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174 results found

  1. "Refworks Citation Manager (RCM)"

    I would like "Refworks Citation Manager (RCM)" to appear explicitly in Tools / Cite references in the word processor / Microsoft word, since it is surprising not to find this term, because in the videos he is mentioned

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  2. Allow verbatim text from author field

    Have the option to remove the automatic 'Last name, first name' format of the author field and instead pipe verbatim text into references. This would especially help when the author is an organisation.

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  3. Archival material

    Would you please consider creating a reference type for "archival material?" I'm doing a fair amount of primary source research in archives and whatnot and it would be awesome to have an appropriate reference type in RW.

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  4. Allow page numbers to be included in in-text citation for books in Google Doc AddOn

    It is currently not possible to add a specific page number or page range to an in-text citation when citing pages from a book. It is very common to need to cite particular pages, rather than a full book, so I expect this feature would be widely welcomed and used. Thank you!

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  5. Citation Sort Order: Author and Date Descending

    In the citation settings, where you have the sort order - Can you please add the option to Author and Descending

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  6. Enable customizing the dash between the page numbers

    RefWorks automatically uses a dash between page numbers in bibliography and I can't customize the dash. My uni requires us to use en dash in bibliography and I have to always edit it to the bibliography after creating it. It would be so much easier if i could customize the dash in citation style editor.

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  7. Allow alteration of Tags at import

    Without increasing the number of clicks to import, please add the function to change tags at import. This function could be added to the Import References/Assign to Folder page without requiring additional clicks if the user is happy with the tags being brought in.

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  8. Edit Tag Names

    If a tag has a typo or I realize it needs more or less nuance, if would be nice to edit the names of tags instead of just creating a new tag. Creating replacement tags means redundancies or duplicates when I look at the list of tags. Thanks.

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  9. the option to copy references to other projects

    Please add the function to copy references to other projects not "Using the Export References" or "Using a Shared Folder".
    Both of these methods require many steps.
    We need more easy way to copy references to other projects.

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  10. RCM Improve Search

    Trying to locate the needed reference to cite in RCM is very difficult. Can't search within a specific folder. Can't search for more than one term or a phrase. If too many results are found no way to narrow further. Help!

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  11. Add Field "Author Address/Affiliation"

    Could you please add a default field "Author Address/Affiliation" to each reference of New RefWorks as same as legacy version?

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  12. +Yellow pop-up menace+

    I propose that this pop-up have a box to tick to say 'I understand' and for the pop-up to then disappear.

    The pop up says:

    This view is limited to 2000 references. For suggestions on how to work with lists of more than 2000 references, please see Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    I have 79 references at present. This pop up is irrelevant. I would like to be able to x off the pop up permanently, or until my references reach 1900.

    Thank you.

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  13. To cite in Author(year) format, currently Refworks allows to hide the author in the default format (Author, year) and we need to write manu

    To cite in Author(year) format, currently Refworks allows to hide the author in the default format (Author, year) and we need to write manually the author names outside the parenthesis.

    This is error prone and time consuming.

    Please bring in an option as a drop-down/tick box where "Author(year)" is also one choice. Endnote does this beautifully. See the attached illustration.

    Thank you

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  14. Easily Recognizable APA 7 Standard Format

    When selecting APA 6 for the RefWorks bibliography, you see a standard option and other variations.
    • APA 6th - American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
    • APA 6th - Annotated with Abstracts - American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
    • APA 6th - Annotated with Abstracts - No Title Casing Applied - American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
    • APA 6th - No Title Casing Applied - American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
    • APA 6th - No Title Casing Applied, New DOI - American Psychological Association, 6th Edition

    When selecting APA 7, no standard/basic option is indicated.
    According to section 9.34 of…

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  15. Make it possible to add the RefID to an export or to a custom style

    We would like to export from New RefWorks with a RefID included. At this moment, the default export options don't include the RefID and it's not possible to add the field RefID to a custom style.

    Use case: two researchers have to look at the literature for a systematic review and decide on inclusion or exclusion. They want to have a list in Excel with title and abstract and RefID to make it easier to compare and clean their list afterwards. This is possible in Legacy RefWorks, but not in New/ProQuest RefWorks.

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  16. APA 7th style should insert HTTP prefix to DOI, not require it to be hardcoded

    The DOI metadata field should include literally just the DOI, so that users can switch styles without having to manually edit every record. The 7th edition style is forcing users to hardcode the in the DOI field which renders it unusable for any other style that doesn't use that format. Instead require the user to NOT have any characters (eg doi:) in the DOI field other than the actual DOI, and apply the prefix to the data when generating the bibliography for APA 7th citations.

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  17. Import PMID from PubMed by Save to RefWorks

    Please improve Save to RefWorks to import PMID from PubMed.

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  18. HTTP prefix inserted to DOI

    I'm very happy to hear that APA 7th was updated so that the correct prefix is now inserted to the doi code (see

    Now, please note that this should apply also for all other major styles! The doi has really become a standard and therefore, reference management software should definitely support the use of doi, and expressly by inserting the entire prefix as now recommended in the latest Crossref standard

    So please, perform the corresponding update also to other major output styles, such as Chicago, Harvard,Vanouver

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  19. Allow searching by PMID in PubMed

    It would be helpful to be able to search by PMID when searching PubMed through RefWorks (i.e. through the "search databases" button on the left side of the screen). Sometimes we are searching for specific articles and have the PMID so that would save us time.

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  20. RCM: Add a "Recent" or "Frequently Used" option to help users easily retrieve references that have been recently/frequently used.

    Add a "Recent" or "Frequently Used" option to RCM to help users easily retrieve references that have been recently/frequently used.

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