Allow HTML coding for all labels
Please allow HTML coding for all labels.
Including URLs via a href when the label isn't used as a link already.
This is working for a few labels, but far from all.
HTML for public notes
HTML for collection discovery description
This is planned to be developed as part of NERS #8134 for a closed list of labels provided by the community.
Manu_Schwendener commented
Status 15.1.2024: Phase 1 will be available with the Primo VE February 2024 Release; Phase 2 will be available with the November 2024 release.
Manu Schwendener commented
Via Cindy Bowen: list of [some] labels that already support html
Manu Schwendener commented
Made it through round 2 of NERS 2023 and should be possible by autumn 2024.
Manu Schwendener commented
NERS 8134, round 2 open for voting now.
[Deleted User] commented
Dear Yael,
We recently started using the "service temporarily unavailable message" in the View It section. But it would be much better if the note could be bold because our users tend to overlook it this way.
Therefore, we suggest allowing HTML for the c.uresolver.availableOnline.service_is_temporary_unavailable label. Thank you for consideration! -
Christina Hennessey commented
Thanks for considering this enhancement. One label we would really like HTML in is the one for a disclaimer on the citation box, since we would like to direct our patrons to our LibGuides for more information. The label is Citation Labels - citation.labels.disclaimer and shows under the citation box. Our text there currently has to write out a link to our LibGuide instead of having an active link.
Manu Schwendener commented
Dear Yael
Could <b>, <i>, <u> be allowed for all lables?
> use cases
All labels that contain:
alert, contact, description, disclaimer, error, message, note, no_services, public or temporaryHere you are already aware that an explanation is needed - being able to add a link to a help/info page would alllow us to make the display text of the labels shorter.
[table Error Messages Labels, including ...noresults... <- already supported]
Allow URLs / a href for:
- all labels which are displayed with a background color = messages to the patrons
[brief.results.tabs.Get_it_from_other_locations_no_services - covered above]
[customized.alert.nolocations - covered above]
[email.note - covered above]
[ - covered above]
[nui.signin_message - covered above]
Manu Schwendener commented
NERS 8134, open for voting now.
Sabine commented
This would be great!
François Renaville commented
Peta Hopkins commented
Yes please