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8 results found
Full Validation Stack for BYTESTREAM Objects
We have a growing number of deposits where data enters the archive in container formats such as .zip and is usually not extracted for various reasons. Examples include zip containers which are part of a larger complex object IE such as the content of a CD or a as zipped supplementary data to a journal article where the zip container is referenced from with the publication.
In this case, files in BYTESTREAM are extracted during ingest for metadata extraction, but are stored as container formats in permanent. But there are some shortcomings compared to the regular validation stack:
• no…
33 votes -
BagIt-Validation based on 1.0 standart
By manuel ingest, the validation of Bag according to 1.0 standard, is not fully supported. It does not check the tag manifest file checksums for their correctness. Maybe there are some other holes which you can add in a comment.
9 votes -
Web Service for Bagit ingest to automate the whole process
Beginend from Rosetta version 5.2 functionality for Bagit must be improved in further versions. Especially a new web service for Bagit ingest must be developed, because no one want to do manual ingest per GUI interface the whole day if there are a lot of Bagits waiting to be deposited. My option is to improve submitDepositActivity so it can recognise Bagit Structure and so on. Or if it is to complicated to rebuild submitDepositActivity, than to develop a new one. Hope to see this web service in a near future. Sincerely yours, Serhiy
12 votes -
Verify numbers of files in CSV and Zip match as part of CSV/Zip deposit method
As part of the CSV/Zip deposit method, Rosetta verifies that all files in the CSV are in the Zip. It does not, however, check if all files in the Zip are listed in the CSV.
We recently discovered that for 5 of our IEs, the CSVs were incomplete and missing a few thousand files. Even though the Zips contained more files, the deposits went through successfully and the files not listed in the CSVs were not preserved.
I propose that as part of the deposit process, Rosetta checks the number of files in both the CSV and Zip and verify…
3 votes -
Take account of the METS mimetype attribute during file ingest
The METS standard has a mimetype attribute on files "<file MIMETYPE="application/pdf" ... /> but this information is currently ignored by Rosetta during the file-type identification process on ingest.
Mimetye should be at least as reliable as file extensions (because mimetype is a standard, is actively maintained and widely use by a good portion of software for identifying file types).
In particular, recognising mimetypes is likely to greatly increase the ease of ingest of content from internet-facing content management systems where it is very widely used
See also
3 votes -
Make Standard Upload procedure for 3A configurable (Applet vs. manual upload)
When adding representations via the 3A workbench, the default procedure is the applet upload. Due to security settings, the applet may not be available in some environments. In this case, the user has to click the "Load the files manually" link located on the left to then switch to the manual upload procedure, which works fine.
To avoid these extra steps it would be nice to set the default upload procedure (applet or manual) for 3A workflows via a general parameter.2 votes -
In Material Flows: remove option to "automatically extract compressed files" when the Content Structure is changed to METS
The material flow configuration includes the default option to "automatically extract compressed files". This option works in all workflows except METS content structure work flows, as extracting compressed files leads to mismatches in the METS struct map.
Material flow configuration screens should blend out the extraction option for METS content structure or make the user aware of a faulty configuration upon saving such a combination.2 votes -
Validation Stack to Flag Problems as Warnings, not Errors, and Move them to Permanent
Ability to run the validation stack during ingest, but only flagging warnings, not errors. All IEs will be moved to the permanent repositories and if needed, the problems will be dealt with in a future stage.
24 votesAdi Alter responded
Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers
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