Your feedback matters to us. Help us improve Summon, as well as the 360 and Intota administrative services, by telling us what you’d like to see using the message areas below. You can also can support something already posted.
We would love to be able to respond to every idea that is submitted, but this is not feasible. We are, however, committed to responding to the most popular ideas—those that have received the most points.
For more information please review our FAQ and guidelines. Thank you.
270 results found
Be able to Search by LC Call Number in Journal Search
In the Journal Search section, have the ability to search by LC call number as an additional option to Title or ISSN.
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1 vote
Batchediting Option for Administrative and Resource Renewals
We buy JSTOR EBA books, and other ebooks in bulk. Every time we buy new ebooks, we need to add Administrative and Resource Renewals notes mannualy, one by one. These notes are often repetitive, especially for the same batch (like "Payee: JSTOR", "2021 EBA purchase" etc.).
Currently there's only one bach editing option: Cost data.
It would be nice if we could update admin and resource renewal notes by batch editing, so that we don't have to edit them one by one for 100+ times. Thanks!1 vote -
MyResearch Access in Summons
Provide access to a user's ProQuest MyResearch Account ...permanent and individual folder for saving articles, searches, alerts, etc.
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Allow 'article name' field to be applied to Oracle Analysis System reports
Allow the 'article name' field to be used in conjunction with 'title clicks' to produce a report that shows the frequency in which particular articles are clicked on in Summon.
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only show one open access button when both return a match
We turned on both the unpaywall and openaccess buttons in 360. Often there are matches in both, so both buttons display. We would like them to only show one in cases where both return a match. thanks for considering!
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Separate out translation for 'Full Text Online' to be independent from full text content link label
Request to separate translations out so we are able to change the facet label 'Full Text Online' independently without affecting the labels for our content links. We want our content links to use the same phrase as our other institutional systems, 'View online'. However, the phrase does not make grammatical sense as a facet label. At present these two labels are controlled from one phrase, 'Full Text Online' in translations.
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Merge audio book holdings into the 'book' record in the same way as print and e-books
Audio books should be treated in the same way as e and print books and added to the master 'book' record as an additional holding. Currently we have to add audio books as a separate content type so they will always appear as a separate record to the print or e copy and won't be retreived by clicking on the 'book' content type.
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Make the display order of Database Finder, custom panels, Topics, etc on the right side more customizable
Our students love Database Finder, but in many cases the list of matching databases can take up a lot of screen space in the right side pane. Custom panels, Topics, LibGuide results, etc get pushed down on the screen and aren't as visible. I'd like to be able to choose the # of database results that are initially displayed, with an option to see the rest of the list. I'd also like the ability to choose the display order of Database Finder, individual custom panels, and Topics.
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SummonとExribrisの検索結果に複数のCitation metrics(IF, FWCI, h-Index etc)を標準装備する
Summonのジャーナル論文検索結果にAlt metricsのドーナツが表示されている。
④高度かつハイブリッドな情報リテラシー教育支援コミュニティをベースにおくアグリゲータサービスの樹立を目指す1 vote -
Accurate date of publication
Some times we have unclear publication date for a book, and in such case, we set eg.[19--] at 260$c in Alma.
Summon calculates it to 1900 and displays it at result page. We would like to display it as 260$c without no change.
Also eg.[201-] and Kanji notation [明治頃] as well.Thank you very much for your cooperation.
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Can Authentication Banner URL open in a new window?
Since we use this banner url to guide users to VPN Help Page, it would be more convenient to let Authentication Banner URL open in a new window.
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Log Changes to Permissions
Changes to Client Center Accounts permissions, i.e. 360 Link Admin Console, are currently not logged in 'View Changes'. We do not have a way to check the history of any permissions changes on the account at this time. Having this feature will help us minimize unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding.
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Would love to be able to search the Summon Idea Exchange by date of submission of the idea! What's new!?
Would love to be able to search the Summon Idea Exchange by date of submission? Possible? What's the latest hot enhancements from say, the last three months rather than the last three years?
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Sierra via Summon
Include the number of checked outs, requests, messages, reading history in the title on the left.
Include the total fees in the title on the left.
See attached mobile screenshot.1 vote -
Sierra via Summon
Enable the admin to remove the "Request" (Place Hold) button and functionality from the search results.
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custom panel collapse by default
Allow for the custom panel to be collapsed by default. Instruction Librarians feel that displaying custom panel's create too much distraction on screen.
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Make use of BL or LC Name Authority Headings
Users would like to be able to differentiate between authors of the same name when searching Summon, using the Name Authority headings already available in the BL or LC catalogues/name authority indexes:
HEADING: Kelly, Daniel, 1959-They can do this in our library catalogue, and expect the same in Summon
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Add a new report for all search terms
Add a report similar to popular search terms that lists all search terms no matter how many times it has been searched as the popular search terms report has a default of a minimum of 16 hits.
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Search by URL in the client center
It would be great to be able to search a journal's URL in the client center. Sometimes I need to find out which collection uses a certain URL for a journal and doing a title search + checking each title individually is cumbersome.
1 vote
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