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95 results found
improve custom field functionaliy
- Custom fields should be definable at the PROJECT level, as defaults to add to each new reference added to the project.
- Export and import of ref projects should include metadata for custom field names, and add those in (on import) so that the data is not lost.
- Allow for export of metadata, so that as instructor I can create a specific set of custom fields, and have students import it to start a project.
4 votes -
Añadir una campo personalizado. Add a custom field
Quisiera que el campo personalizado se vea igual que todos los demás campos, en todas las referencias: que esté a la vista cuando editas, sin tener que ir referencia por referencia, clicar “añadir más campos", buscarlo y rellenarlo. ¿Es posible hacer eso?
Add a custom field. I want the custom field to look the same as all the other fields, in all the references: to be visible when you edit, without having to go reference by reference, click "add more fields", search and fill it in. Is it possible to do that?3 votes -
Espacio muy estrecho al visualizar = Very narrow space when displaying
Cuando se visualiza una referencia, el espacio que se abre a la derecha, en vertical, es demasiado estrecho. ¿Se puede ampliar al doble, por lo menos?
When a reference is displayed, the space that opens to the right, vertically, is too narrow. Can it be expanded to at least double?
1 vote -
Allow for the coice of font and size of font in the settings. I have to change font and size each time I copy & paste.
Instead of having to change the font and size each time I import a reference, it would be helpful if we could set this within RefWorks.
15 votes -
Increase compatability for screen reader software by adding support for Read Aloud by LSDSoftware
While support exists for a few other screen readers, it would be very helpful for users with specialized access needs for the RefWorks read an uploaded PDF feature to be compatible with the Read Aloud browser plugin.
2 votes -
Adding ability in author search to see multiple authors with similar names, and to globally change one to another (from Legacy Refworks)
We track publications by authors at our organization, and we format the authors’ names so each one is always the same; e.g, Donald P. Wilson is always Wilson, Don P. even if it was imported from PubMed as Wilson DP. It was easy to search for an author’s name and globally change any stray formats into the same one in the Legacy RefWorks. We'd greatly appreciate having this restored in the new Refworks! Thank you for your consideration.
8 votes -
List bibliography in Japanese phonetic alphabets order.
Some of Japanese author guidelines requires authors to
sort bibliography in Japanese phonetic alphabets order. But current RefWorks can not respond to this requirement and it reduce the value of RefWorks.
It might depend on the bibliography database provides, but I am glad if you consider to improve this limitation.24 votes -
Text Color
All text in Black. Hard to read titels. I wish there is a featrues through it I can control text colors. I can choose color for titels and color for tags and color for reference ... exct
11 votes -
allow to search for citation using the URL field - not just the title field.
When a user is looking to manually build a citation, allow the lightening bolt tool to operate on the URL field rather than title of the document field. This is the standard in other Citation builders and students are often looking for it.
6 votes -
Clear last imported folder when a new import is made
In RefWorks original, when you import a reference set, the Last Imported folder was reset, so only that import is contained in the folder.
Now, "Last Imported" isn't last imported, it's ALL references imported in the last 30 days!
At best, it now requires the additional steps of selecting and clearing references from the so-called last imported folder before you import new references; and if you forget, the old references are left in with the new references, making it harder to work on only the new references.
If you insist on keeping it this way, then rename the folder "Recently…
14 votes -
Modifying the view option when disply citations
The options of displaying references as a table and exporting into Excel is the first step in the direction of using RefWorks not only for collecting and organizing citations but for analysis and synthesis of the literature.
As now I have to ask my students to export RefWorks citations into Excel Synthesis Matrix form which allow them to analyze research studies (see the attachment of the matrix). They will delete columns/data that are not needed and add required data from the Research Notes field. It will be helpful if students can modify the Table view (add/remove columns) to include research…17 votes -
Change support contact on the help page to local library staff instead of Refworks support.
We would like to change support contact on the help page to our library staff instead of Refworks support.
1 vote -
Allow multiple independent bibliographies
Add an option to start a second new bibliography within a single document. This would be ideal for writing chapters where each section needs a separate bibliography.
This would be very simple to add and would help with keeping formating consistent for other objects in documents like figures.
14 votes -
Do responsive the Refworks site
Currently the user interface and login site are hard to handle trough mobile devices.
I suggest a user interface auto adaptable to device screen (responsive)
94 votes -
New feature to link references
It will be very useful (at leas to me) to add a new feature that will allow to set a link between references, i.e.
- is cited by
- is review of
- Is a rejoinder of
- etc.
And the posibility to use that feature while building bibiographies to inser while citing a book where is reviewed, who has cited it,etc.
A search engine to follow that tree and navigate thru it would be useful too.
6 votesThis feature is not part of the 2019 roadmap but is under consideration for a future RefWorks roadmap.
Drag and Drop to folders: option to decide whether to copy or move to another folder
Drag and drop a reference to a folder: It would be nice, if I could choose wether I want to copy it to a folder or if I want to move it from one to another folder.
46 votesWe are evaluating this feature and will update once we have more information.
20 votes
Set default folder
How about a feature to set a default folder where refs are uploaded? I'm using the taskbar function to save to RefWorks and I'm required to assign the folder manually from the user interface every time.
19 votes -
Bibliografías organizadas por tipo de material
Será muy intersante que Rewforks permitiese hacer bibliografías organizadas por tipo de material: monografías, artículos, tesis, etc.
6 votes -
Allow successive folder assignments
After successfully adding select citations from a list of records to a 1st folder, allow the user to go through the list again to pick other citations to add to other folders. Currently the "apply" button doesn't show up again until you refresh the page.
My particular use case is systematic review screening. I go through a page of results selecting those I want to move to an "include" folder. Then I want to toggle the check boxes and add the others to an "exclude folder". I'd need to refresh the page to get the "apply" button back, loosing the…
5 votes
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