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545 results found
PCI to recognise the elements of a DOI to find the item
Errors in search results are likely to occur when users are searching for DOIs from citations. DOIs are often formatted differently in citations or online but the user will naturally just copy-paste the DOI as it appears. If the user searches for this 10.1016/j.acalib.2008.10.014 in Primo Central - you find the article. However if you search for as it might be displayed in a citation, the article is not found. Anything preceding the DOI registry number (including doi:10.1016 for eg) will not result in a successful search.
80 votes -
Add a pre-filter for Peer-reviewed Journals
Our students would like the option to pre-filter their searches to articles published in Peer-reviewed journals. The current Primo configuration only allows this filter as a refining facet after searching.
48 votes -
43 votes
Combine permalinks with citations in Primo
In Primo, the ability to copy citations is very useful, as is the ability to copy permalinks for individual records. When helping a patron via virtual reference (chat or email), it is cumbersome to, first, open and copy the citation, and second, open copy the permalink. It would make more sense to either hyperlink the citation with a stable link, or include the permalink after the citation in the same window.
49 votes -
Adding 'Issue' as a new resource type in Primo Central
Resource types used in Primo Central are limited to 23 (book, article, journal, image...) [See pdf "Primo Central Index Resource Types" in the Documentation Center].
For digitized journal issues, the type in use is 'journal'. Archive collections like HathiTrust may contain tens of thousands of digitized journal issues; institutional repositories may also contain complete issues… This is finally confusing for end-users for who see issues labelled as journals and for whom filtering by resource type has become useless.
Adding a 24th type 'Issue' for this material would be welcome! ‘Journal’ would thus only remain for real journal records.
93 votes
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