Add 245 subfield c to Primo display
Please add the 245 subfield c to the display in Primo. It does display in Alma. In the example below, you are not able to determine the author/creator's responsibility for the work - Author vs. forward vs. photographer.
We would love to have more granularity in general for what fields/subfields display in Primo for our specific institution.
Thank you!

Luigi Siciliano commented
I absolutely agree this behavior should be out of the box.
Meanwhile, I found this ( ) and I merged it with Jesse Kruppa (UCR) customization below.
Following rule is the result:rule "Primo VE - Title"
MARC."245" has any "a,b,c"
set TEMP"1" to MARC."245" sub without sort "a,b"
remove string (TEMP"1","<<")
remove string (TEMP"1",">>")
remove substring using regex (TEMP"1","(,|/|:|;|=)+$")
set TEMP"2" to MARC."245" subfields "c"
concatenate with delimiter (TEMP"1",TEMP"2"," / ")
create pnx."display"."title" with TEMP"1"
endThis rule is not for a local field but I'like to use it as a replacement for the current display.title rule, as detailed here:
I am testing it in our environment. Anyone willing to test it as well and to provide some feedback ?...
Allison Rich commented
Special collections libraries need the 245 $c to display fully as it contains useful information for the researcher.
Jesse Kruppa (UCR) commented
At my institution, I created a local field with just the 245c, labeled it "Responsibility" and added it to the full display on a new line. (Config > discovery > configure views > full record services > details)
SEE ATTACHMENT: I've attached some small screenshots to show our configuration and the result in Primo, as well as a potential alternate.
Local field: Add Local Field. DO NOT select any MARC21 fields.
Edit the normalization rule to the below:=====================
rule "Primo VE - Lds__"
MARC is "245"."c"
set TEMP"1" to MARC."245"."c"
create pnx."display"."lds__" with TEMP"1"
=====================(the blank varies depending on how many local display fields you have so far)
Save. Apply Rules.
That said: We shouldn't have to do this in the first place. The 245 c should be a default search/display field (All MARC fields and subfields should be able to display out of the box -- respecting indication rules-- without library staff having to specifically add them, frankly.) Institutions should only have to define the actual local fields. 69x, 79x, 9xx, etc.
(I wish the comment box here wasn't so tiny...)
Nancy Babb commented
It is so disappointing that the statement of responsibility is not displayed in Primo and that it seems impossible to add to the display in Primo VE without many negative impacts on citations, file export, sorting, etc.
Lucy Seale commented
I agree, this field is obviously important for users to be able to identify areas of responsibility for works. It seems very odd that it is not automatically included in the full record display.
Stacey van Groll commented
I agree that’s not ideal at all. Adding the 245 c to the Title is one of the first things we configured locally during our Primo BO Implementation. I see from the guide that it is indeed hard coded and I believe the only option for adding MARC fields in VE at the moment is to create a whole new local field, which is obviously only useful in practice for completely new MARC fields not already hard coded, and especially not Title which is such a key one. This seems like a pretty clear cut use case for VE sites to be able to customise display. Out of curiosity, did Ex Libris suggest this Idea Exchange submission, Lori?
Stacey van Groll, University of Queensland -
Gail Bonath commented
Our library recently went live with Primo VE. In Primo VE the 245 subfield c does NOT display, and there is no way to configure it ourselves. It is hard coded and not configurable. Our records look like the one Lori linked to above.
I think this is a huge problem and actually I think it is a mistake. Most other MARC fields include all subfields.
Stacey van Groll commented
Hi Lori, I added the 245 subfield c to Display in our Alma normalization rules in the Primo Back Office. If you are not Total Care, you should be able to do this also, otherwise I believe Total Care sites can open a SalesForce case to ask for it to be done.
Stacey van Groll
University of Queensland