Journal coverage dates to show in the brief results page
Would like the ability to configure Primo to display the coverage dates found in the Alma portfolio record to display in the Primo brief results.
Currently, dates from the Alma bibliographic can display in the brief results but usually the publication date found in the bib differs than the coverage in the portfolio.
Our patrons and staff would like to do a search for ejournals and see from the results what our coverage/holdings are without clicking into the full details.

In Primo VE November 2021 and coming soon in February 2022 for Primo BO the Journal coverage will be added to the Availability line in the Brief results and Journal Search interface, allow users to easily understand the electronic coverage of the Journals managed in your Alma. More details can be found in Primo VE release notes.
Michelle Polchow commented
This data coming from the bib record is also confusing to users as it pertains to databases, 1) no authority date for the "creation" of an e-collection (database, aggregator, selective); and 2) user is interested in date of content created IN the database, not the creation of database itself. Having this data tracked in Alma Kbase would be so helpful for users.
Manu Schwendener commented
Ah, correct, thank you (I'll edit below).
Lesli M Moore commented
I think this is specific to the brief results and not the services/details page.
Manu Schwendener commented
Doug Rippey commented
The date range a patron needs would be earliest to latest across all vendors available.If there is a moving wall, the system should calculate and report the most recent issue actually available under each vendor's interpretation of how a moving wall works. If current issues are added as available, the range should show " -present"
Ann Kucera - Central Michigan University commented
I agree with calculated summary dates. I would also like the statement to end with 'to present' if that applies. We have noticed that students are not comprehending what 'from 1992.' means. They think that the only dates available are from 1992.
Pat commented
I agree with calculated summary dates.
Blake Galbreath commented
I submitted this Idea as a NERS request and the reviewers have the following questions:
"Wanted to ask about journals that have multiple portfolios with multiple coverage dates?
Would you want to just show one portfolio on the brief results (the one set to come first in the list?), or information for all of them, or have the system calculate total start and end dates for a journal and show a summary (so for the example journal above the brief results would show coverage from 1965 onwards)?"
If you have feedback for this, please respond asap. I am leaning towards calculated summary dates.
Blake Galbreath commented
Someone was just asking for this today! Thanks for writing this up.
Galen Jones commented
I have voted for this idea. The publication years of journals are very often confused with availability by library patrons.
I'd like to see this idea developed to extract the earliest beginning and latest ending years/dates/volumes of availability, from multiple portfolios where they exist for an individual journal. Showing only the availability statement from the first electronic portfolio in the brief results may not be desirable.
Also if it can calculate the ending years/dates/volumes where embargoes exist, rather than including any embargo statement in the brief results would be good. If current journal issues are acquired, the availability should ideally show as "- present".