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279 results found

  1. Take "Language" field information from 546 and not 041

    Please take information for the “Language” field in Summon and the Alma Display Services page from the 546 language note bibliographic field, instead of the 041 language codes bibliographic field. The 546 language note contains more detailed information about the languages included in a resource than the 041, including whether they’re for subtitles, described video, summaries as opposed to full articles, translations, etc. The current information in the Language display is not helpful for patrons. Not only does it not give details about how the languages appear in a resource, the displayed languages aren’t consistent with the language of the…

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  2. No information on the necessity to use parentheses in complex queries on Summon Search Query Help

    Currently, there is no information about the necessity to use parentheses in case of more complex search queries in the Summon Search Query help (at least in our library and I was told that the help page is the same around the world). Users who often use Google Scholar as a rule of thumb do not use parentheses because Google works well even without them but in case of Summon, the use of parentheses in more complex queries is essential.
    Even on ExLibris Knowledge Center web (page Summon: Phrase, Field, Boolean, Wildcard and Proximity Searching - it is…

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  3. Define content types non-exclusively

    Define content types non-exclusively, i.e., allow multiple content type definitions to apply to a single resource -- for example, the same resource might be both a "catalog" and a "book." Defining it as a "catalog" should not mean it is excluded in a search limited to "books."

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  4. OBI usage statistics : scheduling reports for email delivery

    It should be great if we can schedule usage reports to be sent automatically to a special email address every mounth

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    Moving this back to no status and adding a note to clarify. For Summon over Alma customers, we can schedule delivery of reports via email. But currently OBI statistics from the Summon UI are not covered under these reports.

    This idea covers reports and usage outside of Alma.

  5. Keeping stop words as part of phrase searching

    Currently, there is a limitation to phrase searching in that if a stop word appears at the end of a phrase it is dropped. This has greatly affected gender studies researchers specifically, in that the phrase "coming out" is unable to be searched - as "out" is considered a stop word in English. If a researcher is conducting a phrase search, what is included within the quotations should be searched. The idea is that phrase searching should conduct searches on what is within paragraphs regardless of stop words.

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  6. Summon UI Language to Be Transferred to Catalog UI

    Could you please make it available to configure language condition to the link from Summon to Catalog?
    This request is from a Japanese university.
    For example, it is preferable that a record on Summon (UI: English) leads to Catalog page of English version. Currently it is led to the default Japanese Catalog page even though Summon UI language is English.

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  7. Library Locations > Translation in english

    The library's locations are currently displayed in German only. We would like to add the English terms.

    With the language setting "German" the locations should be displayed in German - as it is currently. In addition, the terms of the locations should be displayed in English in the language setting "English".

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  8. Licence terms displayed in Summon search results

    We would like to see the same functionality in Summon as is currently available in Primo - licence terms being visible in search results within the Summon interface.

    As we are on Intota for our ERM, we would want to see Intota licence content linked to Summon search results and displaying there.

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  9. Add Cite Them Right as option for exporting citations

    Cite Them Right is a citation service similar to and EasyBib that is gaining popularity. To support individuals and institutions who want this option, we would add this option where other citation services are currently offered in Summon. Institions should be able to choose to turn this on or off as an option. It should be included as an option under the Export To lists found in the menu behind the elipses (...) menu for each search result. It should also be available as an option for Export To in the Saved Items folder.

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  10. Statistics for Best Bets

    I would love to get data on how effective our Best Bets are in Summon -- to get a sense of how often users are engaging with a Best Bet to find information or a resource, based on certain anticipated searching behavior. Such data would help me to decide how much time to invest in crafting future Best Bets -- particularly the tags. But I could also include the data in annual reporting.

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  11. Facet search results by Custom Database Name

    As to Database Facet, it is recommended to facet search results by "Custom Database Name" field instead of default "Database Name" field.

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  12. Add free book cover images from OpenBD to Summon.

    "OpenDB" is a book cover image database that mainly contains those of Japanese books.
    Everyone can use them for free regardless of the user type(individual, company and so on).
    EDS seems to have already integrated it. Please consider integrating it to summon.

    More details(in Japanese) are here.

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  13. Add "Search within journals"

    I'd like to cross-search between multiple journals I designate.
    There is "Search within a journal," but it's only for one journal. Please add the facet for multiple journals or the function something like that.

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  14. Retrieve similar documents using the native 'MoreLikeThis' Lucene feature

    Lucene's 'MoreLikeThis' feature retrieves similar documents based on a seed, which can be either a piece of text, or an already retrieved document (syntax-free search).

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  15. Improve holdings display for journals in Summon or turn off catalog details page based on material types

    We're looking for ways to improve the way holdings display for journals in Summon.

    We're screen scraping Real Time Availability for our books, but our journals just display "Check availability" and link through to the OPAC (because the records have a different structure).

    We would like to turn on the catalog details page, but this adds an additional click for users before they can actually see our journal holdings.

    For example, here is a journal record in our OPAC (we have print and electronic on the same record):

    and in Summon preview!/search/document?ho=t&l=en-AU&q=landscape%20architecture%20australia&id=FETCHMERGED-griffith_catalog_b155106213

    Whereas the ebook displays a bit…

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  16. Enable Czech Wikipedia within the Czech interface

    The users of the Czech user interface would like to be presented with Czech topics from cs wikipedia ( when searches are done in Czech.

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  17. Statistics for custom panels

    It would be nice to have statistics for custom panels, to know how often people click on the links in them.

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  18. Make Institutional Google Scholar content searchable within Summon

    It would be great to see Summon integrated with Google Scholar, allowing for our institution's Google Scholar content to be searchable within Summon.

    This would eliminate many access issues that stem from users searching for open-access content that we either don't get from our providers, or that hasn't been indexed yet.

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  19. Use Seamless Access for authentication

    Seamless Access is a new tool for Single sign-on authentication, this is how they describe it:

    SeamlessAccess enables true Single Sign-On. Your users will be able to sign in using their preferred sign in credentials, and will not be bothered for them again for all SeamlessAccess-enabled sites.

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  20. Video Game Enrichment with Syndetics

    Syndetics offers video game enrichment via UPC, which integrates with things like Primo. While other discovery platforms support UPC integration, Summon does not. Summon should offer a UPC integration with Syndetics for enrichment.

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