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532 results found
"Peer reviewed" for academic books
Currently, there is a limiter in discovery to "Peer-reviewed articles" but using this limiter does not bring results from books even by the most celebrated academic publishers. While this information arrives from vendors, there should be a way to search peer-reviewed publications that would exclude magazines but include both peer-reviewed journals and books (or book chpaters) by any academic press.
5 votes -
Make advanced search form expandable/collapsable with discovery setting
The advanced search form now collapses after a search is performed. While this was an implemented enhancement request, there are times when expanding the form is more useful to patrons. For example, displaying collection records and allowing users to search within those results.
It would be helpful to either have a configurable discovery setting that allows the form to stay expanded or collapsed by default, or have a URL parameter to force the form to expand or collapse as needed.
3 votes -
Improved Display of Coverage Statements for Taylor and Francis Journals autoholdings collection.
Taylor and Francis adds multiple coverage rows to reflect the different purchasing methods. For example, one line may represent perpetual access while another indicates current access. This is why some coverage statements appear to overlap.
We propose to:
1. Retain the purchase type (e.g., perpetual, current) for each coverage statement within Alma.
2. Present only non-overlapping coverage statements to users in primo.
This enhancement is planned as an upgrade to the current functionality, but there is no set release date as of now.
To help expedite this enhancement, the support team suggested to open an idea exchange to encourage all…52 votes -
Ahead of print articles
I would love to see some regulations or procedure set in place for articles not yet published from being published in primo. I understand this is a vastly complex issue but curious if anyone else has had these issues as well and ideas on the topic.
Per Ex Libris
Ex Libris's goal is to reflect the provider’s content and metadata and cannot directly make changes in our databases without the provider making these changes. If the provider has sent us a record for an article that is not yet published, or not yet assigned to a specific volume/issue, you will…14 votes -
Articles not yet made available
I would love to see some regulations or procedure set in place for articles not yet published from being published in primo. I understand this is a vastly complex issue but curious if anyone else has had these issues as well.
Per Ex Libris
Ex Libris's goal is to reflect the provider’s content and metadata and cannot directly make changes in our databases without the provider making these changes. If the provider has sent us a record for an article that is not yet published, or not yet assigned to a specific volume/issue, you will see it as a search…1 vote -
Change how permalinks work
The permalinks provided by Primo do not link to a specific Alma record; instead, they save the result of a search in Primo. This means that when we copy a permalink for a title included in a course, what we are doing when using it is initiating a search for that title in the recommended bibliography collection. Therefore, if that title is no longer included in a course, the permalink we had copied stops working. This is not very useful.
We request that the permalinks provided by Primo be truly permanent and always direct to that Alma record, without changes.…22 votes -
Using FRBR local key to force certain similar records to FRBR in a group
When having records with the same title (245 a) and also very similar subtitles (245 b) or section titles (245 p) or section numbers (245 n) you may want to FRBR them (and no others) in certain (sub)groups by using FRBR local key.
In one group:245 a Sveriges rikes lag p Processrätt I
245 a Sveriges rikes lag. n 3, p Processrätt I
245 a Sveriges rikes lag. n 4, p Processrätt IAnd these in another group:
245 a Sveriges rikes lag p Processrätt II
245 a Sveriges rikes lag. n 3, p Processrätt II
245 a…1 vote -
User name in the personal details tab
I'm wondering is it possibility to add a user name in the “personal details” tab, in one of the marked places in the screenshot (PVEMyLibraryCardAdditionalConfigOptions.png)? I tried to do it with a JavaScript Dynamic Directive, however I can't find the variable with the user name.
6 votes -
Can Note be added to the list of field search options in Advanced Search in Primo?
Adding Note to the field search options filter would enable patrons to more effectively search for titles. For example, someone searching for materials in languages not currently available for limiting searches could select Note and write Text in Tagalog or similar to refine their search. Keyword searching does this, but the results lack context and are much less helpful.
1 vote -
Stop the Alma link resolver from matching e-books and print bibs that aren't the same ed.
