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70 results found
Ordering of references in folders compared to in Bibliography
Please can it be made possible to order references in a folder in the same order as a bibliography.
I wanted to view the references in a Refworks folder in the same order that they were supplied by the bibliography function.
I tried ordering them in the folder by "publication date" but this didn't seem to provide the same order.1 vote -
Link Export and Citation so PDFs and source material automatically loads into Refworks Folder
When you Import a Citation, automatically download the source document (PDF) or URL
1 vote -
Include ISSN/ISBN in Publication admin analytics
Add ISSN/ISBN column to the reports when downloaded. This will better enable librarians to use this data to analyze their collections, a common reason for having these reports at all. This may cause splintering of counts if users imported different ISNs for the same title (especially print vs e) but it would be worth that side effect to have the data. If you can provide separate print and e columns that would be ideal.
1 vote -
For institutions with multiple users create a syncing system
Allow institutions to create accounts on behalf of users via Google.
Instead of having users create an account, admins simply provide users with the login and password for their account.
Support integration into the Clever application.1 vote -
PLEASE develop an integration with LiquidText.
Please add a LiquidText integration for RefWorks or vice versa. LiquidText is an excellent notetaking app and it would be wonderful to be able to use them seamlessly together.
1 vote -
Import Multiple RIS files at the Same Time
Could you improve the system to import multiple RIS files at once?
1 vote -
Extension for browser
The save to RefWorks button has never worked for me or anyone at my school due to the blocks in place that can't be removed on computers for ads, cookies and other restrictions. A browser extension through the Chrome web store would help to solve this issue as it would be about acquiring permissions rather than relying on there not being any permissions to bypass. As is the nature of an application that reads the website and its data and extracts information many companies have been increasing the security of websites to prevent hacking but this inadvertently impacts programs such…
1 vote -
Espacio muy estrecho al visualizar = Very narrow space when displaying
Cuando se visualiza una referencia, el espacio que se abre a la derecha, en vertical, es demasiado estrecho. ¿Se puede ampliar al doble, por lo menos?
When a reference is displayed, the space that opens to the right, vertically, is too narrow. Can it be expanded to at least double?
1 vote -
RefWorks style을 학회 사이트에서 직접 다운받을 수 있도록 해주세요
많은 저널에서 제공하는 저자 투고정보에서는 EndNote 투고스타일을 제공하고 있고 심지어는 Elsevier 에 소속된 저널에서는 Mendeley까지 제공하고 있습니다. RefWorks 스타일은 사서가 일일이 만들어 제공해야 하는데 매우 불편하고 시간이 소요되고 있습니다. 이를 해결할 방법은 있는지요? 계속 이렇게 사서가 만들어 제공해야 한다면 지금까지 사용을 유도하기 위하여 힘든 기간을 거쳐왔지만 스타일이 제공되는 다른 Tool을 안내해야 하는 것이 아닌가 하는 생각이 많아지고 있습니다. 이를 해결해주시기 바랍니다.
1 vote -
Fix discrepancy in handling of 'retrieved' date
In Edit record mode, 'Date retrieved' is a single uncontrolled text string. In Output Style editor, this data is split across two elements 'Retrieved (month/day)' and 'Retrieved (year)'. This means you risk ending up either with incomplete retrieved dates or with a repeat of the retrieval year in the citation output, depending on how the data is stored. Can these different data components by standardized, so that retrieval data is handled consistently?
1 vote
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