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624 results found

  1. New Label "Invoice" for Address Types

    We would like to have the possibility to choose a specific label "Invoice" as address type. This would be used for institutional accounts as some of them have an additional Invoice address which is different than the "Home" one. Having such a label could be used for harvesting data to an external billing application.
    Thank you very much!

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  2. Related holdings displayed only after "direct" holdings in the brief results

    Currently, only 5 holdings are displayed in the "Physical" tab in the brief results list in Alma. In many cases holdings and "related" holdings are mixed and displayed without any particular ranking. Especially when many of them are present, it takes many clicks before one can exclude the related holdings and obtain a list of all holdings linked directly to a record.
    The "Physical" tab in Alma could be changed like this: all holdings linked directly to the record are displayed first (regardless of the library), and only then come the holdings of related records.

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  3. Alma Video Tutorials

    When any updates in Alma are implemented, I would like to see the video tutorials updated to reflect those changes. The video tutorials are extremely helpful in training new and existing staff or users. However, some of the information in the current video tutorials do not necessarily reflect new changes, updates, functions, modifications, locations (of the tabs), some of which have been relocated.

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  4. Display both active (payable) AND accruing fines/fees at the main page and at the fines/fees tab of a user’s account

    The current main page and the fines/fees tab of a user’s account do not show the balance of the accruing fines to the circulation desk operators. The fines/fees tab doesn’t include the information of the loans that have accruing fines on them, and this confuses both circulation desk operators and clients. Circulation desk operators should be able to see this information easily and they should be able to give exact information to the library patrons about their fines/fees. Now this information is on several lists of loans and returns and the operator cannot see the accruing balance anywhere. (see Figure…

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  5. Improve editing of large fields in the Metadata Editor

    When creating and/or editing a MARC field with a large volume of text, such as the 505 or 520 field, occasionally the cursor will appear to be in a different position than it is, so that the user may accidentally delete the wrong characters, or insert them in the wrong place. This appears to happen at random, and saving the record, restarting Alma, and even clearing the browser cache does not consistently fix the problem, even in the short term.

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  6. PO line type - able to change from Electronic one time to Physical one time.

    So we are a separate special collections library within a larger university. Our records are separate from the university libraries. We have no electronic records. In the migration over a thousand of our order records got caught up in P2E and got changed from Physical one time to Electronic one time. I was informed that in order to fix this back, I would have to cancel re-imput the records which would result in invoices being sent out again.You can create a set and run a job to change physical one time records to electronic one time records but not the…

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  7. Allow Online Services Order to include electronic collections with public name overrides

    Currently the Online Services Order documentation includes the following note: "This feature will not order electronic collections that have a value in the Public name (override) field. To use this feature, you must remove the override." Overrides are important for simplifying Primo/Primo VE display so that users are not faced with overly complicated resource descriptions. Online Services Order is a critical tool for improving linking behavior. We need this tool to accommodate electronic collections with public name overrides.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    Public name override was not taken in consideration in the online services order sorting, this issue is fixed as of Alma January release

  8. Pop-up note when patron has something on the hold shelf

    When scanning the patron's barcode or searching for a patron in Manage Patron Services, can a pop-up notification be configured to alert staff that there are items held for the patron on the hold shelf?

    Currently, you have to look at the User Notes section on the right hand corner of the screen and it's gray text that does not draw attention. You can also look in the request tab if it is dog-eared but it will display all requests statuses; not just when an item is on shelf ready for pick up.

    Since patrons don't always check their email…

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  9. Handle Identifier support in Alma

    Alma provides limited support for permanent URLs through (CNRI). We propose that Ex Libris provide the same level of support for Handle URLs in Alma Digital as they do with Esploro customers.

    The only documentation for producing Handle URLs in Alma is this blog entry on the Developer Network site:

    According to the article, an institution must install their own local Handle server to create and register Handle urls. Alma does not communicate with the handle server directly via its API. Instead, institutions that use Handle have to set up a FTP/SFTP site to receive the Handle URLs…

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  10. Create 'View Analytics' role

    Some of our library staff need to be able to view Analytics dashboards that we have set up for them in Alma but don't need to be able to do anything else in the system, so even a role such as 'Circulated Desk Operator - Limited' gives them options that they don't require. It would be useful to have a role available that allows staff to see the Analytics menu and the Reports section of that menu, but nothing or little else. That role could then be used as the basic role for making Analytics dashboards visible to staff, with…

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    4 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
  11. "Maximum renewal date" should be viewable on Alma

    "Maximum renewal date" should be viewable not only Primo, but Alma. Patron can see his/her "Maximum renewal date" by him/herself, but staff can NOT check it.

