Move Peer Reviewed into it's own facet group
The Peer Reviewed facet is currently grouped in the Availability facet group. It has nothing to do with Availability or the other things in the Availability facet group. Not seeing another facet group that makes sense, Peer Reviewed should be in it's own facet group. This will make more sense to the user, allow more flexibility in controlling the placement and the look and feel of these individual facets.
Hi all,
This is to update that this is planned to be added in the Primo Next Discovery Experience User Interface. We are planning to add it as a separate "Quick filter" option for a results list.
More details on the new interface planning can be found here -
Best regards,
Lyn Moore commented
I agree Peer Reviewed doesn't belong under Availability it requires it's own facet group.
François Renaville commented
I agree that 'Peer Reviewed' is not really appropriate in an Availability facet group. Note however that the library changes the Facet Label from 'Availability' to for example 'Show only' or 'Keep only', incongruity disappears. This works also for 'Open Access'. My 2 cents...
Kimberly Willson-St. Clair commented
I agree with this perspective as well as adding Open Access to the Peer Review grouping.
Blake Galbreath commented
@William - would you consider adding the new Open Access facet to this group?