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86 results found

  1. Display parallel titles in Summon

    The correction in Summon to index parallel titles as titles (instead of as subtitles) was welcomed; however, the resulting elimination of parallel titles in search results displays was not. In the current iteration of Summon, which parallel title appears in the catalog is solely left to chance, and whichever appears first in a bibliographic record. However, if Summon can display all other title subfields and information in search results, including subfields B, N and P, it should include parallel title information as well. The lack of parallel titles is problematic for patron search and retrieval. For example, a patron searching…

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  2. About customizing the contents of the simple record displayed at the top of the Summon over Alma service page.

    Currently, the contents of the brief record displayed at the top of the Summon over Alma Service Page are not customizable. We would like to be able to define this display freely, as in Primo VE.

    For example, in addition to the fields currently displayed, we would like to add Record type, Statement of responsibility (author from 245 $c), Publisher name and place, Series name and number, etc.

    Example (parts in brackets are not displayed in current service page)

    Winnie-the-Pooh[ / A.A. Milne ; with decorations by Ernest H. Shepard ]
    Milne, A. A. 1882-1956 Alan Alexander; Shepard, Ernest…

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  3. Make the Summon search box widget a responsive design

    I want to embed the Summon search box widget on a Moodle page. Search box length is 'static'. It can be set to particular length but it is then not responsive in different screen sizes. The Summon preview pane widget is already responsive i.e. you can set length to 'fluid' and it changes width in different screens. I would like to see this also for the search box.

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  4. Display all 300 subfields as the default for all media

    Make display of all subfields from the 300 physical description field the default in Summon for all types of materials, in the catalog detail screen, results screens, and elsewhere. Currently, Summon only displays 300 MARC physical description information for books in search results and catalog detail pages; and even for books, only subfield “a” (pagination) is included. This means that patrons can’t see information like: number of DVDs or CDs in a set; whether movies are in black-and-white or color; playing time of DVDs or CDs; any accompanying materials like booklets with DVDs or CDs in book-and-CD sets; types and…

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  5. Lengthy Topic Explorer

    The current Topic Explorer is so lengthy, possible to shorten it?
    The whole page look very wordy.

    It would be good if we can add the logo of the resource also.

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  6. Take "Language" field information from 546 and not 041

    Please take information for the “Language” field in Summon and the Alma Display Services page from the 546 language note bibliographic field, instead of the 041 language codes bibliographic field. The 546 language note contains more detailed information about the languages included in a resource than the 041, including whether they’re for subtitles, described video, summaries as opposed to full articles, translations, etc. The current information in the Language display is not helpful for patrons. Not only does it not give details about how the languages appear in a resource, the displayed languages aren’t consistent with the language of the…

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  7. Add sorting functionality to the Summon Course Reserves Citation List Display

    When Alma Course Reserves lists are displayed in Summon, there does not appear to be any order to the citations listed, making it very hard for patrons to find the citation they are looking for in that course. We would like to see the option added to determine the default sort of the display (alphabetical by title, alphabetical by author, date added, etc) AND the ability for users to resort the list themselves if the default sorting doesn't suit their needs.

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  8. Stack Map addition

    Please add the Stack Map to SUMMON:
    A Digital Platform For Indoor Mapping. Our platform can map any space and provide way-finding tools and digital browsing to help your customers and visitors ...

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  9. Show DVD covers in search results

    Summon should show DVD covers as well as book covers in search results.

    Syndetics (and other content providers) have DVD content and covers available but this does not display in Summon. Summon should send EAN and UPC numbers to Syndetics as well as ISBNs to enhance the search results with DVD information.

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  10. Feedback form - allow it to "move on the page"

    When you click on the Feedback form, allow it to "move on the page" so that you can see "under" and around it - data sometimes is blocked by the rigid display and then you have to open another window in another browser to get around the feedback display. Also does not work well in a 2-monitor situation where I would expect to be able to "move" the feedback form to a second monitor to continue cutting and pasting on the summon display in the first monitor

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  11. Ability to display split holdings in MARC record

    We want to be able to display split holdings in the MARC record for a journal. You can add a Public Note:
    This displays in the ejournal portal but it doesn't show in Summon or the MARC record. I've been told that it will show in Summon after the next release, but there are no plans to make it show in the MARC record. This is a problem for users when they check our catalogue for holdings.

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  12. Video Game Enrichment with Syndetics

    Syndetics offers video game enrichment via UPC, which integrates with things like Primo. While other discovery platforms support UPC integration, Summon does not. Summon should offer a UPC integration with Syndetics for enrichment.

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  13. Best bets and Database Recommender icon differentiation

    We use both the Best Bets and Database Recommender features to promote databases in the context of a Summon search. We use the Best Bets feature to promote key databases for a subject and we use the Database Recommender feature to promote databases not indexed in Summon. Due to the tags used, a search will often retrieve both Best Bets and Database Recommenders. We would really like to either be able to customise the icons or have a different icon for each feature?

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  14. Improve the COinS metadata to include e-book URLs

    Add ebook URLs to the Summon COinS metadata so it can be included when importing a bookmark or reference into other systems.

    The COinS metadata available in the HTML of a Summon results page includes valuable information such as record ID, title, ISBN but it doesn't include the e-book URL. This is a problem if you want to bookmark items to Zotero, Talis reading lists or other systems.

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  15. Request link on catalog details page should not display for electronic only material

    For libraries that have switched on the catalog details page, they have the option to configure a Request link.

    This button displays on all records from the catalog, even if they are not requestable - for example if they are online only, the button still appears.

    For example, this book is only available electronically (but the request link (Place hold button) is displaying then you get an error on the LMS side when you try to request it):

    The dragon and the elephant : China, India, and the new world order!/search/document?ho=t&l=en-AU&q=%22The%20dragon%20and%20the%20elephant%20:%20China,%20India,%20and%20the%20new%20world%20order%22&id=FETCHMERGED-griffith_catalog_b187154973

    This setting should be configurable to only display…

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  16. Publisher search

    It is too much required to add a publisher list in filter part to select search from specific publisher too

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  17. Enable Czech Wikipedia within the Czech interface

    The users of the Czech user interface would like to be presented with Czech topics from cs wikipedia ( when searches are done in Czech.

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  18. Increase Facet Limit

    Summon facets are currently limited to only display 100 values for performance reasons. Would it be possible to increase this or ideally remove the limit without causing performance issues?

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  19. "Citation Online" + Open Access logo in Summon

    In the Summon results page, the mention "Full Text Online" is replaced by "Citation Online" for results beyond library collection.

    I suggest an exception where this mention "Full Text Online" is not replaced for results beyond library collection, when these results are Open Access and when the Open Access logo is displayed.

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  20. Ability to add custom pre-set publication date to facets, e.g. "Ten years".

    It is currently possible to use pre-set publication filters in the Publication Date facet, with "Last 12 months", "3 years" and "5 years" as options. However, it would be useful to toggle, i.e. both add and remove, pre-set publication filters for this facet in the Summon admin centre for Search Results and Advanced Search.

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