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106 results found

  1. IIIF Universal Viewer - Searchable PDF

    For searchable PDFs would like the viewer to have similar features as the viewer deployed by the British Library-

    Would like the search bar for be available and indication where the search word if located in the PDF

    Download options would be driven by Entity Type

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  2. Material flow simplification by making things optional

    Currently the material flow combines amongst others, a restrictive list of access rights, retention policies and metadata fields. These operate as restrictions on which access rights, retention policies and metadata fields can be supplied by the submitter. We suggest to make it possible to opt-out on any of these restrictions. That would benefit customers that have automated submission workflows outside of Rosetta where the metadata is already checked for validity and fully under control. It would also help solving human errors when new ARs are created, but forgotten to be added to their respective material flows. If it not possible…

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  3. IIIF Universal Viewer - Share Options

    Would like to configure the ‘Share’ option.
    At this stage the only share options are
    1. Embed
    2. URL link
    Would like to configure the ‘Share’ option to allow adding the following additional social media options
    1. Facebook
    2. Twitter
    3. LinkedIn
    4. Various citation options such as RefWorks

    As part of the share option we would like to configure what information is passed across. For example, for Twitter, SLQ would like to pass
    1. Handle/PI information
    2. Title
    3. Image
    4. Any appropriate hashtags

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  4. Expand the search scope of the search box on web collection page

    Is it possible to expand the search scope of the search box on web collection page from the current collection to all its sub-collections and itself?

    For example, I tried to search IE2119194 by its partial title "South Korea's economic puzzle" on the following page;

    but no matching IEs were found, because the IE belongs to the collection(id=109127824)'s sub-sub-sub collection(138846884).

    • 109127824 > 138830885 > 138834664 > 138846884
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  5. Deactivate Institution

    Enable deleting an institution that had content already deposited into it. This should be enabled only if all the IEs were already deleted.

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    Adi Alter responded

    Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers

  6. IIIF Universal Viewer - Download Options - filename

    When selecting the download option would like to be able to configure the download file name.
    Currently the file name is ‘default.jpg’
    Would like to configure the download so that the download file name can use one of the following options
    1. <dc:title> (maybe the first 30 characters); or
    2. <internalIdentifierValue>
    SLQ would prefer the <dc:title> option

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  7. IIIF Universal Viewer - Download Options

    Would like the ability to configure the download options to allow the download the Master Preservation Master

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  8. Assigning a valid SSO user to a default account if one does not exist

    We do not wish to have all of our institutional users in Rosetta, leaving that for administrators and publishers.

    When a user has signed in successfully through SSO (in our case ADFS) we know that they are from our institution, so we should be able to do access rights rules based on this.

    We are also able to pass through extra parameters through SAML to identify the type of user, and where they have come from, it would be great to be able to assign such users to basic user accounts so we can have granular access rights to IE's…

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  9. IIIF Universal Viewer - Print

    Require the option to allow ‘Print’ from the viewer.

    Would like to configure the at least the following information as part of the ‘Print’ option

    1. Descriptive metadata
    2. Handle / PI identifier

    For images would like to print the single image to fit across the page – this is relevant if printing in portrait or landscape mode
    Allow image to scale according to paper size selected

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  10. encrypt all update channels

    After experiencing some problems with Rosetta's Format Library update mechanism (see SC 00423700 "error while updating Format Library [Rosetta]", handled by Paul), we got thinking about Rosetta updates in general. Currently, all updates are downloaded through an unencrypted connection. This includes:
    - Rosetta updates (major, minor, service packs, hotfixes) and their checksum files (!)
    - Oracle updates and their checksum files
    - PDS updates (presumably)
    - Format Library updates
    Due to this, there's no way to verify authenticity of ExLibris' servers and the integrity of the update packages/the checksums. All information that are downloaded from ExLibris' servers must be…

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  11. Take account of the METS mimetype attribute during file ingest

    The METS standard has a mimetype attribute on files "<file MIMETYPE="application/pdf" ... /> but this information is currently ignored by Rosetta during the file-type identification process on ingest.

    Mimetye should be at least as reliable as file extensions (because mimetype is a standard, is actively maintained and widely use by a good portion of software for identifying file types).

