Delete the "Search Databases" option.
Please give Administrators the power to remove this option from RefWorks. We spend a great deal of time teaching students how to use our library's federated search tool. This option of choosing individual databases while in RefWorks defeats that purpose. If users want to search a particular database, that can easily be done from our library's website.

I am happy to update that the RefWorks October release includes a new admin setting for hiding Search Databases from users at the institution. As with any Admin setting, don’t forget to press Save to have it go into effect.
Joe Louderback commented
It would be great if we could suppress the Database Search link if we cannot add our subscribed resources to the list. The option for only open source content is confusing to our students. I would rather hide it if it cannot be edited to say something more descriptive.
Anonymous commented
Please allow administrators to disable, or at least configure preferences on the search databases feature. We are being inundated by patrons attempting to search PubMed via RefWorks, and it just doesn't work well at all. It auto-searches after one word, and does not even allow spaces between search terms. It's also misleading and very confusing to our patrons to have two places where they could search PubMed but all the library can do is tell them to ignore one.
We would like to disable this feature and funnel our students to search in the PubMed interface, or Primo instead. However, admins do not have any tools available to configure that feature.
Anonymous commented
Please do NOT delete the Search database option, or at least leave the option open for those who need it like for people not working regular hours. I want to be able to search in MY OWN database. My own database holds my own system where I have stored pdf's important to me so I can always find them easily, and I add information to an individual reference important for my writing, that is very valuable to me and many of my co-workers who I know do so as well.
At our University WE DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO SEARCH AT THE LIBRARY, and there you can not add information if needed about individual references.
Educate your students how to use the library databases.
Sally Taylor commented
I disagree with "Delete the 'Search Databases' option" but would be okay giving administrators that option. I find this feature very useful when preparing short bibliographies.
Anonymous commented
I don't agree!
Direct importing via this function from PubMed is a valuable option because downloading from PubMed and subsequently importing references is time-consuming and both students and employees struggle with this unfriendly method. -
Paul Mellinger commented
I agree that 'Search Databases' should be easily customizable to allow subscribing institutions to add their own library catalogues or other subsccribed resources. I don't think adding a suggestion in the Idea Exchange to add your own library catalogue is an appropriate mechanism since it is unlikely to get enough votes from other RefWorks customers.
René O commented
I agree. Either that, or make it customizable, so our Discovery Service can be used by default.
Jennifer commented
yes! The ability to turn on or off would be welcome! Always on is confusing and doesn’t easily adapt to catalog changes.
adam shire commented
Hide "search databases" feature from users via institutional admin.
Some institutions may wish to direct their users to a preferred search interface.