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174 results found

  1. Make more author name flexibility possible!

    Currently, anything that does not follow a strict last-first name format doesn't work in Refworks. (E.g. the citation manager can't handle "Paul VI" as an author.) This seems like it would be so easy to fix by the use of quotation marks or some other indicator to keep the formatting as it is typed by the user. The entire world doesn't strictly follow Western-style naming traditions....

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  2. Add a ref type for "dissertation"

    There is no reference type in RefWorks for dissertations, only theses. In APA style, citations for dissertations and theses are formatted differently so RefWorks should offer an additional reference type.

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  3. Allow people with whom folders are shared to move references from that folder into its subfolders

    Users with the "Can Modify" permission on a shared folder should be able to move references from the main shared folder into its subfolders

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  4. 5 votes

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  5. Bulk edit for DOI field

    Hello, would it be possible to Bulk edit also the field DOI? Especially records imported from PubMed include [doi] in this field which should not display in a bibliography.
    It would be very helpful if we could Replace [doi] with zero characters in all records at once.

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  6. References Created per Month in new Refworks

    The "References Created per Month" statistics are offered by Legacy RefWorks but not by New RefWorks. These statistics are really useful to evaluate the RefWorks usage in our libraries and they are the more important for us.

    We like to have these statistics in New Refworks too.

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  7. Multiple URLs on record import - separate? or block

    Records can't support two links in the URL field, but mutliple URLS on import are all placed there. Some databases (Ovid) allow inclusion of either the "permalink" record URL and/or the external link resolver (full text). When the records are in Refworks, neither link works because they are in one URL field with a space separating them. It would be great if RW could support multiple links for a record (via import) but if not, then perhaps block on space or on the next "http" found?

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  8. 62 votes

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  9. Add Batch Account Inactive Function by Last active on New RW Admin Page

    We would like to make accounts delete/inactive by batch after narrowing by "Last active" on the admin page of New RefWorks. This is available on Legacy RefWroks' admin page.

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  10. public URL: output style and search function

    Sharing folders publicly I'm missing the option to choose between different (customized) output styles as well as a search function. This was available in the old version.
    For exernal users without refworks accounts the publications lists are not very comfortable to use.

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  11. Enable open URL link resolver buttons in shared folders opened by non-RefWorks users

    Enable open URL link resolver buttons in shared folders opened by non-RefWorks users

    I am my campus' RefWorks administrator and a reference librarian. We use RefShare in legacy RefWorks to send search results to our patrons. Use of our search service nearly trebled during the three years after we licensed legacy RefWorks and we believe this is largely due to the presence of a "GetIt@UNMC" button in each record in our RefShare format search results. Many search service users became interested in using RefWorks after receiving search results in RefShare format. A "shared folder" feature without "GetIt@___" open url link…

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  12. Write-n-cite search "function" improvement

    Am I the only one who thinks the Write-n-cite "insert citation"-window functionality is horrible?
    1) add a possibility re-size the window such that you can see more than just two references.
    2) allow proper search function - at minimum a possibility to search by typing two author names but preferably also words from any field in the reference.

    Currently I see only two lines
    and (maybe I'm doing this wrong but anyway) can only search by single author (surname).

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  13. Display Institutional Output Style

    Please display the institutional output styles always when we open the menu to select it on the pull down of New RefWorks. Legacy version has "favorites" to display the specific styles for each institution.

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  14. Add Global edit

    legacy Refworks has global edit function, so I can edit language field at once. Thus, it is good for if my output style has two definition for different languages. However, New RefWorks has bulk edit function as similar as Global edit, but there is no function for editing languages filed.

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  15. Reference Types

    List the reference types in alphabetical order. The drop down list to denote Ref Type is random and not alphabetical.

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  16. Save to RefWorks Design Improvements

    For the love of all that is holy, please create an option to minimize the 'Save to RefWorks' pop-up window when you're trying to input a reference. When Save to RefWorks can't manage to input most of the information itself (85% of the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), you have to manually input, but the giant RefWorks window blocks half of the article information that you need to input from view

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  17. Deduplicate more than 2000 references simultaneously

    Enable deduplication of larger numbers of references than is currently possible

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  18. add deduplication feature for shared folders

    We would like to deduplicate even in shared folders.

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  19. Strengthen email verification process

    During the recent problems with SSO we've been encouraging students to use the forgotten password option to create an alternative password.

    This has highlighted that students often mis-spell or use incorrect email addresses when initially seeting up their accounts.

    Despite the fact that on setup RefWorks asks students to confirm their email address, students can bypass verification and potentially go on to use RefWorks with an incorrect email adrress attached to their account.

    Strengthening the verification process, e.g. by activating accounts only upon reciept of the confirmation email would help to avoid this.

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  20. Clearer web page instructions for creating an alternative password for RCM.

    More detail of how to set up the alternative password option would be useful. We no longer recommend using WNC and want to encourage new users to try RCM. The current account management page doesn't make it very clear:

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