    In particular, recognising mimetypes is likely to greatly increase the ease of ingest of content from internet-facing content management systems where it is very widely used

    See also

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  12. Make IE Viewer share button configurable

    The share button in the IE Viewer currently always shows the browser URL. Often the IE has an OID or some persistent URL that is preferred over the transient viewer URL. Rosetta should allow the URL that is displayed to be configurable. Preferably with an XSLT per institution similar to the IE metadata XSLT.

    It is also desirable to allow for more than 1 URL in the share window. That would allow to add URLs for standalone vs embedded viewers, thumbnail view, CMS metadata view, etc.

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  13. IIIF Universal Viewer - delivery of Audio Visual material with Closed Captioning

    It would be good if the Rosetta IIIF Universal Viewer maintained the same functionality level as the Alma-Digital IIIF Universal Viewer.

    The Rosetta Universal Viewer in V8.2.0 is at v31.1.

    When attempting to deliver a times based item (e.g. audio visual) the following is missing

    1. skip forward and back 20 seconds
    2. access to the VTT closed captioning

    Lack of access to the CC is a major accessibility issue

    Surprisingly Alma-Digital does cater for the above

    i have attached a comparison document

    As both teams are now under 'Discovery and Digital Solutions' I would have expected the two components to maintain…

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  14. Web Services: 1. new argument for SOAP/REST: institution code / 2. general limitation of answers to content of a certain institution


    we would like to limit the content delivered by a SOAP/REST request to data belonging to a certain institution.

    We assume there are several ways to reach this goal.

    1. A first approach could be to introduce a new argument ("institutionCode") similar to producer ID:
      <arg2 xmlns=""></arg2> //producerID
      as used in e.g. getDepositActivityBySubmitDate

    2. Regarding a more fundamental solution:
      As a constortial leader we are especially interested in functionalities that support Rosetta's multi-tenancy approach.
      Therefore we would welcome a general limitation of web service request answers to content of the institution of the requesting user.

    Thanks for your considerations

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  15. Verify numbers of files in CSV and Zip match as part of CSV/Zip deposit method

    As part of the CSV/Zip deposit method, Rosetta verifies that all files in the CSV are in the Zip. It does not, however, check if all files in the Zip are listed in the CSV.

    We recently discovered that for 5 of our IEs, the CSVs were incomplete and missing a few thousand files. Even though the Zips contained more files, the deposits went through successfully and the files not listed in the CSVs were not preserved.

    I propose that as part of the deposit process, Rosetta checks the number of files in both the CSV and Zip and verify…

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  16. change to Rosetta METS XSD re: duplicate file IDs

    During a recent batch of deposits (see case 00477041 from the Getty for more info) we figured out that, due to an error in our one of our input files that creates the METS, our original METS file did not have unique file IDs in the structMaps for the preservation master and modified master representations. It was simply repeating the same file ID from the access file representation.

    For some reason, this did not cause a METS validation error when we validated against the Rosetta XSD before deposit, nor when it was deposited. However, it resulted in the METS in…

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  17. OAI Harvester Job - Configurable Time Out

    As of now (Version 6) it is not possible to configure the time out of the OAI harvesting process.
    When trying to harvest from a server that takes 1 min to answer (with resumption token at a given number) the harvester job fails.

    We would like to be able to set the time out ourselves. Ideally this becomes a setting within the harvester job dialogue.

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  18. UX: improve list view of IE delivery rules

    The IE delivery rule list contains the following fields:
    - active
    - name
    - description
    - creation date
    - modification date
    - commands view, edit and delete

    the dates and commands take up half of the screen, not leaving much space for the name and description. Both these fields are rarely descriptive enough to fully understand the implication of the rule and we have had several occasions where an operator added a rule, changed the order or modified a rule without understanding its impact. Resulting in wrong viewers being used or even files not viewable at all.

    We think the…

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  19. Create task/job for adding/updating file-level metadata

    I know I can add file-level descriptive metadata (DC) individually to a file in the back office or use the web services to do that for many files at once, but I want to be able to add metadata to a batch of files using a process in the back office. In my case, I would be adding the same DC record to a large group of files but I can also see the need to have a different DC per file so I would send Rosetta a bunch of DC XML files - one for each file PID, similar…

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  20. Additional Rosetta Collections REST API

    The current Rosetta REST APIs return infromation about a collection structure.

    We would like a REST API which will return all of the IEs attached to a Rosetta Collection

    The information is currently stored in the Oracle VIEW COLLECTIONMEMBERSVIEW

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