Improve indexing of in press articles in CDI
The Central Discovery Index (CDI) includes many in press articles (i.e., articles that have been accepted for publication in a future issue). However, because these records do lack a pub date, volume, or issue number, the Alma link resolver cannot reliably determine whether an institution has access to these articles. We ask that Ex Libris improve they way in press articles are indexed in CDI so that the link resolver does not return false positives for content the library does not actually own.

For full transparency, the commitment we made for this idea is to do the analysis for this feature in 2024. Based on that analysis, we will craft a solution that we can deliver in early 2025. We will keep you updated via this idea.
Manu_Schwendener commented
Denise Green, CARLI Illinois commented
Thanks for putting on roadmap. We look forward to more progress.
Marisa Tolbert commented
This is related to a Content enhancement request focused on pre-prints and articles not "fully published." Can ExLibris expand the definition of embargo beyond the date range, so that it includes pre-prints, Ahead of Print articles, and articles that are not "fully published?" Often these types of articles have identifying information included in the record like in the "Is Part of" section, which would help determine what articles fit this criteria. Here is the Content enhancement request URL:
Alicia Pearson commented
Agree that this is a priority to address.
Reeti Brar commented
Added some votes too.
Reeti Brar commented
I have added some votes too :)
Patricia Farnan commented
Added some votes.
Denise Green, CARLI Illinois commented
Yes, this problem is growing. There's many CDI sources that are ahead of official publication or release of articles. Users are frustrated that full text is supposedly available but isn't really there yet in aggregators or selective packages.
Denise Green, CARLI