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102 results found

  1. IIIF Universal Viewer - delivery of Audio Visual material with Closed Captioning

    It would be good if the Rosetta IIIF Universal Viewer maintained the same functionality level as the Alma-Digital IIIF Universal Viewer.

    The Rosetta Universal Viewer in V8.2.0 is at v31.1.

    When attempting to deliver a times based item (e.g. audio visual) the following is missing

    1. skip forward and back 20 seconds
    2. access to the VTT closed captioning

    Lack of access to the CC is a major accessibility issue

    Surprisingly Alma-Digital does cater for the above

    i have attached a comparison document

    As both teams are now under 'Discovery and Digital Solutions' I would have expected the two components to maintain…

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  2. UI interface - Repository | General Settings | Events Configuration

    It wouls be greate if we could sort the display by 'Event Type' as this will allow easier matching to the Rosetta Configuration manul Appendix C whch lists events by ID number

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  3. Update Logical and Physical Structure Maps via Rosetta Back Office


    For IEs that have both a physical and a logical structure map, we would like to be able to globally change the default logical and physical structure map labels for Preservation Master in the Rosetta Back Office.



    Ryan Edwards
    Digital Access and Systems Librarian
    Information Systems
    Getty Research Institute
    1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
    Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688

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  4. Allow Rosetta to be exposed as a non-root URL

    Our Rosetta instances are all behind a firewall and accessible through a reverse proxy.

    In order to sanitize our host names and improve the integration with our other services, it would be beneficiary to be able to access Rosetta in a sub-path of an existing URL. So instead of the url: we would like to use

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  5. Scheduled Reports with Institution in Email-Header

    When Scheduling Reports for different Institutions, the Email received does not contain any information about where the Data comes from. If you want to know IEs in permanent, you would not know wheter it is about Institution A or B. It would be great if the Institution or a custom information-text-content would be sent either with the email or be included in the report itself. The Report in my special case is "Repository Stats" in "Data Management".

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  6. Recalculate fixity SHA2 and insert into Rosetta

    We have around 22,000,000 files that we would like to recalculate a new fixity hash, but this time it would be SHA256. We need a good way of getting this fixity back into Rosetta. We would like to store it along with the SHA1 value we previously generated. We are aware that the SHA1 fixity is located in xml clob data in the hdemetadata table. We are wondering if there is another location for this SHA1 value in another table.

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  7. Make Standard Upload procedure for 3A configurable (Applet vs. manual upload)

    When adding representations via the 3A workbench, the default procedure is the applet upload. Due to security settings, the applet may not be available in some environments. In this case, the user has to click the "Load the files manually" link located on the left to then switch to the manual upload procedure, which works fine.
    To avoid these extra steps it would be nice to set the default upload procedure (applet or manual) for 3A workflows via a general parameter.

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  8. Default IE Export Location

    Would it be possible to change the default export path for DRPS Prod to ...
    instead of ...
    or perhaps just /opt/drps/export/dept/CHD/WIP/Exports if including the [USER] is too much trouble
    It would also be nice if the default path in DCMS Prod could be ...

    We are aware of the IE export web service. We want to be able to click on the export IE link in advanced search and have it immediately start exporting to a specific path

    See case: 00474798

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  9. Rosetta UX

    when creating a set using the 'IE Entity Type' would like the 'match' to be sorted alphabetically -- appears to be sorted randomly

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  10. In Material Flows: remove option to "automatically extract compressed files" when the Content Structure is changed to METS

    The material flow configuration includes the default option to "automatically extract compressed files". This option works in all workflows except METS content structure work flows, as extracting compressed files leads to mismatches in the METS struct map.
    Material flow configuration screens should blend out the extraction option for METS content structure or make the user aware of a faulty configuration upon saving such a combination.

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  11. Profiles for Rosetta-Aleph-Integration

    we are using the Rosetta-Aleph-Integration in both directions:
    1. creating the CMS-record in Rosetta and
    2. setting the Rosetta-flag in Aleph as well as updating the Aleph record with the URN created in Rosetta.
    In the past there was only one target field for the URN and the assignCMS task with updateURNTask worked without problems.

    Due to changes in the cataloging rules - we are using now the international RDA-rules - we have to deal now with different target fields in Aleph for the URN depending on the type of material: e-only e-books, digital reproductions of printed books, online versions…

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  12. IIIF Universal Viewer - email Options

    Require the option to allow ‘email’ from the viewer.

