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47 results found

  1. Finished claiming job does not give the library the option to check which vendors received a claim letter

    When a claiming job is finished running in Alma you can view “events” from the finished job. This gives a line for each claim processed in the job, and lists three different identifiers: JOBID, POLINEID and VENDORID. None of these identifiers are searchable for the library, and the library then have no option to control what letters were sent in that specific job. If the identifiers listed in the job events were changed to the PO line reference and the vendor code the library would have the option to find the relevant POL and vendor and…

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  2. JSON reports for zero usage are not including a usage data line

    Ex Libris have advised that the current behaviour is by design. When Alma loads an empty file that does not contain any usage data, the log will show "Failed" with no reason or description for the failure. Alma reports should include a message to indicate that there was zero usage, so that users know Alma has conducted a successful harvest.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of May release Alma knows to handle 3060 error messages coming from vendors which have difficulties analyzing the standard R5 date format. in these cases Alma will re attempt to send the request with a different date format for the vendor to process.

    Additional handling was done to files which were “Fully processed” but did not contain any usage data. In the past the “data description” column was empty.
    In cases where the harvest was successful and there was no data in the file, the status of the harvest will be “Completed – No valid report items found in the file”

    In case a single harvest brought a file with usage for multiple months, and some months had usage while others don’t the status of the harvest will be “Completed”.

    Vendors which Alma can now better communicate with are:
    Sage Journals
    Duke Press
    MIT Press
    American Society of Civil…

  3. Rename Review and Approve functions in Acquisitons menu of new Alma Layout

    The Acquisitions Menu has some items with exactly the same name in the different sub-menus. When these show as Quick Links, it is impossible to tell which general function it will work with,

    Please rename Review and Approve to
    Review POL (or Purchase Order Line)
    Review PO (or Purchase Order)
    Review Invoice
    Approve PO (or Purchase Order)
    Approve Invoice

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  4. Specify time period for SUSHI harvests

    When you manually request a particular SUSHI account/report to be harvested by Alma, by default Alma requests any data which it hasn't already loaded for that account from the last 12 months. If there are multiple months in sequence missing, Alma requests the data for these months together as a single SUSHI request.

    This is an inflexible system.
    Instead, at the point where a user requests a harvest, Alma should ask the user to specify the time period they would like to request.

    This would have several advantages:

    • We would be able to use SUSHI to harvest usage data from…
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  5. For institutions working in accrual accounting, enable the option to create an invoice from PO for one-time orders

    Currently institutions which work in accrual mode have no ability to create an invoice from PO. In order to allow institutions who work with accrual accounting a stream line workflow for creating their one-time orders, there is a need to allow creating invoices from PO for one time orders.

    When a user will select to creatr an invoice from PO, Alma will present the user only PO's which contain one-time PO lines.

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  6. Alma task lists: "Assign to me" and bulk actions

    In Alma task lists ...

    • Electronic resources - activation - unassigned (Electronic Resource Activation Task List)
    • Order Lines - review - unassigned (Purchase Order Lines in Review)
    • Invoices - review - unassigned (In Review Invoices)

    ... there is only a row action ("..." button) to start the "Assign to" dialog which opens a pop-up window where you can select a user. Our colleagues are not satisfied with this cumbersome assignment functionality.

    The missing functionalities are:
    (1) a one-click "Assign to me" button
    (2) a bulk functionality for "Assign to" and "Assign to me" (it is already possible to mark several…

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  7. Add a "Platform" field to SUSHI Release 5 Account Details

    A field for Platform needs to be added to the SUSHI Release 5 account details page. Some vendors, specifically Elsevier, require that platform information is included to harvest data via SUSHI.

    LibInsight provides a "platform" field in the SUSHI release 5 account set up. With COUNTER 4, the platform was provided before the customer ID (SD/C000000123). For release 5, a separate field is required.

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  8. Support R5 Counter

    Some of the major vendors are going to stop support R4 counter and in effect breaking your usage statistics automation (SUSHI)...
    START NOW supporting R5 counters

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of January release Alma will be fully compliant with COUNTER release 5. COUNTER Release 4 will continue to be supported along with COUNTER release 5. This is the case for both Alma as well Alma Analytics. For more information, see video COUNTER Release 5 in Alma and Alma Analytics as well as Knowledge Center entry Managing COUNTER-Compliant Usage Data .​

  9. Order Line Search

    Enhance the search capabilities for POLs to include OR logic. Also, include fiscal period as a search parameter.

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    A new advanced search interface for PO lines allows using the "OR" Boolean operator and works similarly to the existing advanced search for other types of searches. The new search interface is based on a condition-writing concept using a query builder, which offers a more convenient and user-friendly user interface, with the ability to easily write complex queries.

    This capability is  part of the new layout of the POLine task lists which is now available for early access

    For more information please see Alma November Release Notes

  10. Ability to change invoice owner

    Currently, invoice owner cannot be changed once the invoice Summary tab has been saved.

    If a user creates a manual invoice and mistakenly saves this tab with the wrong owner, the invoice needs to be deleted and recreated.

    If an EDI invoice loads with the wrong owner due to an issue with one or more lines, the invoice needs to be deleted and reloaded.

