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We would love to be able to respond to every idea that is submitted, but this is not feasible. We are, however, committed to responding to the most popular ideas—those that have received the most points.
For more information please review our FAQ and guidelines. Thank you.
13 results found
Add a self-checkout feature in campusM/Library Mobile
It would be useful to add a self-checkout function to campusM/Library Mobile. Built as a new product integration, notably with Alma, it would allow patrons to check out items on their mobile device (quick and private way for patrons to borrow items from anywhere in the stacks).
Some libraries use parallel apps for self-checking, it is not very convenient to propose different library apps to users. Adding a self-checkout feature in campusM/Library Mobile would consolidate the use of this app among the library patrons.
64 votes -
Open links in external browser (Safari, Chrome etc)
Ability to open links in an external browser on iOS and Android. Just ran a student feedback session and this was a strong theme. I see that a similar idea [ ] was closed in Dec 2021, but no note explaining why. Thanks for considering :)
8 votes -
Folders for Tiles
Briefly: Please add a "Folder" tile type that can group tiles together. Clicking on the Folder would show the contents of the folder, similar to the home screen.
Background: We have a large number of Tiles. There are several Product Integrations, a couple RSS, several AEKs and lots of Static Content. And we've only scratched the surface of what our individual department does. To expand to the entire university, we're going to need some way to group these together at least one step below the Home page. A similar User Interface exists on mobile devices to group multiple apps into…
24 votesThis will be accomplished with the Nested tiles Smart Tile to be delivered in H2 2023
User ability to create tile folders
After a series of focus groups with approximately 20 students, a common request was for the ability to organize content in a personalized way by creating ad-hoc folders of tiles. So, in the Arrange function, you could tap and hold on a tile, drag on top of another, and create a new folder that you can name based on the contents. Currently, content menus are the closest thing to this, and those are statically created by the admin and are not modifiable by the user (aside from hiding/showing the content menu tile).
3 votesThis will be covered off with out Nested Smart Tile coming in H2 2023
Google Analytics
Deploy Google Analytics with Tag Manager to CampusM Native Apps, Live and Dynamic Tiles.
- Improve Implementation Speed
- Flexibility
- Custom timelines
- Version Control
- built-in triggers103 votesPlanned for Q1 2021. Due to potential security concerns this will be focus on Google Analytics and not Tags Manager.
Expand the native feedback functionality to allow for categories and multiple e-mail recipients
The native feedback functionality only allows for rating / free text to be collected. Please expand this functionality similar functionality for the problems, where different categories of feedback (and corresponding e-mail addresses to send this feedback to) can be created in the App Manager. Our students do not only want to provide the feedback about the app, but about the entire student portal and anything to do with their uni life. Similarly, these different types of feedback need to be handled by different parts of the business.
20 votesPlanned for Q4 2019
Analytics on Personalization
Now that users have the ability to hide tiles, we would like to see analytics on what tiles users (by role) have chosen to hide. IF we find that majority of our users have hidden specific tiles then we know its not important and we can choose to eliminate them. This is important for Feed/banner type tiles where user action (clicks) is not always necessary so tracking 'clicks' will not give you full picture of users that look at these tiles.
36 votesPlanned for Q2 2021
Data on Role level
To be able to see in Oracle BI data at the level of Roles.
For the time being we can only see the data on the Profile level in Oracle BI. Unfortunately, breaking down the data to the roles is not supported at the moment.6 votesThis request has been incorporation into the campusM roadmap.
Enhanced Search facility
As an app user, I would like be able to search across a specific set of content and see more details in the results, so that I am presented with more meaningful results
1) New custom URL scheme that will allow you to launch an enhanced search screen from anywhere (menu options, AEK pages etc.)
2) In the enhanced search, the results need to be styled and provide more details (i.e. result cards)
The enhanced search could be an alternative to the existing main search that covers all the content in the app (locations, pocket guides, alerts etc.) but we originally thought…
18 votesPart of 2022 roadmap
Links to a map
As an app user, I would like to be taken directly to a map, so that I can view the map for a specific area rather than having to choose the map from locations for the area I'm interested in
It would be good to have a link like this:
But that instead opened the whole map.
5 votesPart of 2022 roadmap
Web based locations delivery
As a portal user, when linking to a location I would like to see the full details of the location (image, text, description and position actions) rather than showing the location pinned on the map
Is it possible to have the web based locations delivery styled to more of an iOS delivery? So when an location is linked to, you see the image, text, description and position actions and then have the option to view it on the map.
9 votesPart of 2022 roadmap
When I look at my timetable in week view and I scroll down to the Friday section (for instance), I can click on an event and I can see the r
When I look at my timetable in week view and I scroll down to the Friday section (for instance), I can click on an event and I can see the relevant details, however when I go back to the week view, the list has scrolled to the top again.
My suggestion is to have the list remember its position before an event is clicked, and then on returning to the list view from the clicked event, have the list remain in the position it was in before clicking the event, rather than returning to the top of the list again.
1 votePart of 2022 roadmap
Overhaul Insight Analytics
I would like to see a complete overhaul of Insight.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to develop business cases for justifying work within CampusM without the statistical evidence to show usage, especially for AEK development.
Whether it is:
We need to know what users are doing as fine grained as possible. This help show our product owners the value in AEK development. At the moment we can only show that people use the app in general. Not where they came from and where they want to. What screen they stayed on etc. In general, it is…
17 votes
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