Offer library-controlled "Looking for...?" suggestions
When a user is searching for a common title but not necessarily easily found, like "Wall Street Journal," we want to offer a highlighted link, "Looking for the Wall Street Journal" that goes to the destination of our choice, which in this case would be the WSJ online database. We have many records for WSJ different editions etc. and it can be challenging for the user to find the "primary" one.
Thank you for this great idea. we are pleased to announce that this functionality is implemented in Primo as part of the Resource Recommender.
Recently we have enhanced it: allowing suggested resources to be returned through the enrichment of searchable tags by adding synonyms, inflections and more.
Please refer to knowledge center for more information
Laura Akerman commented
Isn't this a Summon feature (I think they call it "Best Bets")? I've heard people from other libraries talk about it. Hope it can be incorporated into Primo - and yes, staff should be able to add things to a table or list as they become aware of needs.
Alevtina (Allie) Verbovetskaya commented
This functionality is available as a "plugin": use it at CUNY. See it in action: am totally in favor of making this a native functionality, though, perhaps with the help of a mapping table...
Corinna Baksik commented
This would also allow us to add suggestions for common mispellings, like when users search for "LexusNexus" instead of "LexisNexis" (or other variation)