Citation Linker: support DOI link format
The Citation Linker doesn't currently support lookup of citation data using a DOI if a user has entered the DOI as a link, e.g.
This only works if the user enters the traditional form 10.1111/123456789.
As the current guidelines from Crossref ( are to always display DOIs as a link, many publishers now use this format. For maximum compatibility, the Citation Linker should be able to interpret DOIs in this form.

Hello All,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 30 votes.
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Brad Dewar commented
If you add this code (or something like it) to your customization package, it will trim the ''; prefix (or any other prefix) off of entries in the DOI field before the citation linker form is submitted. Ex Libris does not support this customization code (nor do I).
(function () {
"use strict";var app = angular.module('viewCustom', []);
app.component('prmCitationLinkerAfter', {
bindings: {
parentCtrl: '='
controller: 'PrimoCitationLinkerAfterController'
}).controller('PrimoCitationLinkerAfterController', ['$scope', function($scope){
var vm = this,
trimDOI = function(inputString){
if (!inputString) return "";
var doiString = inputString.trim(),
validStart = doiString.indexOf("10.");
return (validStart <= 0) ? doiString : doiString.substring(validStart);
};vm.$onInit = function(){
//watch for changes to the DOI form field and trim (e.g.) off the beginning
return vm.parentCtrl.formData['rft.doi'];
function(newValue, oldValue){
if (newValue !== oldValue){
vm.parentCtrl.formData['rft.doi'] = trimDOI(newValue);
Lisa Wallis commented
I'm always a little hesitant to show the Citation Linker despite its extreme usefulness. It requires me to say "but don't just copy and paste...instead you have to strip off the first part." Another example of library systems not matching user behavior.