Enable Public Notes display for content within Database-type collections
It would be very helpful if Public Notes could be displayed for individual content (articles, etc.) within Database-type collections. Currently, Public Notes for Database-type collections can only be placed on the record for the collection itself, and they are not displayed on individual content. So if a user searches for the name of the database (such as
ProQuest Congressional Hearings Digital Collection: Part A (1824-1979)) they can see the Public Note below the View Online link -- but if they search for an article held within that collection (such as Committee Business. Congressional Hearing, 1980-07-31), there is no public note displayed with the View Online link -- and the info we communicate in Public Notes is most often needed for accessing the individual content.
This functionality is in place for Full Text and Selective type electronic collections that include portfolios. Public Notes can be placed at the individual portfolio level or at the collection/service level to display on all portfolios. This functionality would be very helpful for Database-type collections as well.
We are using Alma and Primo VE.

Pauline Liu commented
Following Ex Libris’s recent request, we added the new linking parameters to two Naxos databases so as to activate their database CDI contents and make the link in records urls work. The link in records now appear in Primo, but where are our public notes in the databases? Our Naxos databases have concurrent users restriction, and we need to let our users know. Besides, the users have to click on a special icon in the vendor’s website in order to end their sessions. Just by closing the browser will not end their sessions. These are all in our public notes to alert users. ** If Ex Libris can now export the new linking parameters from Alma to combine with the CDI link in records urls, why can’t they export the public notes + authentication notes to the CDI link in records as well? If this is not fixed, it will come up again and again as a PROBLEM.
Joseph Deodato commented
We strongly support this idea. Our use case for this enhancement would be Unpaywall for CDI (Collection ID 61738162240004646). This is database collection with no portfolios that displays a link in record for open access content available from Unpaywall. The problem is the open access version of a publication can sometimes differ from the final published version. However, there is no way to communicate this to the user. Ideally, it would be great if Ex Libris could capture version information from Unpaywall and display this data along along with the access URL. At minimum, however, customers should have the option to add a public access note to the collection that displays with the link in record to let users know that the linked version may be different from the one described in the record.
Emma Booth commented
Full text links for CDI record should display with the Public Note and Authentication Note from the corresponding Alma Electronic Collection that is triggering the CDI record to appear in Primo VE. Both Public Notes and Authentication Notes are both very important and should be displayable on full text links for all CDI records, not just those from Database collections.
Stacey van Groll commented
I see the idea has been updated to delete the Closed status. If Ex Libris is watching flow-on correspondence here, it would be appreciated if there would be more transparency in manner of communication. This is easily done by leaving the mistake visible and adding another status over it, which has been done in other ideas such as in the Content forum. This is vastly preferable than hiding something and pretending it never happened, with the resulting impression of not being open and trustworthy.
Nancy Babb commented
Please re-open this idea; it has 80 votes.
Manu_Schwendener commented
> fewer than 30 votes
No, 80 votes, please reopen.
Jack commented
I agree. Without this, I created a ridiculous workaround to add a special General Electronic Service to display a message, which shows up in Links instead of where I want it, directly under the Database.
Elizabeth York commented
I support this idea, but I think it should be done for both Public Note and Authentication Note. Both these notes are important and should be displayable on all full text links.
Luigi Siciliano commented
We strongly support implementation of this idea and we rely on Alma + Primo classic.
Actually, rather than an enhancement request, it looks to me that the current behaviour of Database type collections is inconsistent with the general behavior of collections in the system, and should be fixed without the need of an enhancement request.