Integrate Retraction Watch data into CDI article records
We would like to see metadata on retracted articles incorporated to CDI/Primo from the Retraction Watch database ( While some CDI records indicate in titles that the articles have been retracted, not all do -- this appears to be provider-dependent. Adding a metadata element to indicate retracted status would make it possible to flag retracted articles visibly and consistently, and to create a facet/filter for retracted articles.

Hello All,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 30 votes.
This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.
We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Primo.
Best regards,
Primo Product Team
Manu Schwendener commented
This will come with the August 2023 release.
C Macarthur commented
There has been another similar suggestion put forward but for inclusion to Refworks. As this is something that is currently available in other systems it may be a useful enhancement CDI/Primove/Primo/Refworks.