Add "Back to results list" when a document has several editions
We would like to propose an improvement to the search results for end-users in Primo. Our suggestion is to have an easier way to get back to the search results list if a document has several editions.
Currently, if a user opens a document that has several editions/versions, they have to reset their active search filters (“List of editions/versions”) in order to go back their original search results list. Our suggestion is to have a button that says “Back to results list” instead.
In addition, we propose that when returning to the results list, the user returns to the same place, and not at the top of the list. Today the user returns to the top of the results list when exiting the multiple record list.

Thank you for this idea. Navigation has been improved on the List of Versions page by adding a Back to Results Lists link . This is available in VE July 2021 release and in Primo August 2021 .
Manu Schwendener commented
Hi, this has been under review for a year now. Do you know when it will be realised?
Thank you. -
Manu Schwendener commented
Manu Schwendener commented
Lee Adams commented
It is not easy to get back to your original search results when you click on a title that takes you to a page with multiple versions, and then you click into one of the multiple version records. Providing a bread crumb trail for one click access back to the original results would be useful, instead of clicking the back button 5 times or so.