Separate publisher and aggregator collections to filter out unavailable preprints
Publishers are increasingly adding preprints to their collections but aggregators do not add them until they have been fully "published". Because aggregators and publishers share collections on the CDI, it looks as if our aggregator links are broken in the catalogue. If aggregators and publishers provide different levels of access, can the collections be separated to reflect this?
This is important because the preprints tend to be the latest publications and so are in relatively high demand.

This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.
It will be reviewed and addressed according to the regular workflow of content requests.
My sincere apologies.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Wendy Crist commented
See similar idea:
Ben Hockenberry commented
This would be a fantastic solution. Aggregator collections that primarily provide full text after issue assignment would have a checkbox set to “includes full text of preprints? No.”