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  12. Collection level access model setting

    Please create a setting where we can choose the ebook access model at the collection level. We have many ebook collections where we know everything in them is the same access model, usually unlimited (UA). It would be helpful to be able to set this at the collection level so every portfolio in that collection will have the access model display in Primo.

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    As of February 2024, users can define an access model at the collection level where all portfolios inherit. This is particularly beneficial for libraries with auto-activated collections, as it ensures that each new addition seamlessly inherits the access model.

  13. Add 'Renewal Note' to Analytics

    We use the 'renewal note' field on the POLs of our journal renewals. We then use Analytics to create lists of titles to be worked on and annotated as we make decisions on renewals. However, it's not possible to add the 'renewal note' to a report from Analytics, and hence we can't get all the relevant information easily into a single report. Please can this field be made available?

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    Completed as part of the Alma February release:

    The Renewal Note field was added to the PO Line dimension for every subject area in which it appears. It displays the note of the PO line renewal for continuous orders.

  14. Export Note to vendor into Excel

    We noticed, that when exporting a number of POLs to Excel (for example from the claims list, but also from regular search results list), the "Note to vendor" is not exported.

    This field would be very helpful for manual claiming.
    Is there any way, you could add this field to the export-function?

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    An option to present the "Note to vendor" is added to the file exported to Excel when exporting a list of PO lines (Export all fields).

    For more information please see Alma May Release Notes

  15. Add a loan time parameter in XSL similar to new_due_date_str

    I was following the tutorial labeled "Letters - displaying the due date hour and a time zone related message in the fulfillment courtesy notice" located here: i was using the newduedate_str option for a lost loan letter and it worked for the due date but not for adding a time to the loan date. I discovered there isn't a way to add the time the item was loaned out like you can with the due date. This is sometimes useful information for patrons when they are trying to track down an item they have lost.

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  16. Include past digitization request information in borrower request tab

    In the Manage Patron Services area, you can see current and past loans, current and past returns, but once a digitization request has been processed, it is no longer viewable from the borrower record.
    Being able to see past digitization requests from each patron would help immensely with being able to identify when a patron has already received material from a certain resource. Being able to see previous request details in a list (including title, author, barcode, pages already provided) will help identify if providing additional requests from the same title may exceed the allowable copyright limit for material from…

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  17. Ability to track changes made to all fields on Electronic Collection record history tab

    Presently, only changes made to some fields in an electronic collection record are tracked on the Electronic Collection Record History tab. For example, if I enter text in the Description field on the Electronic Collection Description tab, the History tab shows a "Modification Date" but does not indicate what field was modified. If I change the Access type field on the General tab, the History tab does not record that any change was made.

    The usefulness of the History tab is greatly reduced if not all field changes are tracked. It is more difficult to trust the system or to…

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  18. Add ability to map more bibliographic fields to Analytics

    There is currently the option to map 10 fields as Local Param 1-10. This was raised from 5-10 more than two years ago in January 2019. We used the last of these for required data at the start of 2021, but still did so reluctantly as there's been no sign of coming development to expand the number again. More fields are needed, so we'd appreciate this being considered.

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    5 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →

    An additional 20 local parameter fields were added to the Bibliographic Details dimension in all subject areas in which it appears (for a total of 30 local parameter fields). These fields allow you to use customizable fields in your reports. 

    Note that you must contact Ex Libris Support to add these fields.

    For more information, see Local Param 1-30.

  19. Restrict access to analytics objects via role AND scope

    When a staff member provides access to an analytics object and adds a role via "add role" there is no option to add a scope to a role. For example when editing an analytics object such as a report and the staff member adds role "physical inventory operator extended" there is no way to see "only if physical inventory operator extended has scope law library". When a staff member is editing an analytics object such as a report and adds a role via "add from profile" Alma will look only at the roles in the profile and not the scope.…

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    Completed  ·  0 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
  20. Please add the "suppress bibliographic record" to the log of the "view versions" in the MD editor


    We would like to have the ability to know when and by whom a bibliographic record was suppressed, when checking the "view versions" in the MD editor.


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