    This is inefficient, particularly when an invoice with many line items needs to be deleted and manually reentered. Please add the ability to change invoice owner to an appropriate value.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of July release you can change the owner for an invoice after it is edited. The values for the Owner list depend on the owner of the linked PO line/s, user role scope, library availability for vendor, and vendor account and funds. When saving the invoice, if the invoice owner is the institution but all the PO lines associated with the invoice lines are owned by a single library, a confirmation message displays that allows you to confirm or cancel your changes.

    For more information please see Alma Release Notes:

  11. Allow Acq managers to force POs to close.

    There are a number of occasions where POs get stuck at 'sent' where they should be closed. Currently we have to contact Salesforce to close these which is needlessly time consuming for all parties. It would be very helpful if Alma had the option select closed as a status type that would override the sent status regardless of activation/receipt status of the order.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    This was identofied as a defect that was resolved as part of Alma January release
    In some cases, the PO status was stuck in Sent even though all PO Lines were closed or cancelled. This was fixed.

  12. Acquisitions workflow for born digital material

    The National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ) is ordering and receiving an increasing amount of born digital material, particularly through Legal Deposit. These publications are collected as individual monograph publications and serial issues, not as part of an aggregation or domain/website harvesting, for the purposes of long term access and preservation in our Heritage Collections. They are publications in their own right, not digitised version of print holdings. Alma’s Acquisitions workflows do not currently have any options to allow for steps that are specific to receiving born digital material.

    Our current workflow involves the creation of Vendor records and POLs…

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  13. Fuzzy Serial Match Method

    Since there are still problems with ISBN match method, a large number of duplicate books will be generated and the ISBN match method can not meet the actual needs. There is the fuzzy serial match method that is to accurately compare the 100 and 245 fields. In the system, the 100 fields can only be a single author and the other authors in the multiple, as well as all the contributors will In 7XX. When we import the order, no matter what kind of responsibility method, we put it in the 100 field. So if the system directly compares the…

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  14. Display PO-Line owner in "Manage EDI Tasks"

    I would like to suggest to add a column in the Manage EDI Tasks List for PO-Line owner. That would give the option to sort the List by PO-Line owning Library.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    A new "Owner" column is added to the EDI task list. This column, which is sortable, displays the owning library for each PO line. The added column enables institutions working with the EDI task list to review the PO lines by their owning library.

    For more information please see Alma January RN

  15. Delete unwished licenses

    We need the feature to delete unwished licenses. We mean delete and not display those licenses to the licenses list.

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  16. Copy PO Line Prices to Item Replacement Cost

    Add a new configuration parameter to automatically copy the physical one time PO line price to the item Replacement cost. If the PO line's currency is different than the institution's default currency, the amount is exchanged and copied to the item (with no currency). The possibility (for an operator, a job or an API) to update or remove the amount in the Replacement cost should remain. Customers should be free to activate or not this configuration (true/false parameter).

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  17. Ability to change the Requester in the Purchase Request form

    Several new features were added to the Purchase Request workflow with the May and June 2018 releases.

    One of these has meant a regression for our staff and negatively impacts the library services. In the past, any staff could create purchase requests in Alma, on behalf of academic staff, researchers and students. The patron name could be selected as Requester. This was particularly helpful to Circulation Desk operators and managers. Now, it is not possible anymore and the purchase request creator is automatically processed as Requester (unless the user has the new Purchase Request Operator or Manager roles). A user…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    As of December release it is possible to allow an Alma user that does not have the Purchase Request Operator or Manager role to create a purchase request and change the requester of the purchase request to another user. The user can search for other users from the purchase request pickup field and can set the user with the auto complete option. This option is disabled by default. To enable it, contact Ex Libris Support.

  18. Enhance SUSHI harvesting job

    The SUSHI harvesting job is set to either run every Saturday or not at all. Some vendors do not make their data available except for certain weeks of the month. This results in failed errors in the notification. Could this be expanded so you can set when the jobs will run, like once a month (after the 15th) when most vendors have made their usage data available.

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The SUSHI Harvesting job can now be run on a monthly schedule, in addition to the weekly scheduling option. The monthly schedule offers four predefined optional dates across the month. This will save institutions from trying to harvest usage data each week, which can result in redundant failures in case reports are not ready yet.
    For more information see Alma May Release Note at:

  19. POL cancelled

    Cancelled POL and Tag Suppressed (Title)
    On order items display to the public, the ordered item displays as "checked out" and the status is "On order until ...". However, when an order is cancelled for whatever reason, the display changes to "Check holdings" and a message regarding no physical resources... appears in the public display. This is rather disconcerting for the patrons - and staff.
    As a Catalog manager, I am queried about such displays and then suppress the bibliographic record from Discovery.
    I would like to request that when the POL status is changed to "cancelled" a message comes…

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  20. Add sushi job options beyond weekly

    Currently the only SUSHI job configuration options under acquisition job configuration, is either to run every Saturday or not at all. I get FAILED messages from my weekly sushi job notification. I'm finding out there are some vendors that do not make their data available except for certain weeks of the month. For example, Oxford does not make their data available until around the 15th,unless it's a weekend then it's the following Monday.

    So the job runs to no effect except about once a month.

    Can an option be added so the customer can run the job monthly in addition…

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