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10 results found
Help keeping the consistency of author's names II. Provide Author Management.
Legacy Refworks had a very useful feature. You could do "Search by author". That search gave you a list of all authors matching the search with the number of publications of each author. Then you could select a specific author and obtain a list of all her references.
New refworks has not such a search. So it is difficult for one to really know when one could have the same author entered differently in the database.9 votes -
Help keeping the consistency of author's names I. Help in typing the name.
Legacy Refworks had a very useful feature. When you were typing an author's name at the respective field the system prompted you to use some of the names you already had in your database. This helped you to have the same author always with the same name, avoiding unnecesary typos and different versions of the same author ¿Could it be possibe to recover this feature in the new Refworks?
6 votes -
Make "This is an electronic source" Bulk edit available
Records imported from some databases sometimes have a check in "This is an electronic source" even if they are from the printed version. I would like to be able to edit this check in the bulk edit.
3 votes -
Adding ability in author search to see multiple authors with similar names, and to globally change one to another (from Legacy Refworks)
We track publications by authors at our organization, and we format the authors’ names so each one is always the same; e.g, Donald P. Wilson is always Wilson, Don P. even if it was imported from PubMed as Wilson DP. It was easy to search for an author’s name and globally change any stray formats into the same one in the Legacy RefWorks. We'd greatly appreciate having this restored in the new Refworks! Thank you for your consideration.
14 votes -
notification when new references are added to shared folders or projects
especially when working with shared folders and projects it is very useful if I can easily spot recent changes / additions /modifications made by the other users of the project/folder.
20 votes -
List bibliography in Japanese phonetic alphabets order.
Some of Japanese author guidelines requires authors to
sort bibliography in Japanese phonetic alphabets order. But current RefWorks can not respond to this requirement and it reduce the value of RefWorks.
It might depend on the bibliography database provides, but I am glad if you consider to improve this limitation.24 votes -
Modifying the view option when disply citations
The options of displaying references as a table and exporting into Excel is the first step in the direction of using RefWorks not only for collecting and organizing citations but for analysis and synthesis of the literature.
As now I have to ask my students to export RefWorks citations into Excel Synthesis Matrix form which allow them to analyze research studies (see the attachment of the matrix). They will delete columns/data that are not needed and add required data from the Research Notes field. It will be helpful if students can modify the Table view (add/remove columns) to include research…17 votes -
Allow successive folder assignments
After successfully adding select citations from a list of records to a 1st folder, allow the user to go through the list again to pick other citations to add to other folders. Currently the "apply" button doesn't show up again until you refresh the page.
My particular use case is systematic review screening. I go through a page of results selecting those I want to move to an "include" folder. Then I want to toggle the check boxes and add the others to an "exclude folder". I'd need to refresh the page to get the "apply" button back, loosing the…
5 votes -
Create bibliography from folder (including subfolders)
If the option currently exists, I've been unable to find it. I have references for a project separated into folders (instead of tagging) under a root folder and would like to create a bibliography including all references within the folder and subfolders at once so they are in the correct order.
4 votes -
20 votes
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