ideal.
Linda Marchesani commented
Our previous resource sharing system allowed clients to view previous/historic Requests however Primo only allows active resource sharing Requests to be tracked and viewed. Can the functionality available for Primo's My Account Loans view please also be applied to Requests so previous/historic requests can also be viewed by clients.
Linda Marchesani commented
The ability to view previous / historic Resource Sharing requests is available within other Resource Sharing systems, so Alma should provide the same. We lost this functionality when we implemented Alma Resource Sharing in place of another system which did offer this functionality. Its absence is a key loss of functionality that we receive complaints from users about
Kate Webb commented
This would be very useful since once a requested item not found on the shelf is changed to missing status, it seems to simply disappear, leaving no evidence that it existed, and no notification to the patron.
Anonymous commented
This would be really helpful for us too as it would help us track our ILL that we do through ALMA
Sophia commented
Students and staff are often asking at the circulation desk about the items they ordered and didn't manage to pick up in time, so they need to request them again. We would like generously and quickly help them at once, but it's tricky and clumsy opening attachment after attachment... It would be great and very service improving to have request history tab in patron's account!!