Add Mandatory choices for all Request forms in Primo VE
For the Digitization Request, Hold and Booking Request, and Purchase Request forms, the Alma mapping tables (under GetIt Configuration) define the fields that are displayed to users (Yes = viewable to users, No = not viewable to users).
We would like to have the possibility to configure mandatory fields if we want the user to specify a field in the form (as it is already the case with a check box in the Resource Sharing Request form).

Thank you for posting this suggestion. Starting of VE July 2021 release you will have more options to improve requests forms: adding mandatory choices , adding forms’ description including links and add generic checkbox. more details can be found in Primo VE release notes
Marc Duggan commented
It's all been said, but it's quite ridiculous that this was not included from the beginning. How on earth are library staff expected to fetch items for digitisation without the correct volume details? This needs to be a top priority now for ALL your customers.
Anonymous commented
This would be very helpful. The current situation creates pain points for two sets of users: staff and the end user.
It would be helpful to know what the next step will be
Anonymous commented
Hello, any confirmation on whether this will be added to Primo Back Office? This is causing much frustration for our colleagues.
Bronwen Blatchford commented
I'm hoping Nili sees this comment...
Great to see that this idea now has the planned status. It sounds very much like this is a Primo VE-only development. Could you confirm whether Primo Back Office will have the change too please?
Bronwen Blatchford commented
I'm really pleased to hear that this will be added to the 2021 roadmap. We are not on Primo VE yet and do not know when we will be. As per Gran's comment, could you please confirm if this can be done for all Primos? I asked via SalesForce and was told that "this idea is still under study". We would like to know if it's a possibility please?
Manu Schwendener commented
NERS voting second round open until 31.8.2020
6637 – Extend customization options for all request forms
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely useful so that requests are actioned in a timely and satisfactory manner and avoid cancelations due to lack of information. this would prevent double handling (e.g. cancelling requests and then getting patrons re-requesting with extra details).
Karlee commented
This would be really helpful! We have to reject a significant amount of requests because users have not included information that is necessary for us.
Kirstie N commented
We would like to see this also - especially for the digitisation request form, as users will place digitisation requests without specifying pagination or chapter details.
Gran commented
Would you please open this idea for all Primos and not just Primo VE?
Manu Schwendener commented
Mike Rogers commented
Thanks for the idea, François. I agree - mandatory fields will be helpful for processing the requests. Often users will only fill out cursory information which can make it difficult to know exactly what they need. We have tried to "fool" the request form in the past by adding an asterisk at the beginning of the field (making it seem like the field is mandatory), but this isn't good practice. It would be more flexible if each institution could determine which fields should be mandatory.
Anonymous commented
We also would like Exlibris allow users to customize the form, for example add radio button for selections and fields for notes.
The existing purchase request form does not have
1. special notes field from users
2. a button or somewhere to indicate delivery option, e.g. hold or deliver to the user.
3. rush the order or not.
4. Show the print DDA purchase form link without login. We would like to show users that a purchase request is possible without requiring them login. -
Nicolas C (Normandy) commented
Thank you Francois,
I would add that it would be necessary to be able to configure the fields displayed according to the type of reference, and in addition to the possibility of making certain of them compulsory, to add some (holding fields).
Nicolas Cocman, Caen, France