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86 results found
'eBook Full Text Online' on Advanced Search option
We'd like to add 'eBook Full Text Online' to 'Limit to' of Advanced Search option.
5 votes -
No information on the necessity to use parentheses in complex queries on Summon Search Query Help
Currently, there is no information about the necessity to use parentheses in case of more complex search queries in the Summon Search Query help (at least in our library and I was told that the help page is the same around the world). Users who often use Google Scholar as a rule of thumb do not use parentheses because Google works well even without them but in case of Summon, the use of parentheses in more complex queries is essential.
Even on ExLibris Knowledge Center web (page Summon: Phrase, Field, Boolean, Wildcard and Proximity Searching - it is…35 votes -
Make the display order of Database Finder, custom panels, Topics, etc on the right side more customizable
Our students love Database Finder, but in many cases the list of matching databases can take up a lot of screen space in the right side pane. Custom panels, Topics, LibGuide results, etc get pushed down on the screen and aren't as visible. I'd like to be able to choose the # of database results that are initially displayed, with an option to see the rest of the list. I'd also like the ability to choose the display order of Database Finder, individual custom panels, and Topics.
1 vote -
Merge audio book holdings into the 'book' record in the same way as print and e-books
Audio books should be treated in the same way as e and print books and added to the master 'book' record as an additional holding. Currently we have to add audio books as a separate content type so they will always appear as a separate record to the print or e copy and won't be retreived by clicking on the 'book' content type.
1 vote -
Currently, our user can change language in the hamburgermenu of Summon.
We like to have a flag for each language instead of the choice in the hamburgermenu.3 votes -
Remove identical links in Summon results for eBooks
eBook titles that have a MARC record in Library Catalogue are duplicated in the Summon results as a single result entry with 2 links.
Advised by technical support that this is the current design, case response below. The two links (particularly in the new interface with dropdown is an extra step for users).
"ILS gets one record by 360 MARC update service and ILS sends the record to Summon.
Accordingly, the link URLs are same, however, Summon thinks there are two link candidates after M&M, one is from ILS, the other is from Ebook Central. Currently, this is a design."…
5 votes -
Add "Available physical items only" facet
Our library wish to make use of the RSS function to list out the latest available items for loan in LibGuide. However it comes with problem which the items in order (i.e. unavailable) are on the top of list. It would be better if the "Available physical items only" facet is available for filtering.
2 votes -
Allow hyperlinks in the Custom Text feature of the Detail Page
It would be great to be able to link to a contact form (or other webpage) from text in the Custom Text that can be added to the Detail Page in Summon.
3 votes -
Add case studies as content type
It would be great if "case studies" to be added as a content type, the same way it's an option on CINAHL and some other Ebsco products. Our nursing and allied health students often have assignments that specifically require them to use case studies, and it's difficult to narrow those down using Summon.
2 votesAdminAmy Pemble (Admin, Ex Libris) respondedReturning this to the Ideas "pool" for voting by the community.
Delete search words when returning to top page from Home Link on result page.
When returning to the top page from the Home Link in the upper left corner of the search results screen, the current Summon is designed to carry over the search words as they are, but I would like it to be cleared each time.
6 votes -
Include a "Library" facet and a "Location" facet
For Summon institutions with multiple libraries, it would be useful to include facets for library locations and collection type locations.
For example, users could filter by the library building using the "Library" facet, and also filter by collection type (ex. Stacks, Reference, Reserves) by using the "Location" facet.
Currently with the "Library Location" facet, library buildings and collection locations are listed here and connected only with "OR". By separating them into their own facets, we can utilize the "AND" logic.
Application example- We have students asking if we have a certain textbook that circulates. It would be great to search…
7 votes -
1 vote
IP Anonymization (or IP masking) in Google Analytics
Make it possible for a library to add anonymization to their Google Analytics code. See
5 votes -
Show unreceived orders in Summon
At the moment, items ordered in Alma are not displayed in Summon until they have been received by the library. We need lecturers and students to be able to follow the progress of requests they have made or check whether we have already ordered a book before requesting it.
Alma sends to Summon the following Availability information:
The status field ( AVA subfield code e) is used to display availability in Summon:<datafield tag="AVA" ind1=" " ind2=" ">
<subfield code="0">991001800998706551</subfield>
<subfield code="8">2238289780006551</subfield>
<subfield code="a">353MIC_INST</subfield>
<subfield code="b">MICL</subfield>
<subfield code="c">General Lending, Limerick</subfield>
<subfield code="d">820.9'008</subfield>
<subfield code="e">unavailable</subfield>
<subfield code="f">1</subfield>
<subfield code="g">1</subfield>
<subfield code="j">MGEN</subfield>…3 votes -
Facet search results by Custom Database Name
As to Database Facet, it is recommended to facet search results by "Custom Database Name" field instead of default "Database Name" field.
20 votes -
Summon over Alma: Change Alma Service Page UI language by Summon UI language
For Summon over Alma clients, Summon is the only OPAC for patrons. At present, only 1 direct link rule can be set. The link rule to Alma Service Page has language parameter, but it cannot be set by Summon UI language differently from Primo. We'd like to request that Summon has the feature to set multiple languages parameters by Summon UI language. Currently, from Summon English page results, Alma service page displays Japanese UI. This is inconvenient for English patrons.
1 vote -
Label Kind of Open Access item linked to
Identify the kind of open access version being linked to -- preprint author submitted copy, same-as-published, post-print, etc. While it may not always matter if the open version of a published work is the same as the peer-reviewed, published version, when it does matter, it can be critical -- especially in health sciences. But it's also important for novice researchers to understand what is "almost published" and what was actually reviewed and published.
3 votes -
Search on summon and results with books/ebooks to display Syndetics and library OPAC classical catalog
see the attached file
1 vote -
Refine RTA for Institutional Reporsitories
At present all results for our Institutional repositry have "Full Text Online" as the RTA text. However some of these are not full text at all, just records of book chapters/articles submitted by researchers. This gives a false impression to the end user that there is always full text. It is probably too difficult to create a mapping for all the permutations, but it would be a start to allow the records that belong to the Institutional repository have their own RTA text, such as "View in the Institutional Repository".
6 votes -
Allow the brief results from your catalogue to be configurable
It would be useful if the fields available in the brief results could be configurable. It would be useful to be able to either remove fields altogether, or to at least have labels displaying, such as "Series" , "Pub Date" etc
1 vote
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