Primo VE: add peer-reviwed and open access facet values to local records
In Primo VE you can add an OpenAccess indicator to the records, but it should also be possible to add a value (bases on normalization routines) that includes these records into the OA facet value in the top-level facets, so they are included when using this filter. This option should apply to both Alma records and external data records.
The same normalization option should be available for the Peer-reviewed indicator and facet value

Thank you for this suggestion. you can define Peer Reviewed and Open Access facet in local catalog more details can be found in Primo VE August and June release notes
François Renaville commented
Very happy to see that Primo VE September 2019 release allows us now to display an Open Access indicator for Dublin Core records! Thanks a lot for this first step in the right direction! Kudos!
(Note that only Display is effective, the OA Top Level facet does not keep dc records where dcterms.accessRights has been added.)Looking forward to seeing something similar for the Peer-reviewed indicator now! Hopefully, the Peer Reviewed Top Level facet will allow patrons to display only peer-reviewed records. Otherwise, it would really be misleading to display Peer-reviewed information and to exclude all concerned records when using the facet...
Deborah Fitchett commented
This is vital for us. All the content from our external data sources is open access by its nature and it's important to us to promote it and make it findable as such, as we can do currently in Primo NUI.
Manu Schwendener commented
François Renaville commented
Thanks for creating this idea!
We removed the Open Access and Peer-reviewed facets from our Primo VE Top Level section precisely because external data and Alma records are automatically excluded when using these facets. It would really be great if NRs could allow this!
That Alma records are excluded with the Open Access and Peer-reviewed facets is really incomprehensible: PCI Articles published in "Nature Communications" are flagged as Open Access and Peer-Reviewed, but the journal itself (Alma record) not, although fields 500 and 506 contain the expected values...