Physical Holdings should be considered in determining Primo Availabilty.
At this time, Alma physical holdings are NOT considered in determining article coverage in Primo search results. The system should be smart enough to recognize physical holding date/coverage. ExLibris should create a look-up tool that will check our physical holdings and offer Get It details so patrons will see that articles are available in print journals that are owned by the library.
This enhancement is already supported in Primo VE, which optimizes the management of Primo with Alma by utilizing the Alma platform.
When opening the full record page, Primo VE always checks for available services both physical and electronic. This is for locally held records, PCI records and records from openURL. In cases of an article where the journal is also held physically by the library, in addition to the electronic services Primo VE will also display the physical holdings and item information and allow relevant patron requests.
Stacey van Groll commented
I suspect that the true intent of this idea is not already supported, as I have tested some Primo VE sites and it appears that the physical holdings are still not checked by holdings statement to make sure that the issue, volume, and year for a PCI article is actually covered by the physical holdings.
This does not really surprise me given the earlier discussions about the difficulty of doing this matching by OpenURL, but what does surprise me is the status of Already Supported.
The statement accompanying this status seems very carefully worded to avoid explicitly stating that physical coverage statements are actually checked, as opposed to Primo VE simply displaying local physical holdings by standard bibliographic data match, such as by ISSN and Title.
Can anyone confirm that they're not seeing articles displayed in Primo VE that are outside physical holdings statements, as otherwise I think that this status of already supported is not correct. -
Michal Lahav commented
Following Christian's comment, what is the solution for non VE customers?
Also, if I understand correctly the answer by Moshe does not address the issue of availability status in the search results.Currently, the availability of PCI records is still based on Electronic holdings and not Physical, and is basically incorrect or at least incomplete as to what the library has to iffer (patron sees "No fulltext" but when entering the full display, an available physical copy appears)
We understand that articles and journal coverage is tricky without designated metadata fields as in electronic portfolios, but what about book? It seems that a fairly accurate availability can be determined based on ISBN OR title, as it is performed in the Getit section already - Don't you agree?
Christian commented
As we don't have Primo VE, how do you solve this problem for Primo customers?
I don't think there's a reliable way to have a GetIt tab show up with only the relevant issues filtered in, but can't Primo be setup so that a GetIt tab would show up, even if all of the holdings and issues would show ?
Ben Hockenberry commented
In our previous discovery system, we updated a spreadsheet export to load print holdings to our knowledgebase that applied to availability indexing. I would think Alma could make this even simpler by leveraging Alma forms already in place for e-portfolio availability indexing to integrate print and e-holdings.
Belated response to Michael Wood: thanks for catching that! It looks like the staff member entering the permalink address into the portfolio accidentally copied the "Copy the Permalink to Clipboard" along with it. Fixed!
Andrew Brown commented
If this became available in Primo, would it also apply in Leganto too? We have some citations on reading lists for a journal article where we only have print availability.
Monica Crump commented
This would be such a fantastic addition - a slight expansion which would also be very welcome would be if print holdings could appear in the Link Resolver menu. Our extensive print journal holdings are essentially hidden when users are using the power of Primo Central and OpenURL.
Moshe, holdings statements are unstructured as you say. However, if any print holding statement exists, then couldn't the user be presented with 'No fulltext available online. May be available in hardcopy' with a link to the holdings record?
All the best,
Monica -
Hi all,
The main difficulty with making use of physical holdings coverage information is the lack of a well formed structure that can be used by an automatic algorithm to determine coverage.
Is there a way for an automatic algorithm to parse a holdings statement and extract structured coverage information from it ? Wouldn't there be many different ways for institutions to describe their holdings ?
Moshe -
Stacey van Groll commented
I've added a submission to Primo NERS, for voting in the 2018 round: No.5805.
Michael Wood commented
Thank you for sharing an example Ben. This will help me to think it through. I notice that when I clicked on the link for the Lavery Library Print Periodicals another page is open but it appears to be lacking correct labelling for View it and Get It see
Ben Hockenberry commented
Michael Wood commented
Thank for your comments Ben. We are in the implementation stages of Primo & Alma and discovered this problem. I was pointed to this page so I voted (3) on it. I was actually thinking of doing what you did to mimic exactly what we have in SFX. At this point, I would rather our users click on a link that indicates something other than "No full text" that would at least shows them print availability... What is your primo site?
Ben Hockenberry commented
In order to get around this limitation in Alma->Primo article availability matching, we had to add steps to our physical serial processing in Alma in which we not only check in the serial issue, but update a "fake portfolio" which is treated like a full-text electronic journal (but points to the print record with a shelving location).
This leads to duplication in some cases, but accomplishes the goal of surfacing article-level metadata from Primo Central in initial search results. We would save a lot of steps with a more automated workflow.
Michael Wood commented
This is critical. This is a step backward from SFX. We loaded all our print journal holdings in SFX and when there is no full text, the user is informed that it is available in print. In addition, they can request a scan of it for a fee or just come to the library. A citation indicating that there is "no full text" will more than likely not get clicked and in turn the user will not know the library has it available in print.
Sandra Wong commented
It has recently come to my attention that the institutional holdings published to Primo Central contain only electronic holdings. That's somewhat disappointing, since there is metadata in PCI resources that would match a library's print holdings (for books and journals) which would then increase the discovery of such print material.
Thanks for considering.
Bin Zhang commented
I like this idea, for a slightly different reason: when patron searches for an article with no fulltext, and the library does have the journal but not the issue, we would like to be able to show Illiad as an option for patron to request the article via ILL. Right now if the library has any issue in print, the Illiad option is hidden.
Edward Corrado commented
Agree with Karen it should be an option, but I'd like to see this.
Keren Stiles commented
Most of our patrons are distance learners so while I can see the logic in this idea for physical library buildings we would need it to be an option that we could disable.
Chris Ashley commented
Yes Stacey that's exactly what I mean - our patrons have to click on expand search results in order to see that we own the print. We would like print holdings considered in our default search results
Stacey van Groll commented
Do you mean that physical holdings citations are not included in the default search results if you've chosen to only Include results with full text online? We have this setup and the physical holdings citations will appear, but only when a user selects to expand results outside of full text holdings.