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23 results found

  1. Be able to restructure folders more easily

    Currently, folder structure is set once created and cannot be modified without recreating and deleting folders. It would be great to be able to click and drag folders so that if we decided to make one folder into a subfolder, or make a subfolder into a main folder, we could click and drag it in/ out without having to create a new folder structure, move/ reassign all the references over, and then delete the previous folder structure.

    65 votes
  2. Add "search" to the view tool

    One of the most useful tools when reading a document is the ability to search in the text. Please provide us with this essential tool when viewing the uploaded PDF documents.

    61 votes
    Planned  ·  7 comments  ·  User Interface  ·  Admin →
  3. Export references with highlight or comment

    When New RefWorks User tries to print/download a reference, the highlight or comment on the PDF file will be removed. We expect that it is possible to export the reference file including highlight or comment from New RefWorks.

    56 votes
    Planned  ·  11 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  4. data-driven article recommendations

    There is a demand for data-driven article recommendation function for RefWorks.
    Some kind of web services have already implemented this kind of function.
    One end-user said that it should be based on not only articles in user account but also references cited in those articles. I hope this idea to be considered.

    26 votes
    Planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  5. customize display of Shared folders

    customize display of Shared folders. Currently, a public URL to a Shared Folder does not allow any customization of how these citations are displayed--or any selection whatsoever--creating disadvantage for RefWorks-naive users.

    Please allow the admin and/or user customization of how references are displayed in public URL Shared folders. (e.g., I might like to display only the title and abstract, etc.)

    24 votes
    Planned  ·  4 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  6. Allow users to change the interface language in public shared folders

    Currently, the interface for public shared folders is only available in English. Please allow the ability to change the language (particularly French).

    12 votes
    Planned  ·  0 comments  ·  User Interface  ·  Admin →
  7. Add a ref type for "tv progamme" and/or "streamed video"

    We would like more reference type options to support users adding content from streaming platforms such as BBC iplayer and the BUFVC site Box of Broadcasts. Currently we only have the basic 'video' option which is fine for adding films which require details such as director, distribution company etc. but the information needed to reference a tv broadcast in our Cite Them RIght Harvard style is quite different. An additional reference type would allow us to configure this to accomodate both types of video content.

    12 votes
  8. Optionally avoid deduplication when a criterion is void

    While deduplicating it can happen that RefWorks suggests large numbers of candidate duplicates because one of the chosen criteria is void, e.g. I choose "title/ISSN/page number" and RefWorks suggests a large number of totally unrelated records just because they all lack the page number - this is taken by the algorithm as "match succeeded". Since this behavior could be sometimes useful, there should be an option "also match void criteria" to choose when it is deemed useful by the user.

    9 votes
  9. View all highlights

    The single most important thing I found when writing my book, and what I do desperately need for my dissertation, is a single location that lists all of my highlights from the entire project. The workflow of reviewing the documents, highlighting key ideas, viewing all the highlights, organizing them into a cohesive framework, then building it into the final product is one of the most keenly efficient ways I've ever seen to write a scholarly work, and you're one step away from being the perfect resource for that.


    8 votes
    Planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Writing Tools  ·  Admin →
  10. Create a way to pull citations from our Word document reference list, into a file, capable of checking the correct format.

    Create a way to pull citations from our Word document reference list into a file, capable of checking the correct format.

    8 votes
  11. Include resource types for Interview and Survey

    Interview and Survey are 2 very common and popular resources types for student's project. However, they cannot be found on the pull down menu under 'Resources Type".

    6 votes
  12. Citing pre-prints in RefWorks

    There is a growing interest and use of repositories (like for publishing these non-peer-reviewed articles and abstracts, especially in the computer science, Physics and other engineering fields. As of today, such an option is not available in the RefWorks.

    5 votes
  13. 4 votes
  14. unable to catch press releases and no option to manually enter details about lectures.

    Refworks should support entering press releases and lecture notes when entered manually.

    4 votes
    Planned  ·  0 comments  ·  New Collection  ·  Admin →
  15. Add working paper as a reference type

    Currently working papers are added as 'generic' while many style have specific working paper rules that can easily be applied

    4 votes
  16. Add Social Media as a Ref Type

    We use Cite Them Right 11th ed. Many social media examples have a medium type e.g. [Podcast], [Facebook]. Medium is not a field I can add for a RefWorks webpage type.

    3 votes
  17. Add "Last Month" short cut in Refworks Analytics

    In the RefWorks Analytics interface in Admin, the default option for time is "This month", "This year", "Last 12 month" and "Custom". It would be very convenient to add an option for "Last Month".

    3 votes
  18. improve the spacing of text (particularly abstracts) on refworks site

    The text in the abstracts on Refworks is very scrunched up, making it difficult to review the abstracts on screen. Please can there be some way to adjust this or made to 1.15 spacing as a default.

    3 votes
    Planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  19. Merging Folders

    Would it be possible to be able to merge folders when creating a bibliography from more than 1 folder

    2 votes
  20. Screen Reader Accessibility issue and RefWorks profile creation.

    Hello RefWorks Team,

    My name is Daniel Bernardo and I am a Digital Accessibility Specialist reviewing online course materials at UNT. We reviewed RefWorks in regard to an upcoming course and found some accessibility issues regarding the use of assistive technology for users with visual impairments.

    My colleague who is fully blind and relying on NVDA screen reader and keyboard navigation found that he couldn't continue setting up his profile by himself after registering due to the popup window that appears one the page that is linked in the confirmation email. In particular, the combo boxes to select First Name,…

    2 votes
    Planned  ·  0 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
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