PCI to recognise the elements of a DOI to find the item
Errors in search results are likely to occur when users are searching for DOIs from citations. DOIs are often formatted differently in citations or online but the user will naturally just copy-paste the DOI as it appears. If the user searches for this 10.1016/j.acalib.2008.10.014 in Primo Central - you find the article. However if you search for http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2008.10.014 as it might be displayed in a citation, the article is not found. Anything preceding the DOI registry number (including doi:10.1016 for eg) will not result in a successful search.
Peta Hopkins commented
This appears to be working for me now. If it has been resolved could this idea be set to complete?
Anonymous commented
As mentioned in a different idea,
Crossref DOI display guidelines emphasize the DOI as a URL.
<<https://www.crossref.org/display-guidelines/>>It would be very helpful for people to receive results if they paste the DOI as a URL.
Andrew Preater commented
Agreement. I think PCI could do a bit better with anything that looks 'DOI-like' whether as part of a doi.org URL, or when prefixed with 'doi:', or when the DOI just appears somewhere within the search string. To balance this, we're not seeing huge numbers of these overall, eg. <200 for academic year 2015-16.
BTW I asked for this functionality (Salesforce #00130495) and the request was closed with a 'this is the expected behaviour, please submit an enhancement request' reply.