At present, if we have a 2nd ed e-book and a 2nd ed print (that is 2nd ed., EMEA ed.) of the same title, Primo is linking them when they are actually different editions. Ex Libris says this is because of matching via title and author and that the option to cancel this kind of match of a specific record isn't available. it would be good if we could unlink them in the Primo record
4 votes -
Dublin Core field to display external links (like an 856)
We would like to have a way to link users to external resources from a Dublin Core record, similarly to how an 856 is used in MARC. Example: a digital object in Alma could link to a related finding aid in ArchivesSpace.
Perhaps the field(s) most appropriate to display in this manner would be dc:relation, dcterms:isPartOf, dcterms:replaces, dcterms:requires, dcterms:conformsTo and dcterms:isVersionOf.. but only if those fields utilize (dcterms:URI). If any of those fields are not tagged as a URI, that field should display as it does now.We are agnostic to whether such hyperlinks should be displayed in the "links"…
9 votes -
Resource Type Filter Bar buttons: users expect them to unclick if they change the search scope dropdown
Users raised that they would like the Resource Type Filter Bar buttons to reset themselves to "All" when they repeat their search in a different dropdown scope.
This is especially relevant when the new combination of search scope and resource type doesn't give any hits, e.g. searching the print catalogue scope with the button clicked to see only electronic articles.
1 vote -
Only show "request other issue" for serials.
Presently if a title has a holdings statement attached (holdings 866 I think) or it has a description in an item record, and if the fulfillment rules allow for patron physical requesting, then in addition to item-level request links there will be a "Request other issue" link. The resulting form allows the patron to fill in additional values for chapter, page, volume, issue, part and date. Documentation refers to this as a "Request for a Non-Cataloged Serial Item." However, the link presently appears on non-serial items. Ex:
Given that this link takes you to a form focused on serials-related…3 votes -
Being able to choose "emailing and printing exporting actions" fields
The print and export options are currently limited.
It would be a lot of help if we could choose the fields that are being exported to excel (or at least add the location field there), and which are being printed. Currently, in the print version there a lot of fields (all of the get it fields) and it takes a lot of space in a printed list for a patron. 4-5 pages for 15 results. The minimum is that there will be a long version and a short one to print, but better of if we could choose which fields…11 votes -
Allow suppression of citation action based on resource type.
Some resource formats, such a patents from CDI, lack crucial information so that the generated citation is inaccurate and unhelpful. For instance, patents lack the patent number, which is present int the record but which doesn't display to patrons. We'd like to be able to suppress the citation action in Primo VE based on certain resource types.
3 votes -
Customize Facet List - Advanced Search
It would be helpful for our users to be able to select locations from a list of library locations. For instance, we have a library in the system with a specific archive of local history collections and it would be beneficial to restrict a search to those locations rather than sifting through similar titles in the overall collection
2 votes -
Do not show availability for CDI/Alma records with matching GTI ID
Occasionally, CDI records will show availability for physical items (holdings/digitization offers via Rapido), and the physical records will show online availability. To our understanding, this is due to a matching GTI ID. We were informed in a SF case that it is currently not possible to resolve this. As this leads to confusion for our libraries (mainly digitization requests for an electronic resource) we would be glad if a solution could be found to no longer show these incorrect availabilities (or at least for the digitization requests to show the physical record they were actually placed on).
Example: votes -
Resource Recommender Statistics for Individual Items
Primo Analytics for Resource Recommender analytics currently shows only number of selections by resource category but not for individual records within each category. We would like to use detailed statistics for annual usage review and and RR maintenance. Particularly for databases, we would like a more straightforward option to see clicks through RR.
From two previous ideas that were both closed:{toggle_previous_statuses}
21 votes -
Add 'Review articles' as an option for the Resource Type Filter Bar
Currently, the only option we can set is 'Reviews' for the Resource Type Filter Bar, but that is not the same as 'Review articles', which are a CDI document attribute used as a facet, as described here:
5 votes -
Newest Edition Flag in Primo
Similar to the Newest Edition flag in Rialto search results, having an indicator in Primo which shows the user which edition of the book is the most recently published/newest edition. Picture included of the Rialto example.
2 votes
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