Summary Holdings Display>Primo VE
Summary Holdings Display>Primo VE
We would like our summary holdings to display one "click/screen" earlier than they do now.
For example,
Users first have to click on the little arrow on the right of a holdings location before viewing the summary holdings statement.
We would like the summary holdings to display as a third line under the initial location data.
How it displays now:
Van Wylen Library
Available, Bound Journals Section 3rd Floor ; HF5601 .N53
How we want it to display
Van Wylen Library
Available, Bound Journals Section 3rd Floor ; HF5601 .N53
Summary holdings: v.45:no.12(1975:Dec.)-v.55:no.12(1985:Dec.)
We have seen Primo UI libraries able to make this change; we desire the same functionality in Primo VE.
Thank you

Thank you for this idea. This is now available in Primo VE , for details how to enable it
Manu Schwendener commented
This should also work when there are more than 10 holdings, see
Marcus Jun commented
In Primo Back Office (BO) the summary holdings statement displays without a click (highlighted in purple).
The user also can select a specific issue by chronology (year), volume number and description from the item records. (highlighted in green)
Both features would be useful in VE as well.
Primo permalink:
Heidi Brebels commented
I would also like to see this for monographs. That the availability ("X copy, Y available, Z request") is visible directly when there is more than one location.
Mike Rogers commented
I just applied three votes to this idea. The inability to easily/quickly view summary holdings for titles with more than one location is a terrible UX design flaw in Primo VE and not a new "feature" that should be added. Since switching to VE last month our users have complained about two items constantly, and this is one of them. Users should not have to click multiple times just to display summary holdings! And if there are three or more holdings records they have to drill into each one. I really hope this gets fixed soon.
Hiroe commented
I agree! It should be shown on the holding level.
Anonymous commented
I very much agree with this. Please make this available asap!
YUJI FUNATO commented
I hope this feature is to be available soon!!
Junichi Fuji commented
I agree. This will be helpful for users!
Aya Yukawa commented
I agree!! If this feature is added, we could save thousands of clicks......
François Renaville commented
I agree. This would be a most welcome enhancement!
Manu Schwendener commented
Ed Jones commented
We would also like this feature to be added
Bobby Bothmann commented
Agreed! This would be very helpful as must undergraduate users are not going to know that there may be notes or that they should click that arrow.
Mutsumi Hosaka commented
We also eager to add this function. I believe it is convinient to see summary holdings not to click to deep for our patrons.
Kelly Bliss commented
The August release included a feature to display the summary holdings for a single holdings record, but the feature does not work when there are multiple holdings. Per ticket #00582820, we were told to submit an enhancement request for this functionality.
Kelly Bliss, Rakow Research Library, Corning Museum of Glass