    Would like to configure the at least following information as part of the ‘email’ option

    1. Descriptive metadata
    2. Handle / PI identifier
    3. URL to image

    Allow the customer to enter
    1. Subject
    2. To email address
    3. Their own email address
    It may be useful to include a ‘captcha’ block to prevent misuse of this function.

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  13. IIIF Universal Viewer - Force Download

    When selecting a JPG file to download the following occurs
    1. the file is downloaded
    2. the file is then automatically rendered in the browser
    3. the customer needs to ‘right mouse’ click and download from the browser.
    The problem is that the download file is 600dpi but when it is rendered in the browser the browser resets the dpi to 96dpi.
    Would prefer the option to ‘force browser to download image files’

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  14. Small change to Create Derivative Copy task

    Right now when you use the Create Derivative Copy task you have to select a plug-in type (either Transformation Profile or Stream Handler) even in cases where you are not transforming anything - we create derivative copy representations that are exact copies of the preservation master representation with no transformations. I would like to have a 3rd radio button - something like "None" - added. Since we're not selecting any file formats and we are choosing "Copy other extensions" the system is doing what we need it to do and we think it's odd to have to choose a plugin…

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  15. make passwords configurable, create password exchange infrastructure

    For compliance purposes and as a lesson learned from SC 00560356, I suggest improving the documentation and configurability of passwords throughout subsystems of Rosetta installations.

    I suggest creating and maintaining a KB article on how and where to change passwords for:
    - System user "dps"
    - System user "oracle"
    - Oracle user "sys"
    - default Rosetta user "admin1" (John Smith)
    - Cantaloupe Image Server user "admin" (changeable by configuring ".../system.dir/thirdparty/tomcat/rosetta-webapps/cantaloupe.war/")
    - Solr user
    - Rosetta console UI user

    The passwords for Solr and the Rosetta console UI cannot be changed at the moment (Rosetta; I suggest considering changes to…

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  16. Counter / SUSHI support in Rosetta

    Increasingly libraries and consortia are using counter / sushi to measure usage of digital and electronic resources across disparate parts of their holdings.

    If holdings being held in Rosetta are to be valued by the broader institutions funding and maintaining those resources, we need to be able to report usage using the counter and sushi protocols (which ExLibris has already demonstrated knowledge of in their support in ALMA and 265 services).

    Key features would be basic counter and sushi reporting; use of IP ranges and user groups already defined in Rosetta for reporting; and grouping or content by already defined…

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  17. UI interface - Deposits: Delivery XSL Files | Details xsl viewer

    i have been working in the XSL viewer / editor -- to make it readable i have to copy and paste the information out of the XSL window -- reformat the information to make it readable -- however when I paste the reformatted XSL file into the Rosetta XSL editor the formatting gets lost -- for example <xsl:for-each> all of the information is wrapped back to a single line -- it would be great if the formatting is maintained in the Rosetta XSL editor

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  18. Enhancing Advanced Search Features in Primo VE

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve been exploring Primo VE and noticed that the advanced search functionality could be more intuitive, especially when dealing with complex queries involving multiple filters and operators. While it works well for basic searches, I’m wondering if there’s a way to improve user experience for more detailed queries.

    For instance:

    Can we implement a drag-and-drop interface for filters to visually organize search criteria?
    Is there an option to save frequently used advanced search templates for quicker access?
    How could we improve the visual distinction between AND/OR operators to minimize errors?
    I’d love to hear if anyone has tried…

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  19. Configure the delivery rules to display only logical structure maps, and not physical ones

    We would like the ability to configure the delivery rules to display only logical structure maps, and not physical ones as for one of our institutions, we’d like NOT to deliver the physical structMap, and only the logical one.



    Ryan Edwards
    Digital Access and Systems Librarian
    Information Systems
    Getty Research Institute
    1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
    Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688

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  20. Additional rule input parameter: material flow

    Since the organization levels in Rosetta are limited to consortium and institution, we often have to ingest objects of different origin an type into a single institution. This poses problems as for certain sources you want to activate more or less extraction and/or file extension rules that for other sources. Currently we have to leave the more permissive rules off, make the SIPs fail and end up in the TA, enable the permissive rules, rerun the SIPs and finally disable the permissive rules.

    This is a pain and requires many manual interventions that are error-prone and can influence other ingests…

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