Set default encoding level for Export RIS in New UI
In the New Primo User Interface the Export RIS functionality requires users to select an encoding level.
In the classic UI UTF-8 was selected by default.
Can the default encoding level please be an option in the New UI.
Many of our users are confused by which encoding level to select, and we would like to present them with a default option selected to help ease the confusion.

Kevin McDonough commented
I agree this is a good enhancement, having UTF-8 be the default coding.
Anton Reznik commented
as for me, the solution below does not work. -
Maya Amichal commented
Please consider this change also for Primo VE
François Renaville commented
Thanks a lot, Ulrich! It works perfectly! I have just added some similar lines for Bibtex in custom.js:
app.component('prmExportBibtexAfter', {
bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' },
controller: function() { this.parentCtrl.encodingVal = 'UTF-8'; },
template: ''
});and both do the job! :-) Thanks again!!
Ulrich Leodolter commented
This code should do the trick until fixed by Ex Libris:
app.component('prmExportRisAfter', {
bindings: { parentCtrl: '<' },
controller: function() { this.parentCtrl.encodingVal = 'UTF-8'; },
template: ''
}); -
Petra Gratzl commented
We'd also had feedback from users that exporting RIS format in the NUI takes many more clicks than before and should be UTF-8 encoding by default.
Stacey van Groll commented
I've smoothed out our workflow a little as a workaround by changing 'Encoding' to 'UTF-8' in the Keeping This Item Tile Code Table. The little drop down arrow still appears with just UTF-8 listed, but hopefully users will just go straight to Download. This only works as a bit of a kludge though because we only have the one encoding option enabled, so more configuration options are still sorely needed.
Cheers, Stacey van Groll
Discovery and Access Coordinator -
Rachel Collier-Wilson commented
We also support this - in particular, we would like this "If all bar one encoding option has been disabled, clicking on RIS should trigger the download." All the clicks are really frustrating.
François Renaville commented
I support this very much!
Stacey van Groll commented
We'd also had feedback from users that the New UI display for Export RIS is confusing and takes many more clicks than is necessary.
We would love to see this idea implemented, with more configuration options such as:
* Allow encoding options to be relabelled, for example to change UTF-8 to EndNote UTF-8
* Allow encoding options to be reordered, for example to move UTF-8 to the top of the list
* If all bar one encoding option has been disabled, clicking on RIS should trigger the download. Clicks currently needed: 1st click on RIS, 2nd click on Encoding, 3rd click on UTF-8, and 4th click on Download. Or, if a user figures out that steps can be skipped: 1st click on RIS and 2nd click on Download
Cheers, Stacey van Groll
University of Queensland