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102 results found

  1. Read-only user

    As we've begun bringing more users into Rosetta we've seen the need for a different type of user, who could basically do these things:
    *view/download IEs/files
    *view the collection tree

    But should not be able to:
    *see/modify processes.
    *delete IEs or purge the recycle bin

    We checked using dummy accounts with 'Viewer/Editor - View' and 'Approver/Assessor/Arranger - View' but neither of these can see the collection tree, either from the data management menu or from the search screen. So, we'd like something similar Viewer-Editor-View but with access to the collection tree.

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  2. Support Publishing Scheduling on an Institutional Level

    Possibility to run publishing jobs on the Insitutional level rather than on the consortia level.

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    Adi Alter responded

    Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers

  3. Allow export of all instances of an element from Search for Objects

    When you use the "Search for Objects" from the Data Management menu you can customize the columns and then export those columns easily to a CSV file. One issue we have is that only the first instance of an element is displayed and exported. For example, if we have multiple occurrences of dc:identifier only the first one will show and be exported. We would like all instances of each element to be included - perhaps with a separator like a semi-colon (or something else).

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  4. BagIt-Validation based on 1.0 standart

    By manuel ingest, the validation of Bag according to 1.0 standard, is not fully supported. It does not check the tag manifest file checksums for their correctness. Maybe there are some other holes which you can add in a comment.

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  5. Clean-up job for operational repository file system

    Currently the clean-up job removes old data from deposit storage. Clean up job should clean also Operational Repository / Storage Repository Group file system. Data related to finished SIPs or committed IEs should be remove after some period from the FS path which is configured for operational repository.

    The job should not remove data in TA area.

    best regards

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  6. Use .LOCKED file or similar while IE export is still in progress

    When exporting large IEs with multiple REPs, it is hard to tell whether the export is finished or not. This becomes especially problematic when running an external automatic job which pulls IEs from the export directory before export has actually been completed.
    It would be beneficial to flag a partially exported IE, e.g. via a .LOCKED file which is deleted once the export is complete.

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  7. untangle format identification/validation/MDextraction

    In the course of the discussion on the "File Extension Mismatch - Change Notice" posted on BaseCamp by Opher Kutner (ExL), I noticed that some aspects of file identification/validation/MDextraction in Rosetta need improvement. What got me thinking was the statement that format identification was done by the extractor, which isn't the case. Instead, the actual behaviour is that the MdExtractionPlugin also does the format validation, while the format identification is run separately in DROID. However, the job of extractors is neither format identification nor format validation. Instead, it's metadata extraction only. Usually, a preservation repository can't even know which extractor…

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  8. IIIF Universal Viewer - download options - mixed content

    Looking at using the IIIF viewer for digitised manuscripts. Diaries and letters.
    For this type of material we would like to create
    1. multi-page tif (master)
    2. multipage pdf (delivery)
    3. thumbnail
    4. transcript
    When this material is displayed in the viewer we will by default like to display the multipage pdf.
    For the download options we would like the ability for customers to
    1. download the multipage pdf
    2. download the current page(s) being displayed (PDF or TIF options)
    3. full transcript

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  9. make

    As the set of supported operating systems is known and limited, it would be great to have a Rosetta installation path that uses the distributions' packet manager (e. g. yum) for the initial installation and all upgrade processes. This could facilitate disaster recovery, improve availability and reduce the time needed for upgrades (you could just run "yum upgrade"). DB connectivity etc. could be checked during the package installation.

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  10. print image files in batch

    now on IE viewer users/librarians have to print every single image files under one IE. I hope there is a print all/in part function.

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  11. Changes to "Find duplicates job"

    Right now the "Find duplicates job" only checks a handful of elements for duplicate values. I would like to either ask Ex Libris to make the fields that it is searching configurable or to add original file name to the list of elements that are searched.

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  12. CMS Update

    submitted on behalf of Michele Lindlar

    Sometimes it's neccessary to update our cms metadata. if a librarian changes a record in the external cms-system, we want to update the record in rosetta too, but there's no task that works accordingly. we'd be really happy if there would be a task chain or a process that re-harvest existing cms-records.

    We currently integrate two catalogue systems via SRU in Rosetta: Aleph and Pica. Both systems are integrated uni-directoinal, as in a Rosetta flag is not available in either cataloguing system. As we are integrating the union catalogues which are held by third…

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  13. Producer Mandatory Fields shall be controlled by a code table

    As of now (version 5.3) there is no code table to control which fields are optional or mandatory when adding a producer.

    We provide Rosetta as a service and the details (name, email, telephone etc.) of producers can be seen across the installation. This means that staff user 1 from institution A can see the details of the producers of all the other institutions. The workaround is to enter 123 as telephone.

    Basically we would like Rosetta to be fully compliant with the concept of multi-tenancy.
    Until this can be reached we would like to see code tables in use…

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  14. Events for DNX Validation

    with version 6.0 DNX validation was introduced for METS deposits and any AIP update. Furthermore the .xsd will be versioned. As for now I cannot find any event describing the validation process, the name and version of .xsd used for validation, the agent, the event outcome (success). I would appreciate events documenting this validation. In my opinion this is worth a provenance event, like file format identification event 25.

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  15. Solr Startup Checker Plugin

    After having had some issues with the new default Solr port in Rosetta, I suggest creating a startup checker plugin for Rosetta to test for Solr availability. Possible error scenarios involve:
    1.) network down
    2.) Name resolution down/misconfigured
    3.) Solr default port closed in the local firewall / Solr not listening

    1. & 2. could be checked by pinging the other servers' DNS names (NOT the IPs), which would test network availability and DNS resolution in one step. As Rosetta servers usually are located in the same subnet, we don't have to worry about ICMP firewall restrictions.
    2. could be tested…
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  16. Allow institutional parameters for (custom) plugins

    In a consortial landscape a plugin may be used by several institutions. However, each institution may need to use different parameters for a shared plugin.

    To give examples, consider these two business cases:
    (1) A plugin utililzes proprietary 3rd party software that is licenced per institution. In such case we must ensure that only the institutions that actually pay the licence fee have access to the functionality. The license key would have to be configured per institution.
    (2) A PDF migration plugin can take different input parameters which determine the output format to be created (e.g. to PDF/A-1b vs. PDF/A-2b).…

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  17. View preservation history of IE

    posted on behalf of Amy Joseph, NLNZ

    As a researcher, I want to be able to understand the history of an IE including preservation actions.

    As an admin, I want to be able to configure the system to display versions of a representation by EventType, so that a user can navigate between different versions of a preservation master or other rep

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  18. Add "View Migrated Objects" to Preservation Executions History

    as a preservation manager I would appreciate to find the history of the execution of signed-off preservation plans in one place. Therefore it would be helpful to have the list of migrated IEs ( the report of event 355 - Representation was added by preservation plan) in Preservation/Preservation Executions/Signed-off Plans/Executions History/Blocks History, for example as "View Migrated Objects" in addition to "View Skipped Objects".

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  19. Support Indexing of Date Range

    Enable indexing of a range between start and end values.

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    Adi Alter responded

    Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers

  20. Expand the search scope of the search box on web collection page

    Is it possible to expand the search scope of the search box on web collection page from the current collection to all its sub-collections and itself?

    For example, I tried to search IE2119194 by its partial title "South Korea's economic puzzle" on the following page;

    but no matching IEs were found, because the IE belongs to the collection(id=109127824)'s sub-sub-sub collection(138846884).

    • 109127824 > 138830885 > 138834664 > 138846884
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