Improve logic for Consortial/AFN and ILL requests
If all holdings across the Network Zone (NZ) are unavailable, we want to be able to suppress the option to place a Consortial loan request (ie. a resource sharing request in an automated fulfillment network), thus directing the user to ILL.
As of the August 2022 release, it is possible to configure the Primo request form not only to indicate whether there are known partners that can fulfill the request, but also to prevent submitting the form if indeed no known partners have been found.
More information can be found at
Denise Green, CARLI Illinois commented
Yes indeed, would help our student and other campus patrons alot! Frustrating to request and have it cancelled immediately. Wouldn't you be mad if an online store let you order but then sent a cancel email right away?
Chris Cougill commented
Yes! This has been a source of persistent complaints by our patrons (both students AND faculty).
Anonymous commented
yes please! our patrons are submitting requests and are frustrated by immediate cancellations.
If there is no item available, then there should be no ILL option. I would be lovely to have a link then to WorldShare so that the patron could actually request the item. -
Jasmine Cieszynski commented
Current system is unbelievably frustrating. I only rarely find the cancellation alerts (for my own items) in my "clutter" folder for email. To me, it seems "broken" and I won't refer patrons to I-Share until it's resolved.
Kyle Olney commented
It's really a shame it has been over two years since this idea was posted. A fix needs to be implemented for this ASAP. So much confusion (for patrons and staff!) when a patron can request something that is not actually available, is then given the impression the request went through, and then later receives a vague cancellation message.
Sveta Stoytcheva commented
Canceling a request when an item is unavailable is more confusing/frustrating for the patron than knowing from the start that it is not available or that ILL is a better option.
Rebecca Pagan commented
Many patrons are already intimidated and confused about how libraries work. Allowing them to place requests for unavailable materials only to find out later they need to go back and find the item all over again to request it is supremely frustrating. Private corporations are already faster than libraries; we beat them on price. Help us meet the expectations of our users by giving them a more effective experience.
Cheryl Grubb commented
This would be super-helpful to both patrons and staff. Many patrons see the request was placed successfully and then don't know what to do when the request is subsequently canceled by the system soon afterwards. It's confusing for them, and time-consuming for staff to assist.
Paula Dempsey commented
I agree!
Liz Hollendonner commented
This would cut back on patron frustration and would allow them to cut back on time allotted to discover items they are wanting to request.
Manu Schwendener commented
Shane Hickey commented
This would be super helpful to us in the WRLC!