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70 results found
Allow successive folder assignments
After successfully adding select citations from a list of records to a 1st folder, allow the user to go through the list again to pick other citations to add to other folders. Currently the "apply" button doesn't show up again until you refresh the page.
My particular use case is systematic review screening. I go through a page of results selecting those I want to move to an "include" folder. Then I want to toggle the check boxes and add the others to an "exclude folder". I'd need to refresh the page to get the "apply" button back, loosing the…
5 votes -
5 votes
Link to pubmed
The old RefWorks version had an option to open the reference in pubmed, that option is not there with the updated ProQuest version? I need to use the update view since google docs and word docs do not link to the old version. I would like a link so I can directly open a reference in pubmed again, please.
18 votesWe are considering adding this option to RefWorks in a future release.
RefWorks style을 학회 사이트에서 직접 다운받을 수 있도록 해주세요
많은 저널에서 제공하는 저자 투고정보에서는 EndNote 투고스타일을 제공하고 있고 심지어는 Elsevier 에 소속된 저널에서는 Mendeley까지 제공하고 있습니다. RefWorks 스타일은 사서가 일일이 만들어 제공해야 하는데 매우 불편하고 시간이 소요되고 있습니다. 이를 해결할 방법은 있는지요? 계속 이렇게 사서가 만들어 제공해야 한다면 지금까지 사용을 유도하기 위하여 힘든 기간을 거쳐왔지만 스타일이 제공되는 다른 Tool을 안내해야 하는 것이 아닌가 하는 생각이 많아지고 있습니다. 이를 해결해주시기 바랍니다.
1 vote -
Customizable Log-in page for New RefWorks
In Legacy RefWorks, admin can customize log-in page. We want this function taken over to New RefWorks.
14 votes -
Create bibliography from folder (including subfolders)
If the option currently exists, I've been unable to find it. I have references for a project separated into folders (instead of tagging) under a root folder and would like to create a bibliography including all references within the folder and subfolders at once so they are in the correct order.
4 votes -
Add remove from folder button to folder menu bar
Improve removing a reference from a folder
Current method: Click on delete button, then select remove from folder.
Suggested method: have a remove from folder button on the folder top menu bar.
15 votes -
Integrate RefWorks with Systematic Review Software
Simple, one-click exports to the a systematic review sofware like Coividence or DistillerSR
28 votes -
Copy and paste ready-material citation style from other Sources
Ready-made citations are provided in some databases. However, there is no 'copy and paste' function in Refworks to import them. The articles from four very popular databases cannot be grabbed by 'Save to Refworks' - Britannica School, Questia, Statista and Discovery Education Streaming. But the databases provide citations, it is ashamed that the data cannot be transferred to Refworks easily.
13 votes -
Fix discrepancy in handling of 'retrieved' date
In Edit record mode, 'Date retrieved' is a single uncontrolled text string. In Output Style editor, this data is split across two elements 'Retrieved (month/day)' and 'Retrieved (year)'. This means you risk ending up either with incomplete retrieved dates or with a repeat of the retrieval year in the citation output, depending on how the data is stored. Can these different data components by standardized, so that retrieval data is handled consistently?
1 vote
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