customize display of Shared folders
customize display of Shared folders. Currently, a public URL to a Shared Folder does not allow any customization of how these citations are displayed--or any selection whatsoever--creating disadvantage for RefWorks-naive users.
Please allow the admin and/or user customization of how references are displayed in public URL Shared folders. (e.g., I might like to display only the title and abstract, etc.)

Lisa Glandon commented
I came here to post this suggestion! When logged into RefWorks, you can change the view to "normal view", "table view", "full view", and "citation view". But it is not possible to change this setting in a public share folder. It would be great to be able to change to these views when accessing a public shared folder. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Yes, I would like for the owner of the folder to be able to set both the view and sort by options for how the folder will display once shared.
Melinda Byrns commented
Excellent idea!
Melinda Byrns commented
In publicly Shared Folders, and especially folders shared via public URL, allow native citation style rather than CSL or, even better, allow some level of customization of output style and display.
The current output style and display is nearly unusable--confusing for both the end user and librarians.
Please see case #00874868 for full explanation of the issue.
Video files attached