Display of earlier editions in 'View x versions' feature instead of latest ones
Unfortunately, and I've noticed this with other titles in Primo, e.g. Begg Economics, the latest editions of titles are hidden in the 'View x versions' area of Primo while the earliest edition is displayed in the search results. It would be better perhaps if the latest edition displayed with the option to view earlier editions under the 'View x versions' feature.
Thank you for this suggestion, this was released in Primo VE May release and planned as part Primo August 2020 release.
Manu Schwendener commented
> Are we ever likely to get anywhere with this one, do you think?
It's one of the winners of this year's Primo NERS voting.
Luigi Siciliano commented
It seems to me that this very good idea could be implemented by adding the proposed criterion:
Date (earliest)
to the 2 criteria:
- Preferred Record
- Generic Record
already existing in the Backend, section
"Define FRBR (Primo Local) display" of the Tile "Brief Results" of the customer View. -
Jan K. commented
This seems like an obvious improvement in functionality and customer service.
Anonymous commented
Are we ever likely to get anywhere with this one, do you think? It really would be a vast improvement. We're now displaying our edition statements (from MARC 250) in Primo search results and too often older editions are displayed and our users are missing the option to view other more recent versions.
Joanne Fowler-Crane commented
This would be a vast improvement for customers requesting law textbooks from Store. They request the first copy shown which isn't usually the latest edition and are then unhappy when they realise the item they get is too out of date to be of use. They have also had to wait for the store copy to be retrieved when they could have gone to the open shelf for the latest copy straight away.
Susan Fowler commented
This has been an issue for us, causing several customers to request outdated store copies rather than the latest edition which is available on the shelf.
Ciaran Talbot commented
We too would like Primo to be configurable so that we can choose to always display the latest edition at the top of the FRBR group, rather than the record determined as best quality. Related SFC: 24583
Ciaran Talbot (University of Manchester)